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Raven's POV
I don't really have to question why Phobia gave me control so quickly. Her ability to work with people isn't very good and she gets ahead of herself quickly in situations like this.

I follow a scent that used to be the only one I reacted to. I'd be able to catch it in a second if mixed with a thousand other fears. The smell of desperation, the fear of death, but also the fear of survival, becoming unwanted or undesirable. The fear that no one will help them or believe them. The fear of being tainted and used against their will. The fear of rape.

I stop at the end of an ally dropping down silently behind a dumpster with the ability to see and hear the event but not be seen.

"Please! Just let me go! Please stop!" A girl cries loudly struggling against the man who has started to tie her hands to a pole as she struggles.

"Shut up, you stupid bitch! Maybe if you didn't want this you should have dressed more appropriate for the streets!" The man growls back slapping her hard as she cries. I morph my form to look like a girl in his life.

"Daddy?" I call coming into view as he whirls around in shock "what are you doing?" I make my voice waver like a scared child.

"Gabby? How-how did you get here?!" The man gasps hiding the girl with his body as best he can.

"Daddy why are you hurting her?" Gabby's voice calls to him. She's dead because of him, he was a horrible man.

"Oh no, I wasn't-" he starts but the girl behind him yells out cutting him off.

"Go get help! He's going to hurt me please run go get the cops!!" The man- Jacob is his name I find- turns and slaps her growling a shut up.

"Daddy, your hurting her like you let the bad men hurt me?" I say making it sound like I'm about to cry gaining Jacob's attention "your a bad man too," I make my appearance seem to decompose more and more with each word "your a monster just like the bad man who touched and hurt me. Daddy why? Why did you do this? I thought you loved me?" Jacob's horror is portrayed by a lovely look on his face as he pails looking sick.

"Oh my god," he gasps backing away from me as I walk towards him "Gabby please hunny I'm sorry! Daddy didn't mean to-"

"You meant every second of it," I let my own voice come through as I slowly turn into my natural form "your a bad man Jacob. A very bad man. Who deserves to be punished." He's crying at this point scared for his life.

"Please! Please! I'll do anything!" He begs still crawling backwards away from me. I flare my wings growling menacingly.

"You dare beg me for your life when you ignored everyone else's pleas for you to stop! While you walked away from your own daughters cries for you when you let those men harm her!" I snarl lunging forward and grasping his throat pulling his face closer to mine dropping you voice down to a deadly tone "your not worthy of my mercy, but I have more humanity then you do. So your fate will rest with this fine young lady before you." As I say this I turn his face forcefully towards his victim.

"What?" She says shakily afraid of my appearance. I smile calmly at her dropping the man down at her feet.

"What will his punishment be? He has hurt many people before you," I say crouching down behind him and grabbing his hair forcing him to look at her property "what would you like to happen to him?" I release his hair he begins to beg her for mercy pleading for his life. I shut him up after a moment having very little patience for a worthless man like him.

"I want him locked up. For not only rape but what happened to his daughter," she says "the people in there hurt people who hurt kids. He'll wish he had been killed after that treatment." I smile at her nodding and grab her tossed away purse grabbing out her phone. I dial 911 and placing the phone in her hand as it rings. I then grab a peace of tossed out metal in the dumpster and get in front of Jacob swinging it like a club I know I him out and place it back down moving to untie her hands keeping the rope.

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