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" What? Oh my god when? Where are you? FUCK!" Just when Renjun hung the call Jaemin rushed into the room and went straight into the closet. " Get up both of you! We need to go!" He came a second later and threw jackets on the bed. " Get dressed, I'm going to the hospital and you are going to stay with Hyuck."

" Wh-at happened, is everything okay?" Jeno asked, his voice was filled with worry as he helped Renjun and wore his jacket as well.

" Well, Taeyong is currently at the hospital, undergoing a cesarean and I need to go there because Jaehyun hyung called me."

" oh my! Oh my god, what happened, How?" Jeno panicked.
" Baby, I don't know much, I'm waiting outside in the car, come fast!" With that Jaemin was out of the room. Jeno's heart was pounding in his chest and his throat felt blocked.
Both of them hurried out of the house and sat in the car.

" How did it happen? Oh my god, I'm so scared right now." Renjun said. " Poor Taeyong hyung! It's Johnny and Jaehyun hyung's fault! They are so fucking busy all the time that they neglect Taeyong hyungie! I'm gonna kill them if something happens to hyung or the baby." Renjun fumed.

Jaemin growled, surprising both omegas, " let's not blame anyone, alright? I know their professional life takes a lot of time but they are responsible lovers." 
" You're defending them because Jae-" Jaemin growled again, he stopped the car abruptly and turned to glare at Renjun.  "Sit quietly and stop assuming things, what goes on in their life shouldn't bother you.  Yes ... they are in a difficult situation at the moment, focus on that, don't create unnecessary drama." Renjun wanted nothing more than to smash Jaemin's head on the steering wheel but he controlled the urge.

Jeno felt nauseous , " Guys, guys please..." Jeno joined his hands " please don't fight, they need us." Jeno grabbed Jaemin's cheek and turned it so that he could focus on the street.

Jeno was silent but so much was going on in his brain and it took a lot to not vomit in the car. Ah, Hyuckie, he must be so worried. Jaemin dropped them off outside the house and rushed to the hospital.

Jeno ran inside and emptied his stomach in the bathroom. When he came out Renjun was already with Donghyuck.

Donghyuck cried hysterically and clinged to both omegas. " one second he was with me and the second... he was at hospital." He whispered.
Jeno cradled him in his arms.
" Baby, calm down. Stress is not good for the baby. You know, omegas tend to go in labor early when they expect more than one child. I'm sure hyung will be alright. Don't worry boo-boo." Jeno cooed. He looked at Renjun and signalled Renjun to calm Donghyuck a little. He got up and went to kitchen to grab water for the pregnant omegas. He went back and handed them the glass. Donghyuck refused to drink it at first but Jeno insisted and made him take few sips.

Jeno grabbed a handful of blankets and laid them on the couch so that they could stay warm. The tension in the room was thick and the pheromones were mixed, any alpha who'd enter this room would be nauseated and have a migraine. Jeno switched on the air purifiers in the room.

" I'm s-so worried and feel awful!" Donghyck suddenly started crying, " Hyung does not deserve this. Why is this happening to him? He is literally an angel!" He sobbed.
Jeno panicked at his sudden outburst and hugged him immediately and released his pheromones. Renjun rubbed his shoulders, " Our hyung is strong, he is a fighter. This is nothing for him." He stated boldly. Jeno looked at his face, his heart broke when he saw the unshed tears in his mate's eyes. He touched Renjun's cheek and the tears fell down, he quickly wiped them away and whispered, " I agree with you. I need both of you to be strong as well. He'll be be fine and babies as well. But you need to understand that you guys are expecting as well and your guys are sending bad signals to your beans. Please, calm down a little." Jeno tried once again and pecked Renjun's lips. Renjun further nuzzled his face in Jeno's nape.

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