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HAPPY NEW YEAR. My loves!!!

Jeno lay peacefully wrapped under the blanket. Renjun had gone for his ultrasound checkup he was already eight months into pregnancy while Jeno had crossed his first trimester. He suffered a lot due to morning sickness as he was unable to digest anything, he constantly felt the bile rise up his throat during the past months.

At the moment, he tried to sleep since his lower back ached a lot. He kept changing his position to relieve his back a little bit but there was no improvement. He was awed just by thinking how Renjun had been dealing with his body aches from months even more now that he'd started leaking milk from his chest.

Renjun and Jaemin returned the home two hours later with bunch of food with them. Jeno had trouble sitting up so Jaemin helped him.

" Jae, I'm in so much pain right now I can't even sleep or sit straight." Jeno spoke.

Jaemin frowned and rubbed Jeno's back, " I am sorry sweetheart, I wish that I could help with it." Jaemin said as he sat beside Jeno.

" Oh my goodness, I need to pee." Renjun whined  sitting in front of Jeno , he got up but before he could make it to the bathroom, he peed all over himself and froze on the spot. He looked at us as if he saw a ghost. Jaemin rushed over to him quickly and led him the bathroom. Reassuring him that it was fine. Jeno waited patiently for Jaemin and Renjun to come out. Renjun came out in a new outfit. He sat beside Jeno and rested his head on younger's shoulder.

" How was the checkup?" Jeno asked while kissing Renjun's forehead.

" as usual, they told me to prepare for the delivery, mentally." He replied.

Jeno rubbed Renjun's bulging belly and smiled as he felts the kicks. Renjun winced and placed his hand on the spot where he was kicked.

" the bean has been moving a lot today and it's driving me insane. My back has been killing me my joints hurt. Basically, my whole body hurts and on top of that I feel like I need to pee even though I peed my pants just a minute ago." Renjun ranted. 

" Oh my poor mama. Please bear with this jelly bean for a little while before they come in this world." Jeno spoke.

Jeno handed Renjun his tteokbokki before grabbing his own. " Eat it before you get sick." Renjun mumbling. Jeno nodded his head and ate quietly, Jaemin re-entered the room few minutes later with water.

" Jeno, how have you been feeling? I'm sorry for not asking you earlier." Jaemin gave jeno a guilt ridden smile, he looked tired and sleepy.
" all better now that you guys are here." The omega replied but continued " Jaemin, I know it's not easy to handle one pregnant person and here you are taking care of us both. We really appreciate it but if you feel exhausted or stressed... just relax."
" We will understand." Renjun finished.

Jaemin smiled at them and nodded. " Of course my loves. But I will never be tired for you all." He kissed both the omegas forehead.

" I can only imagine what you both might be going through at the moment and even though we have house help to do the chores. I am going to work from home, now. My father will take over  the business for a little bit." Jaemin informed both of them.

"Good! Because I really need help moving around since my back is killing me and your child won't stop stomping on my bladder. Jeno will need your assistance too with pretty much everything. So you better prepare yourself to be on your feet all the time." Renjun sighed while Jaemin nodded.

Jaemin helped both omegas settle down and gave them loads of blankets. Renjun felt pretty tired since he woke up early in the morning, he was ready to doze off under the warmth of the blanket and Jeno. He cuddled the younger who just laid on his back and looked at his phone scrolling through reels. He occasionally pecked renjun's forehead once in a while. Few minutes later, Jeno felt his eyelid getting heavy and decided to take a quick nap.

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