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Renjun was eating berries with Jeno while Jaemin was busy patting their child's back so that they could burp as Renjun had just finished feeding.

"Ah.." jeno flinched when he felt a strong kick in the abdomen.
" Oh my, I think I peed a little." He froze for a moment before getting up and going to toilet. Jaemin followed closely to make sure that jeno was alright.

Past few days had been hectic for them as they were all sleep deprived. They just wanted a good night's sleep.

" Why are you taking Jaekyung to the bathroom?" Renjun asked. "give him to me so that you can freely help jeno." Jaemin came back, he kissed the infant and quickly gave Jaekyung to Renjun before going back to the bathroom.

Jaemin grabbed a towel and quickly damped it with warm water and placed it on the counter top.
He made jeno sit on the edge of the bath tub before grabbing the towel and to clean him.

" I'll bring your clothes love just rest for a little while." He quickly grabbed fluffy sweatpant.

" There you go." He handed over the clothes, Jeno  thanked him and they both went back to the room.

Jaekyung was asleep so they decided to take a quick nap as well since it was hard to do so.


Few months later.

" Jising-ah, please bring me the leftover pizza from the fridge, I am starving again." Jeno whined.

" Sure hyung." Younger boy immediately ran to fulfill his duty.

" Oh my, Renjun can I please hold jaek? I wanna squish him!" Renjun laughed at that as he handed jaekyung to jeno.

Jeno engulfed the pup in a deep hug and jaekyung let out a squeal. He grabbed one of jeno's breast and attacked it viciously. Unabled to get hold of it, he smothered his drool on jeno's T-shirt.

" ooh , that hurt champ." Jeno shivered in pain as the pup pinched his skin in the tightest grip possible. " Renjun please get him off me." Jeno pleaded.

" You little devil! Always hurting your dad." Renjun playfully slapped baby's butt. Jaekyung payed no attention as he started attacking Renjun's nipples.

" I think he is hungry." Jeno said while inspecting his skin underneath the T-shirt and rubbing it to ease the pain.

" yes." Renjun then began to feed the baby.

" Where the hell is Jisung?" Jeno grumbled Asa's he getting more and more impatient, he was hungry too.


" Hyung's gonna kill us! Why the hell did you have to eat that slice. Hyung saved it for later!" Jisung whisper yelled at Chenle.

" Oh well, there was a giant box in the fridge with just one slice of pizza. It was taking so much space in the fridge." Chenle tried to reason.
They had ordered the same pizza but the waiting time was twenty minutes.

They were doomed.

" Chenle, I fucking swear to god. Stop acting like an idiot. You clearly knew that hyung saved it for later. Ahh... I am gonna cry, I don't want to see disappointment on his face anymore." Jisung took few breaths before going back to the room.

" About time! Where were you?" Jeno questioned.

" Hyung, I got a phone call. Chenle is heating the slice he told me to go back." Jeno didn't say anything but he knew they were up to something.

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