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"Fuck! Hyung, help me! I can't handle both of them."
" Renjun, for god's sake, stop touching yourself in front of everyone!"
"Oh my god, Jeno? Can your hear me? Honey? Fuck! Don't give him more pills! Are you insane?! He will die from overdose."
"Renjun, I said, fucking stop!" Jaemin slapped Renjun's hand.

" Jeno will pass out, any moment from pain."
"Jaemin, take Renjun to your room! Help him or do something! Just take him away." Jaehyun instructed his younger brother.

It was a chaos.

To handle three omegas in heat. Thank goodness, Hyuck was not awake yet.

Jeno would pass out from pain, slick had started to leak out and now it was unbearable.
Jeno didn't have an alpha to help him, the pills were his only option but he had already consumed quite a lot of it.

Last option Jaehyun had was a sedative. He pinched the bridges of his nose.
"Taeyong, I need you to hold him in a place."
Jaehyun went to a room, he appeared with a needle and an alcohol swab. He tapped the needle lightly to remove any bubbles.

" I'll be gentle, just don't move too much." He cooed at Jeno, whose eyes were filled with tears.

Jaehyun signalled Taeyong to hold Jeno as he cleaned the area with an alcohol swab.

The doctor quickly injected him with the fluid. "it's alright baby, you did a good job." Jaehyun affirmed, he pressed the cotton swab on the injected area. Jeno groaned loudly.

"It would take about five minutes to kick in" and to their surprise, Jeno passed out before that.

"Poor boy." Taeyong sighed.
" Jae, baby please take him to our bathroom, I'll clean him up." Taeyong went to his room first to pick out few clothes for Jeno.

Taeyong pitied the boy, who's life was nothing but a mess. He had to take care of a sibling and care about so many things that were impossible for him to manage at even his age.
Yes, he owned a café, but that was it! He'd go there just to get a drink. Even the workers mistook him for a customer. Johnny managed everything.

Renjun's was a pampered brat, born with a silver spoon, Hyuck's life was terrific before he met Jeno but it became even wonderful after meeting Mark.

While, Jeno was exactly where he was years ago. The days were different, new, but his life was same.

Taeyong wiped the slick from the omega's thighs and then laid him in a bathtub. He quickly washed and clothed him up. Once again, Jaehyun carried unconscious omega to the bed.
" I will stay with him here, tonight. You can go home, Johnny is waiting for you." Taeyong kissed Jaehyun and bid him good night.

" Call me if you need something even if it's the middle of the night," Jaehyun continued "and you're afraid to go to the bathroom alone." He teased.
They kissed once more before Jaehyun went home.
" Tell Johnny, I love him and kiss him goodnight." Jaehyun blushed and walked away hastily.

Taeyong then went to Chenle's room, he knocked on the door, " hey, baby. I just came to check on Jisung. Is he alright?"
" Come inside hyung, he is crying." Chenle mumbled.

At first Jisung was startled, his mind didn't register what was happening so, he let Chenle drag him.
As soon as he realised what was happening, tears wouldn't stop. He kept mumbling something like, "I'm a bad brother, I left my brother alone! He is in trouble. I left him alone, he needs me, I need to see him, please take me back." Chenle tried to calm him but the omega wouldn't listen.

He hiccuped as Taeyong rushed through the door. " oh darling, Jeno hyung is alright now, but you can't see him for a few days, okay?"

" I want to see him, he was in a lot of pain. I just ran out of the house not thinking about him. I'm a bad boy, I'm a bad brother." Jisung sobbed on Taeyong's chest.
" No, baby! It would have been horrible for you to stay there, it's a good thing that you left."

On the other hand, Jaemin pounded into Renjun angrily. He was really upset with Renjun but he had to take care of his omega in heat.
"I-Umm so-sorry......alpha." Renjun moaned.
His mind was blank taken over by lust, heat and Jaemin. He was silent all the time. Except few moans and apologies.
Jaemin didn't talk to him at all. He always gave Renjun a silent treatment whenever the boy misbehaved.

Renjun held Jaemin's shoulders tightly and pulled him closer to kiss the alpha but the alpha growled. The only task in his head was to breed his omega but he was still angry.

" Uhh no more ..." renjun whimpered as he came undone, sensitive to the pleasure, his body trembled with every single movement of Jaemin inside him.

Jaemin was nowhere done with what he had started.  He grabbed Renjun's wrists and pinned them above omega's head.

He thrusted with brutal force each time causing Renjun to clench around him. Jaemin released inside Renjun. He got off of Renjun and laid on the side, back facing Renjun.
Renjun whimpered, as his alpha ignored him.
" Hyung, I'm sorry." Renjun couldn't take it any longer.
He wrapped his arms around his alpha and burried his faced in Jaemin's back.

" I want you to think about what you did today. Not only did you leave the house during your heat but, you also put three other people in danger! Renjun, do you really want Jeno? Because all you have done so far is cause troubles for him. Mark wanted to kill him. You saw it didn't you?" Jaemin snapped.
" I didn't want to! I took suppressants before I left, I just wanted to see him." Renjun sobbed.
" Don't give me that bullshit."
" I'm sorry, hyung. I will always listen to you. Don't be mad."Renjun sniffled. "it hurt a lot." Renjun cried on his mate's shoulder.
"I felt so helpless when Mark hyung got angry at Jeno."

" Shut up, Renjun. Rest before another wave hits you." With that Jaemin got up.

He left the room after cleaning himself and the omega. He followed Jeno's cotton flower scent and entered the room to check the boy's condition.

Jeno was unconscious, Jaemin walked closer and placed a hand on younger's forehead. It was really warm.

The omega whimpered as soon as the alpha's hand rested on his forehead. Jaemin froze for a second. When he was sure the omega was still unconscious, he released the breath he held in.

"I am sorry, honey. You had to go through a chaos today and you're like this because off us but I promise that we'll take good care of you and your brother.  Rest well." Jaemin whispered.
He covered Jeno properly in the sheets before turning air conditioning on full speed.
" Good night, baby boy." With that Jaemin closed the door behind him. 

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