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Raven's POV

To say I was a bit nervous about having to face Fury after the end of the conference would be an understatement. I could practically feel his glare as I messed up everyone's well thought up speeches.

That's why once we exit the stage I make a beeline for the doors.

"Oh shit," Phobia says from a mirror to my right "he's coming"

"Where do you think your going?!" Fury speed walks towards me. I pick up my pace trying to escape.

I can hear when he starts running at me. I match his pace not willing to be caught.

"Raven Felicity Trómos you stop right now!" I am a bit offended he'd use my full name but don't stop until I pull open the door.

"No!" I yell back at him slamming the door behind me. I know it won't stop him from following me so i don't linger. Racing to the elevator thats opened and waiting for me

"Close the doors, close the doors, close the doors!" I chant as the doors begin to close right as Fury bursts through the door. Luckily they close just in time.

"That probably wasn't wise," Jarvis scolds I frown up at the corner "he's just going to find you later and be more upset."

"I'm hoping he'll calm down after a minute," I say shrugging.

"He's attempting to contact you over the speakers," Jarvis sighs and I can feel the eye roll he would express if he could.

"Tell him I said to leave me alone until he's calmed down," I sigh leaning back against the wall.

The rest of the ride is in silence thankfully. I'm sure Fury is throwing a tantrum but for now it's all peacefully silent.

"When she gets off that elevator I swear to-" the doors open momentarily then shut quickly the sound of Fury yelling being cut off.

"I don't even want to know how he got up here," I sigh rubbing my temples.

"My apologies, mr stark has a sensor that makes the doors open to him automatically. I wasn't prepared for him to cut us off," Jarvis says sounding as if he's trying not to laugh.

Was running from fury a great idea? Probably not but I don't feel like dealing with someone yelling at me right now I just want lay down.

"I'm going to recommend hiding in the library," Jarvis says opening the doors to a familiar floor.

"I appreciate your help Jarvis. Please tell me if Fury or Tony come close. Also if you send my sincere apologies to the PR team for pretty much tossing their hard work to the trash I would be very appreciative," I say walking down the halls to the library.

"Of course, I'll send your message now. If your peace seems in danger of being interrupted I'll let you know," Jarvis says as I enter the library. I fall into the couch and run a hand over my face.

"I've called on Visero." Obi says appearing from the shadows under the couch.

"What?" I look over at him shocked for a moment. I love Visero, he was my first creation an as such he is in charge of a lot that goes on with my victims and my other creatures.

"Although I try to be of comfort to you I'm not very good at it. Plus he's always working," Obi says rolling his eyes "he hasn't seen you in years and I'm sure he'd be of help in this situation."

"Obi you can't just call on Visero," I huff grabbing him up.

"Mistress," Visero's breath of a rasp calls from behind me as he pulls himself out of the shadows "it's been a while since we've seen one another. Obi says you require my audience."

"You know you're my main man Visero but we both know you've got more important things then to listen to me rant about life," I say dropping Obi and reaching out to his skeletal face "though I can't say I'm unhappy to see you."

Visero in his natural form stands on two long muscular legs along with the help of large wings that he uses as crutches, his two sets of long thin arms curl up into his torso like a bashful child's. He has an alligator skull for a face and is covered in inky black hair like feathers across his body wings, his tail starts out feathered and turns scaled about halfway down and turns club-like.

"Hmm, you forget I live for you," Visero says curling around me "what makes you look so tired? You smell sad."

"I do look a bit run down don't I?" I smile softly sinking into Visero's bulk as his arms fall around me.

"She's been crying most nights," Obi pipes up curling into my lap "and she's been having trouble with some of the humans she keeps company with."

"Trouble? With who?"

"It's nothing, I'll be fine," the last thing I need is for Visero to go hunting.

"I'll fill you in later," Obi says smirking at the look I give him.

"Found you!" Fury growls as he bursts into the library then shrieks upon seeing Visero.

"Jarvis?!" I yell accusingly out to the AI.

"I was overridden," Jarvis says sounding offended at the act.

"Found you?" Visero parrots looking fury over as he unwraps himself from me.

"Fury's mad because I messed up a press meeting," I say grabbing one of Visero's wings.

"Fury's not the human we have a problem with. He isn't usually a problem anyway," Obi says hopping off my lap.

"What on earth is that!" Fury looks like he's about to bolt.

"I've told you about my Lethifold's," I say shrugging "this is Visero and Obi."

"What the fuck is that?!" Tony yells after he runs in.

"That one we don't like," Obi says gaining everyone's attention "he makes mistress cry." Visero looks from Obi to Tony slowly as he straightens his body to his full height.

"Is this so?" He inquires slowly shifting forward in a way that makes his bones creek.

"Visero," I tighten my grip on his wings waiting for him to turn his head towards me before I continue "leave it."

"I will leave it," Visero sighs pulling away from my slightly to look over at our audience "for now. I do not trust these humans who make you sad."

"Thank you, and I appreciate you coming but-"

"You expect me to leave you now? After everything I've been informed of?" Visero's chuckle is bone chilling and the two in the doorway both take a step back "not a chance."

"You both can discuss this later. Raven I believe you already know what I'm going to say," Fury crosses his arms taking on the disappointed parent look.

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