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Renjun and jeno were getting ready for the get-together, the food was all ready and they had house help available. 

"Baby, please wear something comfortable not flashy please! Everyone knows you're pregnant and they are just family nobody is distant family." Jeno mumbled as he himself just wore a sweat shirt and sweat pants.  He felt comfortable in them and it was the only outfit that didn't cling on to him. 

" I know, but I just bought these pants! I need to wear them." Those pants were tight and jeno felt claustrophobic just by looking at renjun wearing them.
" fine! Wear whatever you desire." He sighed and walked away.

He decided to head downstairs to the living room and made himself comfortable on one of the sofa seats where Jaemin was already sitting, attending a phone call. 
Jeno rested his head on his shoulder and closed his eyes.

" baby, are you tired?" Jasmin asked jeno.
" I couldn't sleep last night as well as in the morning because I kept peeing." Jeno mumbled. " can you please pass on a throw to me." He requested pointing at the blanket. Jaemin quickly handed him the blanket and laid it on him.
" please go and help Renjun. He must be ready now please go and bring him downstairs." Jeno told Jaemin.

"alright, darling." Jaemin quickly went upstairs and saw Renjun standing in front of the mirror trying to fit into the pant while mumbling curses.

"Honey, what's wrong." Jaemin frowned as he went over to the other side of the room.
" uhhh... I just bought these fucking pants for the occasion and now these won't fit me! Fucking shit!" Renjun said a bunch of curses after that. 
Jaemin hugged him from behind and kissed his neck, " calm down baby, it's alright. They'll fit you in no time after your pregnancy." He turned the omega around to face him, he gently pulled Renjun closer and placed his hands on his waist, then kissed him softly. 
"C'mon, let's get you changed into something comfortable, yeah?" Jaemin smiled, he knew he had to handle the situation carefully otherwise, Renjun would get irritated.
" Fine! I hate it!" The omega whined.

Jaemin made him sit on the bed and went to the closet room, he selected a pair of sweats and helped Renjun change into them.  After that both of them headed downstairs where jeno was seated. Renjun sat beside him and began scrolling through his phone. There was a comfortable silence in the room and both omegas were minding their own business. However, it was short lived as, renjun's parents arrived first. His mom and all of his dads entered the room along Jaemin.

As soon as renjun's gaze fell on them, he started crying. Jeno and jaemin panicked because he looked fine just a minute ago.
HuaLian immediately ran towards his son and wrapped his arms around him and kissed his head. "What's wrong sugar?" He asked when he felt his shirt getting wet.
Renjun didn't reply and sobbed, " honey, what's wrong wrong?" His dad asked.

" I.. I just missed you all so much! Why didn't you come to visit me before?" He cried out.

"Oh, honey... I thought you were doing fine and jaemin reassured us that you were fine.  Apart from that you never once asked us to come over during our calls." His mom hugged him and held him in his arms until he calmed down.

Jeno had tears in his own eyes he was crying because he hadn't realised that he yearned for motherly affection as well, watching renjun and his family made his heart ache. Jaemin noticed him wipe his tears away and walked over to him. He rubbed jeno's back and squeezed it. Jeno was startled but smiled once he saw it was jaemin. After prying himself away from renjun, hua-lian hugged jeno and asked about his health. Jeno eagerly told him every thing. Hualian patted his head and smiled at him.
" Such a cute boy. You haven't changed since I last met you." He said.
"Timid as ever." One of the fathers spoke.
Jeno blushed and looked down. " don't tease him." Hualian snapped at the alpha, " he is nervous, as it is."

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