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Jisung's birthday was approaching but the boy didn't even have time to think about it as his finals were about begin. Jeno made sure that everything was easily available for the younger.

He'd get up extra early to prepare younger's meals, so that he wouldn't have to waste his time. All Jisung had to do was heat it up and eat it. Jisung was not allowed to help Jeno with any of the house chores.
Jeno tried to finish work and come home early. Just to look after his brother during stressful days.

Jeno had also saved up a bit to gift Jisung a birthday present, it was just a refurbished smart phone, he could see the younger struggling to collect his study material, he'd got to cyber café to get his notes printed. Jeno decided it was a high time jisung had a phone too.
It was a necessity. So he didn't put much thoughts about it and just bought one. He wasn't tech savvy but he took suggestions from few of his co-workers.

Jeno headed to a small shop near the subway station, they sold second hand phones.
He greeted the shopkeeper as soon as opened the door,
" Ah welcome, young man. How can I help you."
" Umm... sir, I want to buy a phone."
"Okay, is there any specific feature you're looking for? Brand?"
"I'm not sure, I want to gift it to my brother. He is a student so, I just want a smartphone."
"Hmm ... I see, is there a price limit?"
" Ye-Yes, it shouldn't be very expensive, maximum I can afford is three hundred thousand won."
" Alright." The owner bent down and took out a box from the bottom shelf of the rack.

"Okay, so these are few options I have under the price range you're saying... these are refurbished. And, this one is a brand new phone which is fifty thousand about the limit."

" since these are second hand, the battery backup is less than the new one but they work fine."
" I'll let you choose."

A debate was going on inside Jeno's mind. He wanted to buy the new phone, but he honestly couldn't exceed the limit.
" Uh, I definitely can't go beyond the limit, so, please suggest me which one should I get among these?"

" I see, hmm... kids these days get a lot of online work. I suggest you to get this Samsung one. It has large storage and better battery life among all, it is also under you price range."

" Okay, please pack this one." Jeno said and took out his wallet and handed the money to the shopkeeper.

" Here, I'll give you little discount." Jeno's face brightened at the comment he bowed down and thanked the owner.

" Thank you so much, sir. It really means a lot!" The owned handed him the bill and shook his hand.

Jeno was in a fantastic mood, he had a gift and couldn't wait to see his brother's reaction.

He went straight home after buying the present, he bought a packet of chips and cold drink on his way home. He felt like splurging today.
"Hyung, you're back!" Jisung spoke as soon as Jeno walked into the room.
" Yes, baby. I brought chips and coke, today." Jeno smiled as he set the stuff down.
" Thank you, Hyung..." jisung smiled back.

"Hyung, I am scared." Jeno stiffened at younger's words. " What's wrong, Ji?"
" Hyung, I worked really hard to get good grades this year but I'm scared, what if I mess up in the exam. They are important and I feel so burdened. It's like, I want to do better but I am scared, hyung. What if I don't score enough to get into a good college or something?" Jisung spoke softly, he couldn't bring himself to look into his brother's eyes. If he did, they would bothe end up crying.

Jeno sat beside Jisung, "Ji, I don't think I say this enough but I'm really, really proud of you and I mean it. I think, you're the most hardworking kid I have ever seen and I am not just saying this beca you're my brother. I know, you must feel pressured because of me but I swear to god, Ji, I don't care if you don't get good grades or something. I'll still love you and support you. You don't have to worry about such things, you're the smartest kid, and I'm so proud of you. Everything might be uncertain right now, but trust me, everything will be good. You will definitely get into a good college. I know you want to become a nurse and I know, you will become one. I trust you and so should you. Now, don't worry about these silly things, I have brought these, let's enjoy them." Jeno ruffled younger's hair, "Silly boy." He mumbled.

Both brother's were enjoying their little party until Jeno's phone rang loudly. He groaned but picked it up,
" saeng-il chukha-hamnida, saeng-il chukha-hamnida~"
" Hyuck!"
"  saeng-il chukha-hamnida, saeng-il chukha-hamnida~~"

Jeno removed the phone from his ear, "He is drunk" he mouthed that to Jisung, who grinned back.

" Hyuck, are you alright?"
"Jenooo, baby I can't wait to see you. I will lock you up in my house and never let you go away! I won't let your ma-bitch, give that phone to me. You're out of it! Hyung, fucking take your hoe home." Jeno shrugged his shoulders and cut the call.

" Hyuckie, is crazy."

"Nevermind, I have something for you," he got up and took out the box, he handed it to jisung, who eagerly opened it and froze once he saw it.

" Hyung, are you kidding me! No way!"
" I love you so much. I can't say it enough to express my love. You are the best! I'll use it after my exams!"

" What? You dummy, there is a SIM card inside it, use it already! I love you too" Jeno cooed at younger. Latter, wrapped his arms around Jeno seeking comfort, he let out a sigh of relief.
"I hope our love stays like this forever! It's so good to be true."
"Baby, don't jinx it." Jeno snickered. Jisung pulled back and slapped his arm.

Ayo, people vote and comment!

I almost forgot to update, since my exams are going on, my condition is so relatable to jisung rn 🥺

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