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" FOR FUCK'S SAKE! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?" Hyuck slammed the door shut as he burned holes in people in front of him.

A few minutes before, the room was filled with two alphas growling at each other and an omega snarling at them to quit it!

To Johnny and Chenle, the sight was very amusing because the alphas sat opposite to each other as they growled at each other without blinking.
While, Renjun was snarling at his alpha to stop the bickering. At one point he was ready to throw hands at both alphas but his poor Jeno passed out.

Jisung watched quietly as they took Jeno to another room. His emotions were all over the place, Taeyong offered him a glass of water and sat him down on the couch.
" Don't worry, Jaehyun will take care of your brother. He is a doctor."

" He looks a little pale to me." "Well, what do you expect after pulling that act in front of him? His brother passed out from fear and now he is left alone to fend for himself from a bitch like you." Renjun seethed.

" Listen kid, I swear, I'm not the crazy one here. This guy here started it." Jaemin pointed at Mark.

Mark rolled his eyes, "who invited him over? Did you forget what happened last time?"
" I was the one, and for fuck's sake, what happened that time was entirely your fault!" Hyuck fought back.

" What are you guys talking about?" Johnny questioned.

"Hyung, your brother is an asshole. Jeno went into heat one day, because the dispensary was closed, he couldn't get a new prescription and his meds were finished. He was at home and didn't know that Mark was going to visit me. Mark being a dick he is, beat Jeno pretty badly and accused him of trying to seduce this dick. He broke Jen's wrist! While attacking that poor baby. We had to move out of the place and since we didn't have a medical insurance we couldn't go to a hospital and had to wait for the dispensary to open. It was a torturous day for us. This is your little brother, hyung. I thought he was a gentleman!" Johnny's face turned void of any expression as he got up from his seat and made his way to Mark.

He grabbed Mark's jaw tightly, " I don't think that this is how our parents raised us, Mark." Johnny's other hand lingered on Mark's hand. Within a blink of an eye, Johnny had Mark in a death grip with his arm bent in back.

Mark cried out in pain, yelling that it was a misunderstanding.
" Did you hear, Hyuck? He said it was a misunderstanding. That reason, Mark, was it actually worth hurting an omega? By looking at his reaction, Mark I'm so disappointed and ashamed of you. I did not expect you to do that, no matter how big the problem is, hurting someone especially an omega is not an option, Mark." Johnny let go of Mark's arm and released him.
"I won't tell you to apologise to Jeno because it won't count if someone forces you to do that, but I expect it to be sooner than never and Jisung I'm sorry on behalf of my ill mannered brother, you visited us for the first time and this happened." Johnny sincerely apologies and patted Jisung's head.
" You should not apologise to me."
"I'm sure that you know everybody so, let me introduce you to (some new thangs) Chenle, he is my younger brother." Renjun said. " and Jaemin here, is my alpha. He is Jaehyun's younger brother."
Jisung bowed down to greet them.

Jaehyun entered the room and told everyone that Jeno was alright now and there was no need to worry. Everyone sighed in relief. Jisung thanked him. He calmed down after hearing the word from Jaehyun. He sat quietly in one place as everybody was busy talking to each other.

Suddenly, he felt the couch dip beside him and he turned his head to look at the person. He smiled a little to acknowledge the person which happened to be Chenle.

" Hi, my brother told me that you are interested in nursing and applied in my school." Chenle started the conversation.

" Uhh...He-Hello, yes, but I applied at many places."
" Have you heard back from them?"
Jisung shook his head lightly, "Not yet, few rejected my application. I am still waiting for Seoul School for Medical Science's answer."
"What are you expecting?" Chenle asked.
Jisung looked down as he played with his hands, " I am not sure, but the chance is very slim..."
" What will you do if you don't get admission?"
" Well, I haven't really thought about it, since the admission procedure is wrapped up everywhere, I guess I'll just apply to a local college for a diploma or a vocational course, next year."
" You'll just give up on your dream?" Chenle's gaze pierced holes into Jisung.
"Beggars can't be choosers, I don't really have choice, my school affiliation was not valid in some colleges although my course requirements are complete. I don't really know what will happen in future so, I'll probably consult someone regarding this matter. I don't know what else to do, I have to think about my brother too, he can't pay for tuition fee, nursing school is expensive."
" You know it's not easy, right? There are a lot of hardships, I've seen people drop out of the course because the pressure was too much for them to handle, now, I'm not telling you this to scare you away or anything, but you should know that it's not an easy thing. Moreover, the shift are so hectic, don't get started about it." Chenle spilled his knowledge.
" I know it's not easy, if... if I get a chance, I am sure I'll try my best to finish the school. I think if I work harder, I'll get through it. If I ever feel unmotivated, my brother is my motivation. If I become something, he'll be proud of us, and I'll feel at ease knowing that all his hard work payed off and I can support him, later." Jisung responded softly.
"There's a lot of ifs. Well, I know what you should do to get admission in my school. You just have to clear the entrance exam, not many people know about it but our school takes an exam, if you clear it then you can easily get admitted and they won't even check your eligibility, credit, anything."
Jisung stared at Chenle's face. "Why are you telling me this?"
"You deserve it." Jisung looked down
" l-I don't know." " Well, there is no rush think about it, give it a week or so, and then decide. If you want, I can help you out." Chenle smiled, his sincerity could be seen in his eyes.

"I- I should go check on my brother."
" I'll take you there." Jisung quietly followed Chenle.

Other people in the room sighed in relief as the two left the room. They were shocked to see Chenle interacting with Jisung. Chenle didn't talk to unknown people but here he was offering to help omega.

"These omegas are something..." Jaehyun whispered to his mates. Taeyong pecked him. "I know," he pecked Johnny, " can I adopt them?" He batted his lashes and pouted.
" No!" Both alphas said simultaneously.
Taeyong sighed. " and Mark? Check your attitude!" Taeyong told him sternly.
"If I see you bothering them again, I'll tell fathers that you abuse helpless omegas." Johnny warned.
Mark sighed. His mate refused to look at him.

He'd have to earn forgiveness...

Jeno whimpered as he laid on the bed, his fists clenched the blanket tightly. Renjun was in the room, " He is sweating, he has a fever." He whispered.
Jaemin sweared under his breath, he placed his hand on Jeno's wrist, moved it to his neck then forehead.
"Jae hyung said it's because of stress." Haechan nodded his head in agreement, " I'll take JiJi along with me, we'll sleep in my room. Are you sure you'll take care of him?"  Renjun simply nodded his head.

Jaemin kissed Renjun's head, " take care. I'm taking Chenle back with me." "Yes, don't worry too much." Renjun pecked his mate's cheek.

Everyone left the room, leaving Renjun alone with Jeno. He wiped the sweat from younger's forehead and swiped his hair back.
He got under the mattress and turned of the light. He turned his face towards Jeno. He was happy to be close to the younger but he was also worried to see Jeno stressed.
Renjun released his pheromones in hope that it would calm Jeno down a bit, it worked like a magic. Jeno gradually calmed down, unconsciously, he snuggled deeper into Renjun's chest, the latter just rubbed other's back gently.

In the morning, Jeno woke up before Renjun. He stirred a bit and snuggled closer to source of a calming scent. He purred until he realised it was another person.
" Oh come on, don't stop now." Renjun rasped out and pulled Jeno closer to him.
"It's okay to snuggle, I won't bite you." Renjun whispered soothingly.

Jeno relaxed in older's arms.
" You know, you don't have to be afraid of anyone, not even Mark." Jeno lifted his face up to look at Renjun. Renjun's heart sank when he saw tears forming in Jeno's eyes. "It's okay baby, shh... don't cry." Renjun wiped Jeno's tears.
" We know all know it was a misunderstanding, Mark probably hates himself for doing that, and I'm pretty sure that he is more angry at himself than you. I promise you on behalf of everyone that nobody will hurt you."

"W-Wh-y? Why do you all care?" Jeno whispered.
Renjun stayed quiet and simply patted Jeno's arm, " Hush..."

" Hyung! You're up?" Jisung entered the room followed by Donghyuck. Jeno stared at his brother. The latter opened his arms wide and hugged his brother tightly.

" You scared me yesterday, hyung." Younger's voice cracked.
" Don't do that ever!" He hissed.
Jeno rubbed his back softly, and apologised " I'm sorry baby, I won't do that." He embraced Jisung in his arms.

Renjun and Donghyuck smiled softly at the brothers and joined the hug.


Guys I wanna apologise for the fact that I won't be able to update next week since my exams are going on. I merged half of the chapter from the next chapter to make this one longer.

I'm sorry, I hope you'll understand and your suggestions are always welcome.
Please, vote and comment!
Love you all !

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