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Loki's POV

Trust her she says. As if I can just pretend that she isn't a dangerous creature who can and will use my worst fears against me. She was in my dream! She controlled my dream! How can she expect me to trust her?

"Loki," she says softly gaining my attention with a soft look on her face. A lie I'm sure, she just wants to catch me off guard again.

"What do you want from me?" I ask frustrated about the whole ordeal.

"Nothing, Loki. I don't want anything from you," she sighs then pauses "well I want to know why I was in your dream last night but that's it. I'm not going to force you to allow me in your room. But it would be helpful unless you'd like for me to be in your next nightmare as well."

I flinch away from the last bit. It came out like a threat. I'm sure she'd enjoy watching me in chains at her mercy again. I don't want her in my room. She will most definitely see the feather and get the wrong idea. What if her alter ego comes through the mirror while we are in there?

I don't want her in my dreams.

"Loki?" I flinch back as a hand touches my arm and look down to see Raven step back looking concerned "Loki, it's ok. You don't even have to go in with me. You can stay out here if you'd like, or we can get your brother to be there with us." The idea of Thor being involved rubs me the wrong way. Her alone in my room could also bring some interesting consequences my way.

"Just do what you need to do," I say softly backing away from her further. I'll watch what she does from the door. I'll be safer that way and I can watch what she's doing.

"Ok. I'll just going to be looking around the room," she says, calmly moving towards my door. I have to remind myself not to get angry at the invasion of my space. This is for the best. Hopefully this resolves the situation.

She walks into my room and goes for my bed looking around on my sheets and under the bed. She seems to be making a circle starting closest to the bed.

"What exactly are you looking for?" I ask looking away slightly when she turns to me.

"I'm looking for anything that might be attached to me in any sort of way. Such as hair or something similar like my feathers," she says shrugging "although I haven't given you a feather and I don't shed them so I'm not really looking for that. Mostly I'm looking for hair that might have gotten stuck to you and moved here." I stiffen up at the mention of finding a feather. How am I going to tell her that I've got her feather without her thinking I've got a liking for her feathers?

"You don't molt like a normal bird?" I ask voice cracking slightly as my nerves take over.

"No," she says calmly going back to her search "I don't. I can pull them out though if they get bent or messed up. They grow back rather quickly."

"So you wouldn't just drop feathers all over the place?" But didn't she drop the feather in the library?

"No, that would be horrible," she says chuckling softly "could you imagine the mess I'd make if I did that?" She stops when she sees the feather on my desk, the culprit of this whole ordeal.

"Indeed," I say softly. She turns to look at me pointing at the feather.

"That's mine," she says looking surprised "how did you get that?"

"It was in the library," I shrug deciding to lie my way out of this one "I didn't think it was anything special."

"Loki," she sighs, slowly grabbing the feather and looking it over "you can't keep this. As flattering as it is that you used it as decoration it's not a great idea to keep this here. I don't even really now how you got this."

"It was on the ground in the library," I state crossing my arms.

"Yes, but how it got there is the question," she says sounding a bit annoyed "and I've got a pretty good guess as to who put it there." The idea that Phobia had anything to do with this freaks me out a bit. How could she have known I'd take the feather?

"You think, Phobia did this?" I ask hoping my thoughts are incorrect.

"She does seem to like you. I wouldn't be surprised if this was her way of getting closer to you," Raven sighs running a hand down her face "I'll talk with her later about boundaries. I'm sorry this happened. I know how you feel about your boundaries. I'll try to stay out of your way so you don't have to worry about anything like this happening again."

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