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Renjun was the first one to wake up, it was still dark outside as sun had started rising late, the days were becoming shorter due to winters approaching.

He didn't want to get out from sheets, he looked at Jeno beside him sleeping peacefully. His face was sandwiched between the bed and a pillow.
Jaemin laid on his back, they were all under a single blanket and the bed was cosy.

Renjun's arm flared around to reach for his phone. He checked the time before putting it down.

He wrapped his legs around Jeno's and pulled him closer. He laid like that for some time until he got restless. He needed the attention, he kissed the back of Jeno's ear, while his other hand travelled up underneath Jaemin's shirt. Brushing his hands gently against the nipples then travelled down to the crotch.

Jaemin grabbed Renjun's hand and held it tightly for a few seconds before letting go. He growled a little as a warning but Renjun was surprised to hear Jeno's whimper. The boy was asleep yet he responded to his alpha.

Renjun smiled to himself and then curled his arm around Jeno, and tucked his face in Jeno's back.
Jeno huffed before stirring a bit, he turned his body to face the ceiling.
" Junnie... time?" He asked groggily.

Jeno sat up straight, " I need to get up."

" Wait!" Renjun tried to hold on to Jeno but younger slipped through his fingers.

" Can't, I need to go!" Jeno rushed out of the room.
Renjun sighed as he rubbed his face.

He got up from the bed and followed the boy, but Jeno couldn't be seen as he had sprinted out. He wanted to drop him off.

Renjun looked outside through the window, the morning wind was cold and strong, clouds blanketed the sky and it would pour for sure.

Jeno paid no mind to anything though, his only goal was to reach the destination.

It took Jeno around twenty-five minutes to reach the place but it was empty, his consignment had been given to someone else.

Jeno waited for some time before walking back home dejectedly. There was a coffee shop down the lane, and Jeno thought he'd buy Jaemin and Renjun some coffee but that was before he realised that he didn't bring his wallet or phone or anything. He had left the house in frenzy.

He arrived back to see Renjun sitting on the sofa using his phone.
"Oh, you're back!" He was surprised to see Jeno.

" Yeah, I got late." Latter mumbled.

" Jeno, come sit with me." Renjun patted the spot next to him.

" Where is Jaemin, still asleep?"

" Gym."

Jeno nodded understandingly and rested his back on the couch and folded his legs.
Renjun took a blanket and gave it to Jeno.

They sat silently, slowly leaning towards the left side.

" Why are you up so early?" Jeno asked, yawning afterwards.
" I got up to drop you off, but you were already gone and you left your phone home," Renjun explained as he yawned as well.

" No, you were up before that too." Jeno reasoned.
" Yeah, I don't know... I just woke up." He paused. " Let's lay for sometime before Jaemin gets back." He finished.
" Yes... I was going to bring coffee for you guys but then I realised I didn't bring my wallet." Jeno laughed softly, Renjun  pecked his cheek.

" That was so sweet of you! It's okay, though!"

They fell asleep on the couch, in each other's embrace and cocooned in the blanket.

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