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Winters in Seoul were very beautiful but also harsh, the whole city was covered with white frost and the view, it was a sight to behold.
People got out of their house only if it was necessary because snowstorms were common during the season.
On the other hand, Lee Jeno was getting ready to go to his next part-time job.
The teenage boy had several jobs to support his family back in the village.
He quickly changed into his work clothes and headed out of his goshiwon, as soon as he locked the door, his phone rang.
" Hello ?"
" Hyung..."
" Oh, Jisung-ah! How are you? Is everything alright ?" He asked his baby brother who was only two years younger than him.

" Hyu..ng... Hyung.." his brother's voice trembled.

"Jisung, what is wrong, tell me."  Jeno panicked

" Jisung you're scaring me, why are you crying?"
"Hyung, don't send the money! Please, just listen... Mom and dad are spending your hard-earned money recklessly! Please Hyu-"

"What do you mean, Jisung-ah? Are they treating you well?"

"Hyung, please just focus on what I am trying to say! Please take me away from here. I don't wanna stay here anymore. Wait..... Mom has come back! Pretend as if nothing happened." And with that Jisung cut the call.

That, a minute and a half long, the call had left Jeno worried. He wanted to call back but he was scared of the outcome. If his parents find out that Jisung had called Jeno and exposed them.

Jeno's eyes teared as the thought of his younger brother crossed his mind. Jisung was not living the best life back in the village but Jeno was doing his best.

He couldn't help but wonder if all of that was a dream and everything would be fine once he wakes up in the morning...

He kept walking idly until he saw a familiar shop. He quickly wiped his tears and checked his appearance in the car window parked next to him.

He rubbed his eyes, opened his small bag and took out a tube of cheap lip gloss. Almost empty, he sighed.
He twisted the cap, squeezed the leftover product on his lips.
After putting the gloss back in his bag Jeno went inside the café.  He worked at a small cafe. It was nice and cosy.

A silver-haired boy smiled at Jeno as he entered inside the building.
" Good evening, Yoongi Hyung." Jeno smiled back 
" My cute baby has come!"
"Hyunnggg.. don't say that!"
"Aigoo.. is my baby embarrassed?" Yoongi cooed and pinched Jeno's cheeks.

"By the way, Hyung, did your mates come to visit you today? I saw a nice car parked outside so thought it might belong to one of them?" Yoongi scoffed, face red as a cherry

" No, a lot of people have cars like they own .. nothing special about it."

" If you say so.." Jeno shrugged as he tied his apron.

" Ummm, excuse me!"
Both Jeno and Yoongi turned their heads to look at the young boy. His shoulders heaved as he panted.

"Good evening, sir. What would you like to order today?"

"I- Uhh- I'd like to order one Double chocolate chip frap with two pumps of hazelnut, white mocha sauce and almond milk."
" Is that all sir?" Jeno asked politely.
" And one Americano, with fi- no two shots of espresso please.."
" Sir, that would be ten thousand won." The young boy immediately handed Jeno his black card. While Jeno didn't notice anything strange about the card but, Yoongi, who stood next to him gasped loudly. Jeno ignored him at the moment as he proceeded with the billing.
He returned the card to the person, " Sir, I'll bring your drinks shortly. Please take a seat." Jeno bowed and went to prepare the order.
Yoongi approaches the younger boy, " Yah, Hyung why were you acting weirdly in front of that boy."

" That boy is rich!" Jeno rolled his eyes at the older.

" Hyung, do you behave like that every time you see a rich person? Aish, tch tch tch... I wonder how you act in front of your mates."

" You little punk! Not only is he rich... he has never paid for his drinks because he knows the owner." Jeno paled at Yoongi's statement.
" Oh my god, should I refund his money? Will he complain to the boss?"
" It's alright, I think he was gonna pay anyway today."
" Why?"
" Because he had that card in his hand from the beginning."

Jeno placed the drinks on a tray and took them to the table that Rich Omega boy sat.
" Sir?"
The omega looked up from his phone, "Thank you." He smiled.
Jeno bowed once again and left.

"Jeno !" He looked up to see Yoongi pointing behind him. Jeno turned around to look, his eyes immediately fell on the table at which the omega was sitting. There was money on the table.
Jeno then shifted his gaze to the door as he saw the boy exiting the shop.

He approached the table and grabbed the money. He gasped at a ₩10,000 note.
He went back to Yoongi Hyung, " Hyung, did he leave it purposely?"
"Yea, I don't think anybody is stupid enough to forget that much money intentionally."

"Hyung, am I dreaming? Ten thousand won? He must be crazy!"

"Yea, crazy rich Omega," Yoongi stated.

Jeno squinted his eyes at Yoongi, "Don't you have any work to do?

"Uh-huh ..." 

After that Jeno and Yoongi parted ways. Jeno couldn't help but think about Jisung. It was tough for Jeno to leave him; he was still young and naive. Jeno just wanted to protect his baby brother. He missed him,
" Yah !! Jeno, move! Move! You don't get paid to sulk around!" Manager's voice boomed. Jeno increased his pace and started cleaning the tables.

Little after five minutes, Yoongi approached Jeno.

" Jen ?" Jeno continued with his work not bothered to look at the fellow omega.
" Umm... Jen, I-I am off pills now." Yoongi mumbled this caught Jeno's attention.

" Why ?"
" They don't want me to take them anymore. Moreover, I know how hard it is to get suppressants from the dispensary. So, I thought of giving them to you. I have two bottles full and I brought them for you."

" Really? Thank you so much, Hyung! May God bless you with a healthy baby." Jeno hugged Yoongi, who blushed.

Jeno checked time, it was almost time for him to leave and go home. He was tired and wanted to back home asleep his problems away but he couldn't do that. Jisung's face kept flashing when he closed his eyes.

He had to do something and get Jisung out of that place.

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