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Raven's POV

"Yes, sorry. I just felt like someone was here," I say smiling softly still focused on the illusion "but I guess it was just my imagination."

"Well, I do believe you would be correct," Jarvis says "Loki was in here shortly before you arrived." I nod shrugging before heading behind a shelf to look for some good reading material.

"Are the books sorted by author?" I ask after a second looking for a specific book now that I've thought on it.

"Yes, they have all been sorted in alphabetical order by author," Jarvis says calmly "Mr Stark had one of his assistants organize it after Peter couldn't find a book for his school project." I roll my eyes at that. Tony spoils that kid to no end.

I move down to the L's feeling the spines as I go. I stop at the spot the book I'm looking for would be, if they did in fact have it. I huff trying to think of a plan B, when something falls over.

My attention snaps over to the source of the sound seeing a cup that has fallen over. I frown walking over to pick it up. It spilled tea all over the ground, and I take care to not step in it as I look around for something to dry it up with. I'm not paying much attention to the hidden person behind me knowing well enough he doesn't want to be seen many me. This causes me to forget that I'm pretending to not see him.

"Look for something to clean this up with at least, it is your mess after all is it not?" I say waving my hand at him. I freeze closing my eyes as I hear a sharp intake of breath.

"You knew I was here?" Loki says appearing from his illusion. I look up at him and sigh.

"Yes, not only could I smell you but your illusions do very little to shield you from my sight. You are invisible, but you've got a bit of a shimmer that makes you visible enough," I say standing to look around for a towel or something.

"Towel?" Jarvis supplies a mechanical arm holding out a dark blue towel. I thank him quickly, and dry up the puddle at our feet.

"I was about to leave," Loki says his voice portraying false calmness "I'm sure you wanted the space to yourself." He picks up a book that I'm assuming he had set down a moment ago when he spilt the tea all over the floor, and I catch the title.

"That's where it went," I say smiling at his choice "I love The Giver! It's such a well written book." Loki flinches back looking down at his book.

"Yes, it's very interesting. I haven't gotten to read very much of it yet," he says adjusting his shoulders.

"Well, you can stay to read here if you want," I say waving around "I'm pretty sure this is the most quiet spot in the tower. Plus no one will bug you here, no one ever comes here except Peter on occasion." I move away going to find myself a book.

"I wouldn't want to intrude, you seemed to want to be alone," Loki says fidgeting slightly. His calm demeanor seems to be cracking.

"As long as your not going to be harassing me with questions I don't see why you can't be reading in the same room as me. Trust me it's hard to find a quiet place to read here," I say rolling my eyes scowling slightly "even the rooms aren't safe. People run up and down the halls like chickens with their heads cut off."

He decides to flop down onto the couch at that, looking incredibly uncomfortable. I spot a book that I enjoyed to read and grab it moving to the window seat across the room from Loki. I read in silence for a good while before something catches my attention. A small ruffle every now and then. I look over and Loki has the most stiff posture and I catch him side eyeing me more then reading. His fear has been polluting the air, causing the whole room to have a sweet taste as I take an experimental inhale.

"Jarvis," I say softly breaking the silence causing Loki to flinch slightly "can you play some music. Nothing to crazy please." Music begins to play softly, hopefully that will help ease Loki's nerves a bit.

We continue on for a while and Loki seems to calm down a bit as he relaxes into the couch slightly. I seem to just get to the good part of my book when Loki jumps up and looks around quickly. I look over concerned.

"Are you alright?" I ask marking my place as I watch him.

"Something was just- I felt-" he seems to be trying to figure out how to describe what just happened. When I hear a chuckle come from the mirror. I snap my head over to the culprit.

"Are you serious," I growl causing Loki to look over at me shocked and more then a bit frightened, I ignore him "that's not funny." Loki follows my line of sight seeing Phobia making faces at me.

"What is that?" Loki asks in a hushed voice.

"Oh Scrumptious! You wound me!" Phobia gasps from the mirror silent to his ears. Loki looks back over at me confused.

"That's phobia," I say sighing as she runs up to Loki's reflection and pets his hair causing the real Loki to flinch away "I'm sorry I didn't think she'd just pop up out of nowhere. Phobia leave him alone."

"But I like Scrumptious! Look how pretty his hair is! Such a pretty god," she says reaching out for him again.

"Your freaking him out stop," I say then turn to Loki "I'm really sorry, she's just bored, she can't really do much other then touch like that so don't worry about her trying anything. I can cover the mirror so she will leave you alone."

"It's fine," he quickly gets out nervously fidgeting again "I can just-" he stops suddenly, because now Phobia has his reflection in a hug.

"Thank you! See! Scrumptious doesn't mind!" She says happily not seeing that he clearly doesn't want to be here.

"Don't worry about it. I'll go find somewhere else to go," I say softly standing and dusting myself off slightly "she can't show up if I'm not in view of a mirror so she goes with me. Enjoy the book." Phobia whines in objection and Loki looks like he wants to be anywhere but here. I leave the library heading for my own room.

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