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Jeno had finished all the formalities of the guardian, signing the papers and all the documents. The staff showed them the dorm room, Jeno absolutely loved it, it was spacious and had personal bathroom, AC, small fridge, and many more things. Jeno was even more excited than jisung.

Chenle gifted Jisung an iPad Pro on clearing the entrance exam. Jeno was totally against it. But he knew that he couldn't do anything, Chenle was trying to woo Jisung and he was not holding back.

Jisung was ready to move into his new room at school but, he was scared. Chenle reassured him that everything would be fine and there were no restrictions on omegas. Chenle also made it clear that Jisung could visit him in his dorm room anytime he wanted. If omega ever felt uncomfortable, all he had to do was call his alpha or look for him.
Chenle also reassured Jeno, he could visit Jisung anytime, since he was younger's family.

Jeno was also relieved to know that younger would live without worrying about food or anything.

" Thank you, Chenle! I'll never forget what did for us. I owe you a lot!" Jeno hugged younger alpha.

Jaemin and Renjun fumed behind the hugging boys. Renjun gestured Chenle that he'd gouge his eyes out and rip his arms. While Jaemin glared at him.

Renjun walked up to them and placed a hand on Jeno's shoulder. " you don't owe us anything, we would have done it anyway." He pried Jeno off Chenle and pulled him towards himself.

" Hyung, one more thing..." Chenle began, " our parents are visiting us next week, I was wondering if you would allow Jisung to come because I want to introduce him to them."

" isn't it too early for that? What if you change your mind, Jisung's not the one you want."
" Hyuuunngg, I'm not a player! I will be with him forever!"

Jeno looked at Renjun then back at Chenle. " Uh... I-I I'll think about it." He stammered.
Chenle smiled, " Thank you! I'll never give you or Jisung a single reason to complain."

" We'll see..." Jeno mumbled.

After shifting youngest omega's stuff in the dorm both brothers decided to go home, they bid everyone goodbye and headed out first.

" Jisung-ah, we need to buy a gift for Chenle, he's helped us a lot. He looks like a night maintenance but I am sure we'll find something."

They walked quietly looking a buzzing streets, "Hyungie, did you hear back from any of the jobs you applied for?"
Jeno sighed, " I did get a call from one of the place but they gave it to someone else."
" Why would they do that?"

" She was pretty, I guess..."
" Don't say that! You're pretty too!"

" Yeah, yeah..."

" Hey, look!" Jeno blurted.
"Where?" Jisung asked.

Jeno pointed at a small street food stall, " They need a helper. I'll go check it!"

" let's go."
They ran towards the stall,  " Good evening, sir. I saw that you're looking for a helper! Is that post still available?"
" Yes, son!"
" What do I need to do in order to qualify?"
The man laughed loudly, " Oh boy, you just need to help with the utensils, like washing them, organising them. And cleaning the tables, throwing away the left overs, just like like that..."
" what are the timings?" Jeno questioned,
" eight to twelve, night."
" I can do that!" Jeno said immediately, eyes pleading, filled with hope.
" you're very brave, son. So many people have quit in the past, it gets chaotic at night. You think you can handle?"
" I have no choice."
" I'll pay you twenty thousand won for an hour."
" That will do, sir! Thank you. When do I start?"
" Day after tomorrow?"
" Okay! I'll be here right on time!"

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