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"It is so cold outside. I don't want to die. Yah!! Na Jaemin !"

" What?"

"What are you still doing in the car? I asked you to go in there and get me coffee!"

"How many times do I have to tell you that, I'll not step out of the car. I'm tired Renjun, don't test my patience!"

"Don't be a dick, Jae."

"Then stop bothering me. I'm am already running late, I have an important meeting with Mark. Just go and buy whatever you want."

" But it's so chilly outside."
" Renjun take my card and please buy whatever you want but don't irrit- REN look!" Renjun abruptly turned around only to see a boy leaning down, probably checking himself in the window.

Renjun almost hit the button to roll down his window but Jaemin stopped him. Both of them continued to look at the boy again.

Definitely an omega.
Jaemin thought.

The former boy had soft features, dark brown hair, his nose and cheeks were pink due to the cold weather.
Renjun and Jaemin were awestruck, mouth wide open as they stared at him while he applied lipgloss. This squishy boy had the couple sweating in their seats and their little argument dropped long ago.

" Oh my god! He is so precious." Renjun whispered.
Jaemin agreed.

Renjun shifted his gaze and fixed them on Jaemin. His hand slowly opened the car door and ran after the boy before Jaemin could beat him. He entered a café and looked around.

"Good evening, sir. What would you like to order today?"

Oh, he works here ... Order?

"I- Uhh- I'd like to order one Double chocolate chip frap with two pumps of hazelnut, white mocha sauce and almond milk."

" Is that all sir?" Oh my god, his voice is so smooth.

Hmm...should I order a drink for Jaemin? Should I do ten shots of espresso in his Americano? Renjun thought.

" And one Americano, with fi- no two shots of espresso please.."

he's still young to die. Maybe later...

" Sir, that would be 10,000 won."

Renjun nodded, handed him Jae's card. He didn't realise a small boy standing next to the cashier until he gasped, Renjun pretended not to hear and ignored him as he waited for his card to be returned.

" Sir, I'll bring your drinks shortly. Please take a seat." The brown haired boy bowed swiftly and scurried away, small blonde followed him.

Renjun took a seat and opened the camera on his phone. He discreetly clicked a few low quality pictures of the beauty that lured him into the café and quickly sent them to Jaemin.

" Sir?" Jeno sweetly called.

Renjun quickly shut his phone and looked up. He smiled at the boy and said, " Thank you."  After the boy left his table, Renjun quickly placed ten thousand won on the table he sat and left the shop.

He happily returned to the car and sat down facing Jaemin. "Baby, is it alright for an omega to feel attracted to another omega?"  Jaemin grabbed Renjun by his jaw and kissed him.
"If it's him, I don't mind." Renjun squealed and hugged Jaemin tightly.
"Alright! Calm down, baby. We need to go now, Mark is waiting and you can hang out with Hyuck."

" Did you check the picture I sent you of the beauty? Sadly, there was no nameplate on his apron." Renjun sighed. Jaemin started the car, drive to the Lee's was not a long one, they reached there quickly.

" Hyuckie!!! Where are you, baby?" Renjun screamed as loud as his vocal cords allowed.


"Yah! Would stop shouting, you fucking banshee!" Donghuck came downstairs along with the mark.

"Hey! No swearing!" Taeyong said strictly.
Both the boys ran to him and sat down, "Hyung, our car was parked near a store. You won't believe what happened!"

" Tell me !" " Hyung, a boy- no an angel, that's right! He came and stopped in front of the passenger door. He wiped his eyes, they were red! Oh, my poor baby must have been crying..." Hyuckie patted Renjun's back gently urging him to continue.

" He- He took out a gloss from his bag and applied it. Hyung, one would think that he had applied a tinted gloss but, no! His lips were so plump and red! He is the most gorgeous omega I have seen. The best part is that Jaemin also agrees. I went to the café, after him. Turns out that he works there. I left him a good tip." Renjun gushed.

" He is the prettiest baby, Uwu!!" He laid down his head on Taeyong's lap, who just brushed his fingers through the Chinese's hair, gently.

" You just met him, honey, and I can tell that you're already whipped for him." Hyuck snickered.
"Well, of course! Only a poor sighted person like you would not praise a beauty at first glance." Renjun mumbled as he snuggled deeper into Taeyong.
Donghyuck gasped loudly and held Renjun's hair in his hand, " Bitch, what did you say?"
Renjun whimpered, " now, you can't even hear properly!" The statement causing Hyuck to tug at his hair even more tightly.

"A-Ah! Ah ! Sorry, Hyung, please save me! Make him stop!"
Taeyong removed Hyuck's hand and kissed it softly, "don't hurt him. I'll cut your hair off if you touch him again."

" Hyung!!" Donghyuck snuggled into Taeyong's neck, " are you really threatening me? Me?" Taeyong ruffled his hair and hugged him.
" You're a devil in disguise," Taeyong mumbled in Hyuck's ear.

" What will they do without you?" Jaehyun stood leaning on the wall a bit. 
" Let's not talk about it." He walked up to his omega and kissed him gently.
" How was your day?" Tae asked
"Now that I am here, it's better," Jaehyun spoke. Taeyong frowned a bit.
" Where's John? Shouldn't he be home right now?"
Jaehyun sighed, " I called him, something came up at the last moment. Since Mark is at home he has to do it alone. It's urgent." Taeyong nodded and focused on two omegas cuddling with him.

" So, about that boy ... you guys gonna approach him?" Taeyong questioned Renjun.
" What boy?" Jaehyun asked as he was unaware of the previous talk.

" Honey, go and change your clothes." Jaehyun rolled his eyes as he got up to leave the room.

" Yea, so back to the question."
" Umm...I have not decided yet. I mean, I definitely don't wanna let go of the opportunity. I wanna make him ours... but at the same time I don't want to make him uncomfortable."

" You got this," Hyuck said.
" So you wanna eat pizza? My treat."

" Yesss!"

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