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^Above is what I picture Raven looking like. I don't describe her very much because I like for the reader to be able to kind of picture my characters as themselves sometimes. I know that's usually what I do when I'm reading a story. 

Phobia's POV

He truly fears us.

Fears what I will do to him.

What I could do with his worst fears.

Raven has always been the people pleaser. I am free spirited, driven by more animalistic instinct. This does not mean I do not have the desire for friends.

Scrumptious is a perfect treat. He smells good and his past is dark, which is familiar to me. He is also one of the few who hasn't harassed Raven in any way.

These are all very important points to me, and part of the reason I'm so drawn to him.

I'm used to people being frightened of me when I'm trying to be intimidating. It's the nature of my being, but I am not cruel to those who do not desire be my cruelty.

My social skills aren't very good. I don't know how to calm someone. That's Raven's job not mine.

All I know is if we keep looking at each other in this silence his anxiety's going to go up and I'm going to scare him off.

"How about a wager?" I say softly backing way from him a few steps that's what Raven would do right? Give him an option and space.

"Wager?" He asks looking confused "you want to do a wager with the god of mischief?"

"Only if your willing to wager with a monster," I say trying for a joke but he doesn't react as if what I've said is funny, flinching away slightly.

"What type of wager?" He ask clearing his throat.

"You spend three hours a day with either me or Raven daily. If by three months you still feel the same way about us we will disappear from you unless you call upon us specifically," I say shrugging softly "you may add rules as you like."

"I get to chose who I interact with?" I nod confirming his question, he nods back looking to be in thought "do I get to decide what we do in those three hours? And if we are unable to do a day what happens?"

"We add days as needed. If one of us is physically unable to do three hours you have the option to move the hours to another day or add another day to the time period. I'd like to say we should be able to pick the activities every once and a while," I say looking him over slightly "anything else?" He frowns slightly but nods.

"I don't want you feeding from me," he says squaring his shoulders. I frown deeply looking off to the side and sigh.

"If you do not wish for me to breath around you, but that will make it incredibly hard to communicate," I say softly "We filter feed off of the hormones your body sends into the air. It's an involuntary act unless we decide to not breath."

This bit of information seems to come as quite the surprise, because he looks away from me while he tries to decide what his answer to that should be.

"For you not to breath would come off as creepy after a while and to force you to be silent is unfair," he says feeling at his mouth "as long as you don't feed off of me as you did the first time." I chuckle at that.

"That was an act of desperation and hunger. I'm not usually like that unless you deserve it. Although I will point out that it was a dual and you did stab me," I say ruffling my feathers before reaching out my hand "now do we have a deal? I will not allow you an easy out if you agree." He looks down at my hand in uncertainty thinking over my offer.

"What do you get put of this?" He says looking me in the eye suspicion setting in heavily. I smile softly.

"I get very little out of this, all I was hoping for a friend," I say shrugging "don't mistake my words for ungratefulness for the three friends I do have, but Bruce has a job to do and I won't get to see Grace as often as I'd like. Jarvis is an amazing companion but he has his limits also. Plus I've got the suspicion he is secretly a spy."

"Even if I was a spy why would anyone want to spy on your boring day life?" Jarvis sasses causing me to smirk up at the ceiling.

"We don't have to start today if that is your wish," I say lowering my hand "we can start tomorrow if that would please you. Giving you enough time to get some dirt on me from Obi. I'm sure he'd enjoy filling you in on my secrets."

"I'll take your deal," Loki says calmly reaching his hand to me "three months and that's all? Then I don't have to interact with you ever again?" I flinch slightly, taking his hand to ceil the deal.

"Yes, now I'll leave you for the day," I say releasing his hand after a moment "Obi don't embarrass me to much will you? I've got a reputation to uphold don't you know?" Without another word I fall into the shadow beside me and pop up in Raven's room.

"I'm so glad you decided to take my input on this," Raven sarcastically scuffs from the mirror and I look over at her smiling apologetically.

"Is that not a good way to get what we both want? We get a chance to gain another persons trust and friendship while proving we aren't the monster they all believed us to be," I say "I thought it was a great idea." She sighs shaking her slowly.

"Or you could have made it all worse. Forcing yourself on someone is no good," she sighs flopping onto the reflection of the bed "but it could be worse I suppose. Plus he agreed to the terms. I guess I'll have to deal with it all tomorrow then." I chuckle laying down as well. What have I gotten us into and why does it feel like such a great plan, yet deep down I know it will probably end in disaster?

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