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Once again both brothers were waiting outside the hospital building waiting for the result to be declared. The results were not announced publicly or via any mail.
" Don't be nervous, baby. I know you'll make it."
"I'll wait here for you, okay? Go ahead." Jeno patted Jisung's back.
Jisung gulped and went inside.

Jeno prayed to god, all his hard work would pay off if Jisung got in.

Jeno's phone chimed pulling him out of thoughts.
" Hey, Haechan."
" Where are you?"
" We came to hospital to check the result."
" Oh okay."
" yeah..."
" Call me when you're done, okay?"
" Okay..."
Jeno hung up as he sat on the same bench he sat on the day of the exam.

Jeno caught the sight of a trembling and crying Jisung, "What happened?"
" H-Hyung..." Jisung stuttered.
" Yes?"
" I-I made it!" Jeno froze.
He tightened his embrace on Jisung, both brothers just stood hugging each other.

"Thank you ! Jisung, thank you so much for making it, baby! Thank you for bringing my broken spirit back to life, for giving me a hope to do better in life." Jeno whispered as he rubbed circles on Jisung's back.

" It's all because of you, hyung! You're the only person who never gave up on me. The only person who made so many sacrifices in their lives to fulfill my dream, I love you! My words are not enough to express the gratitude.  We made it!"

" What about the documents?"
" They have most of them, rest of the documents can be submitted when the college starts."

"Okay, let's tell this news to Hyuck!"
" Yes!"

Donghyuck picked up Jeno and Jisung from the hospital. All of them went to a restaurant. " Jen, I wanna take both of you for shopping after this."
" Hyuck, no..."
" Please,"
" Hyuck, I am fucking unemployed," Jeno put his hand on the his mouth as his eyes widened, Donghyuck grinned at the younger.
" Anyway, I should be looking for a job instead of loitering around."
" Shut up! It's a gift for Jisung from me. Poor boy has not even seen the city properly, don't worry my dumpling, I'll enlighten you. Quick! Eat your food fast so that we can get going."

" Don't listen to him, you'll choke."

" Jeno, my boy. I'll spank you!"

"Kinky!" A waiter passing by whispered loud enough for them to hear.

"Let's go!" Donghyuck dragged the brothers to the showrooms, "Jisung you should get this T-shirt and pair them with these shorts, Lele will die if he sees you in these."

Jeno felt really uncomfortable, the place they were at was very aesthetic and the staff kept looking at them.

is there a problem? Jeno thought...
"Hyuckie, I wanna go back..."Jeno whined.
"Jisung stays here, you're free to leave. My baby is a prodigy!" Haechan cooed, pinching Jisung's checks. " Change into other outfit, we're buying this one."
" Haechan, what the hell? Why are you spoiling him so much?"
" Because he deserves it!"
"Hmph!" Jeno crossed his arms and pouted.
" I'll kiss you if you don't stop pouting." Jeno slapped Donghyuck's shoulder.
" Stop being a horny bitch." He added.

" yeah, whatever. Jisung, come out now! Show me your outfit!"
Jisung came out a minute later, " Hyung, It doesn't look good."
" Oh, shut up! You look like an angel, I'll make sure your wardrobe is enough to enhance your features so that Chenle falls even harder for you."
Jisung blushed as Jeno was close to banging his own head on the wall.

" JenJen,please be a doll... I have something, I want you to try it on for me, okay?"
" Hmm..."

" Hyuck?"
" Bitch, what the fuck are you doing here?"
" I'm here with Jeno and Jisung, we're shopping. What are you doing here?" Donghyuck asked Renjun.

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