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Raven's POV

He is getting his scent all over my bed!

Why would he do that?!?

He claims he doesn't want me to feed from him but he's going to rub his scent everywhere as if it's not going to tempt me at all?

Ok, breath Raven. Maybe he doesn't understand what he's doing. Maybe it's not what you think. This could all be a misunderstanding on his part.

He's just scared. That is a given when your in the room. Plus I did tackle him when he woke me up. So he's trying to self sooth by making himself comfortable in your space.

Ugh, I hate when people take over my personal space. My room is my territory, no one else should ever need to feel comfortable in my territory unless they area very close friend , a family member or in a relationship with me.

Ok so when we go out we just try to move away from the room. No problem, just ask him what he had planned and head out. Easy.

I finish putting on my cloths and walk out ready to hit Loki with my best friendly smile I can muster. Only to make a choking noise at him now laying completely on the bed as if it was his own, his hands behind his head and everything.

"Is there a problem?" Loki asks and although his voice and demeanor give off an air of confidence his fear sits heavy in the air. Without dropping my smile I make an odd high pitched noise in response looking for some way to air out the room. God bless windows.

I quickly make my way to the windows and open them widely. It doesn't do a whole lot but it's enough for now. I make sure to breath in some fresh air to purge his fear from my system before turning back towards Loki.

"Sorry," I say my smile very much more of a grimace now "the room felt cramped. Would you like to get going? I'm assuming you had things planned. I'd like to stop by the kitchen for some orange juice before we do anything if you don't mind?"

"I was hoping we could stay here," Loki says shrugging not moving from his spot on my bed "but feel free to waist more time by going to get a drink." I probably look comical with how my jaw drops at his statement.

"You want to stay here?" My voice betrays how not ok with that I am and I feel Phobia trying to get through. She pops up in a mirror looking between us in shock.

"Scrumptious wants to stay in our room? Is that not intimate?" She ask then becomes incredibly excited "does that mean he likes us?"

"Normally sharing a room is intimate," Obi pipes up appearing from under the bed "but it does not always have to be." Loki looks over at him in confusion before he notices Phobia in the mirror.

"I can cover the mirrors if you'd like," I say gaining his attention "I usually keep a lot out so she has more freedom in here. I know she kind of creeps you out." He swallows thickly sitting up and leaning against the wall.

"As long as she does not touch me I can ignore her well enough," he says clearing his throat afterwards. I nod looking around for something to talk about or to do. If he's adamant about staying here i might as well find something to do.

"Oh! I've got some personal books in here if you'd be interested in reading any of them I'd gladly let you borrow some of them," I say walking over to my book shelf "I've got a few that you can't find on earth. My father traveled a lot. He'd go to some pretty cool places. In fact he had gone to Asgard many times along with other places similar to trade. He took me a time or two on his trading trip."

"You've been to Asgard?" Loki asks sounding shocked "how?"

"The same way anyone gets there. Heimdall took us there," I say shrugging "although some places we had to take portals to get to. Asgard was dads favorite though. So many people would buy from him."

"Heimdall allowed you into Asgard? What on earth were you selling?" Loki asks looking very confused.

"Funny enough Father sold dream catchers," I say smiling at the face he made.

"Dream catchers," he repeats then looks very alarmed "mother used to buy those for us when we were younger."

"I feel like dad would have bragged about the queen buying his product," I say chuckling but stop myself "wait, your mother." I take her form looking in the mirror Phobia allowing me to look at her. I add a cloak and to my astonishment I know this women.

"Do not wear her face!" Loki growls and I turn back not wanting to upset him.

"She told us she was a commoner!" I say then laugh softly "oh if dad knew who she was he would have freaked! He always wanted to meet royalty, but royals rarely go out to the market themselves."

"Why dream catchers?" Loki asks changing the subject.

"Oh it's to dream walk. You know the thing I accidentally did with you," I say softly "if you take the feather willingly or in that instance you buy it then dream walking is possible. It's actually really interesting to read about."

I pull out the book my father gave to me when I kept asking too many questions growing up. Flipping through some pages I stop on the section about dream walking. This seems to actually catch Loki's attention.

"You have a book about yourself?" He asks looking pointedly at the book in my hands.

"Not me specifically, but Fearlings and where we came from. It's very informative," I say shrugging then add with a grin "I can lend it to you if you'd like. You already know what I am, might as well let you answer all your questions. This can probably tell you more about me then I can."

Loki looks suspicious at my offer. Looking me over once before speaking.

"What do you want for this information?" He asks eyes narrowed as he slowly stands.

"Nothing?" I say tilting my head in confusion "am I supposed to treat everything like some sort of drug deal with you? Can I not just offer you something without wanting something in return?" Loki doesn't look to impressed as he takes the book from my now outstretched hands.

"This is everything about you?" He asks still sounding unsure.

"I mean ya," I say shrugging "it even has a section on breeding in there somewhere. If you're expecting me to tell you not to look at specific chapters then I will warn you against that one. It's chapter ten I believe. I could definitely be wrong. Also I'd prefer not to die just yet, and it does tell you how to kill me in there. I'd appreciate if you could hold off on killing me for a while. Other then that read all you want. I'm going to go grab my orange juice, would you like anything?" I watch him for a moment waiting on his order.

"A tea would be nice," he says sitting back down on my bed beginning to read already. I nod rushing out glad to distance myself from all of the fear coming off of him.

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