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Renjun was disappointed when he visited the café the next day. His angel could not be seen anywhere. At first, he thought that beauty's shift had changed. He began dropping at the café randomly at any time of the day, sometimes thrice in a single day. After, a week he gave up and asked one of the employees about him.

He cried a lot.
" Injunie, baby... it's alright. If we all are meant to be, he'll come around."
" Are you dumb? That boy was love at first sight. He's... He's gone now! He left Seoul." Renjun hit Jaemin's chest as the older tried to console the younger (a/n: Jaemin is older than Renjun and Jeno. Jeno is youngest amongst them.).

" It hurts. I want him."

" Soon, baby. Soon." Jaemin ran his fingers through younger's hair. He pulled away from him after a while and wiped a few tears that escaped his eyes.

Next week

Renjun had gone to Donghuck's house, he was still upset. All the omegas decided to go to the mall just to get Renjun's mind off of the boy.
Renjun wore a peach hoodie and black sweatpants along with a pair of Nike Air Force. His outfit was simple but it screamed RICH.

Donghyuck dressed up in a white shirt, black tight pant and a large pale pink coat. Taeyong decided to stay at home since Johnny and Jaehyun were also at home. He wanted to spent time with them. It was a rare sight for all of them to be at home together and Taeyong wanted to cherish it. All of them were in the living area, Taeyong squished between his mates.

When Renjun entered the room he looked for his Hyung. He climbed on top of him and wept. He cried his heart out.
" Hyung, he's gone. He left me."
" Jaemin?" Johnny asked. Renjun shook his head.
" No, someone else."
" Tell me."
" He met a guy at a café. Now, he is head over heels for him." Taeyong spoke
" It's alright, Renjun. He will come around. You'll find him if you guys are meant to be." Johnny told him.

Donghyuck waited for the boy to calm down. Renjun was the type of person who had never been deprived of things he liked. If he set his eyes on something, or in this case, someone, he'd get it no matter what. In view of the fact that his crush had vanished all of a sudden, Renjun was miserable. Because of this Donghyuck decided to take him out.
" Junniiee, please don't be upset. We'll find him. Come on, let's go now..." Hyuck spoke.

Renjun halfheartedly followed Donghyuck around the mall he had no energy left. He couldn't understand why that particular omega's disappearance had caused such effect on him.
Donghyuck led Renjun to Sephora where he bought a lot of stuff. Mumbling how he'd give essentials to Jeno and tell him that they were the complementary stuff he had received but the elder boy paid him no attention.

Renjun bought nothing for himself except a cheap lipgloss.
" Seriously? You can buy other glosses that are much better and high quality than this." Donghyuck said.
"I didn't buy it for myself...Angel used this. I bought it so that a part of him as memory is always with me." Hyuck sighed, after paying for the things, Donghyuck dragged Renjun to the car

Next stop was café owned by Taeyong, " What do you wanna drink? My treat."
" He used to work here," Renjun whispered and looked up at Hyuck, tears pooling in his eyes.
Hyuck removed their seatbelt's and pulled the older omega in his embrace.
" Honey, let's go inside. My friend works here, I'll ask him about the boy and maybe his name and other information about him. Then we might be able to find him. Come on, let's go inside first. Even if we don't find anything... remember Taeyong Hyung owns this café he'll know about his employee."
Renjun wipes his tears and agreed to go with him. They entered the café and Donghyuck went to the counter and greeted the silver-haired boy who was with his Angel that day and also the one to reveal that his angel had quit.

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