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Pic above is what Raven looks like in fearling form but with a few changes that I'll explain in this chapter.

-Raven's POV

I wake up with a gasp. One of the many curses of mine are my dreams are filled with all the fears I have consumed. In the dreams I'm always terrified, though when I wake up I just feel numb. Fear works a bit differently for me. I do have fears and every once and a while I get my own nightmares or my dreams are twisted with my own fears in creative ways.

I sigh getting up, looking over at my mirror on the nightstand I take in my features. I reach up to touch my face with smoky black clawed hands. Black and dark blood red blotches cover most of the top part of my face and work their way down my neck. They've always reminded me of the ink blots that therapists show to their patients to try to find what's wrong with them. My iris' are a silvery white surrounded by black instead of the white any normal person would have. I don't like to look at myself in this form, it's not something I'm proud of. I'm nothing but a monster that feeds on fear in this form, that's what mother used to say anyway.

I shake myself off putting on my human appearance tucking away my raven wings and my demon's tail. Time for the day, hopefully no one is hostile today. It's only my second day and I'd like to get along with as many of my new house mates as possible.

"What floor was the living area on again?" I mumble to myself walking to the elevator "there was a kitchen on that floor wasn't there?"

"Yes Miss, the common floor does have a kitchen. Most of the team tends to spend the most time there," I look around for the source of the voice confused and a bit surprised "If you would like I can bring the elevator to that floor for you." I wordlessly nod stepping into the elevator.

"Please don't take this the wrong way but, who are you?" I ask looking around still "are you an actual person?"

"I am JARVIS. Mr. Stark built me into the building. I can control most of the building and Mr. Starks weapons systems," JARVIS says sounding oddly kind for a robot.

"Interesting, so your like a butler but more advanced?" I ask as the elevator doors open and I step out.

"I like to think of myself a virtual assistant or companion," JARVIS says and I nod looking impressed.

"Mind my asking but what all can you do? You said you can control most of the building, can you give me an example?" I ask looking at the ceiling as I walk into the kitchen.

"JARVIS don't answer that. what did I tell you about telling this stuff to strangers?" Tony's voice pipes in behind me. I turn to him giving an odd look. Did I ask that wrong? I was just curious.

"Mr. Stark, Miss Raven was simply curious. If I do recall you told Pepper everything about the building on your second encounter," I look wide eyed at the walls. An AI with the ability to show sass?

"Pepper didn't keep secrets right off the back," Tony says looking at me accusingly. I choose to ignore him and start my search for a cup. I find one and set it down going to the fridge to see if they have orange juice.

"Good morning Tony," Steve's voice pipes in sounding way to awake for this early in the morning "oh, good morning to you as well Raven. I didn't see you there." I grab the carton of orange juice looking it over and wave to Steve in acknowledgement.

"So, Natasha says you told her you have an odd diet. Does Orange juice happen to be on that diet of yours?" Tony says and I hear Steve hiss his name in warning. I look over at them and shrug.

"Normal food has no nutritional value to me, and most foods hurt to try to eat. I do enjoy a good glass of OJ in the mornings as a nice pick me up. Reminds me of my father," I say poring myself a glass and looking back over at them "want a glass?" Both men shake their heads and Tony holds up a glass of what looks like whiskey. I shrug setting the carton down and drinking from my cup, the carton seems to get sucked into the wall much to my surprise.

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