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Loki's Pov
After the meeting no one saw Raven or phobia. She just seemed to avoid everyone.

I stopped trying to find her for our daily get together after two days. Bruce and Thor keep searching the whole building for her every day. The others haven't even looked.

Fury held a meeting yesterday saying that when she re-emerges to let him know.

From what I've seen the news has been not too kind to either stark or Raven. They think that they are trying to hide everything. Steve plans to go speak to the public today about the situation.

I find the whole situation amusing. Everyone trying to act like nothing wrong while they all worry that Raven is gone forever.

"Loki, you haven't seen-"

"No, I have not," I cut Bruce off knowing his question already he asks every time we run into each other.

"Well. If you do let me know," he sighs sulking away.

"Voice in the walls?" I call out once Bruce is far enough away.

"How may I help you?" The almost human like voice calls from the what I can only assume are hidden speakers.

"If one was to want to run into Raven where would one go?" I ask I've never had any reason to ask the walls this question and I assume Bruce has asked multiple times but as amusing as this all is it's getting old.

"I'm afraid I cannot answer that question," the answer doesn't surprise me in the slightest "but the view from the roof is quite nice around this time of day." That was unexpected.

"Have you informed anyone else of this view?" I inquire wondering why out of everyone I'm the one to hear about this.

"The first two days Dr. Banner kept questioning me as did Thor. I'm afraid no one has asked me in a while. As much as I know she needs space. I worry about her," the response is interesting. I knew Raven and the voice had become something of friends but was not expecting such sentiment from something that is not organic.

"Please inform Banner of where I'm headed," I make my way to the elevator not waiting for a response from the walls. She may attack me when I get up there and I'd like to have someone to come after me.

The elevator ride is swift and as I walk out onto the platform on the roof I look around for any signs of someone being up here.

"I know your up here," I call out walking around a bit "I believe you've been pouting for long enough."

"Pouting?" She snaps "you think I've been pouting?" Maybe I should have chose my words more carefully.

"Well," I shrug looking around for her.

"I assure you I'm not up here pouting. Fuming is more the word I'd use," her voice doesn't have much direction I can use to pinpoint where she is and that's a bit unnerving.

"Whatever it is you've been doing I'm sure you've done enough of. Your being dramatic," I regret the words almost as soon as they leave me but I really regret them when I hear a very loud growl from behind me.

"How dare you!" I spin around to see a very feral looking Phobia with her wings menacingly spread behind her "first everyone avoids us. Whispering about us when they are around us like we can't fucking hear them and don't know they are talking about us. Now that we've had enough and need some space we are being dramatic?!"

"You've been up here for a week," I sigh crossing my arms "Bruce won't stop sulking about looking for you."

"If they had made us go out and talk to the media yesterday we'd have made a mess of it. Heck if we went out today we'd probably be no better," she scuffs bearing her fangs at me "if we go down there they will make us talk to the media."

"So your solution is to just hide away? Could you not just convince them to wait to go to the media?" I'm not understanding the issue.

"Yes because they are so understanding of others personal issues," she turns around with the force of her eye roll "I'd rather just stay hidden."

"Kind of hard to stay hidden when I know where you are," she looks over her shoulder at me in acknowledgment before her form flickers in and out.

"I can't be found unless I want to be," she scuffs before her form completely disappears.

The elevator dings a moment later signaling that Bruce has arrived finally.

"Where is she?!" He's not waisting any time I see.

"She's hiding," my sarcastic response gets me a look.

"Raven? Phobia?" Bruce calls "please, I just want to know your safe." She doesn't respond.

"She's up here. She's just being dramatic," I sigh trying to get her to react. She doesn't fall for that one.

"She's not being dramatic," Bruce huffs "she has every right to be upset about what happened."

"She should have at least told someone she was up here. Hiding away is an attention seeking tactic," I scuff rolling my eyes.

"Your being rude for no reason," Bruce grumbles before seeming to get an idea as he looks at me in a strange way without blinking as if concentrating very hard on something.

"What?" I raise my eyebrow at him in confusion before he suddenly runs at me causing me instinctively jump back. I'm closer to the edge of the roof then I thought because I lose balance and fall from the platform.

I only fall for a short moment before I see a figure dive after me. I can only assume it's Phobia. She grabs me in a bear hug flaring her wings open to stop our fall. I cling to her in a desperate attempt to not fall again.

"Calm down, I've got you," her voice is surprisingly soothing in this moment "I promised I wouldn't drop you remember."

When we land back on the platform I find it a bit hard to let go. My muscles don't want to let go in fear of falling again.

"That wasn't a nice trick," now that I'm looking at her it's Raven that is in control now.

"Loki I thought you understood what my plan was," Bruce says looking shocked at how this all turned out.

"You never informed me of such a plan," I snap.

"I was trying to project my thoughts at you. I thought you could read minds?" Bruce argues. I hadn't even thought to read his mind when he was intensely looking at me.

"Loki," Raven says patting my back softly "you can let go now." I tear myself away from her with a huff before walking towards the elevator.

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