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Raven's POV
I chose to fly back to the tower, followed closely by Tony in his iron man armor. Everyone else just had Loki transport them back to the tower but I'd like to take this time to just breath. Flying is about the only perk about my life. It's a greatest to de stress.

I look over at Tony, he's staying behind me at an ok distance. Just enough to be creepy but not suffocating.

I sigh to myself before diving into a spiral for a second before catching myself and pushing myself to go faster speeds. Tricks and racing always make me giddy and it's a good way to get rid of excess energy or frustration.

"Oh so now your trying to lose me?" Tony yells speeding after me "well news flash this suite was made for speed! Your not going to shake me!" I spin to look at him and make a face feeling giddy and playful. He pauses and even through the mask I can see his surprise at my antics. I fall back into a dive catching myself again and speeding up again.

I'm hoping he'll chase me. I haven't had a flight buddy in forever and it would be awesome to have someone to race again. Even if it's artificial flight. I see the tower and speed up even more probably moving at the speed of a jet at this point. If I try real hard I can break the sound barrier but that's not safe in the city.

Tony catches up at that point looking over at me he makes a fanning motion to his chin area as if he's covering a yawn. I smirk going up to even faster speeds waving as he starts to fall behind. I notice how close we are getting to the tower and how fast I'm coming in for a landing and put on the breaks hard. Maybe, accidentally creating a sonic boom.

I flinch slowing down to a stop right above the tower. I drop down onto the roof a second before Tony does and he steps out of his suite quickly.

"Do you know how fast you just flew?!" He yells eyes wildly looking me over.

"Uh, too fast for in the city limits," I say looking down awkwardly "sorry I get a bit ahead of myself in races."

"Raven you just broke the sound barrier!" Tony says "and without any equipment! That's a science revolution! Your aerodynamics shouldn't allow you to go that fast!"

"Well, I mean. It's not that crazy," I say walking over to the elevators hat opens on. Our approach.

"You have to let me study your movements in flight," He says "do you know what this could do for future aircraft?" I try to hide a smile at his enthusiasm. To think he hated me not an hour ago.

"I'd be happy to let you take a few videos of me in flight if you'd like," I say shrugging "I don't know how your going to incorporate it into machinery though." Tony starts blurting out his plans. I just watch him in amusement hoping this isn't a in the moment sort of situation and he's finally going to open up to me a bit.

We stop at the main floor to see everyone gathered even Bruce and Fury are in the group. I look over at Bruce who is already looking at me with a clear message behind his eyes 'we need to talk'.

"So you never mentioned your work with the police force," Fury says crossing his arms not letting us get settled at all before jumping into questions.

"Was that not in my file?" I ask shocked "I was sure that that would have been on there with how often I was present for a rape case."

"It is in your file," Fury says shrugging "but it's tucked away real nice behind the murder of your parents." I growl a warning.

"Carful with your words director," I snarl my good mood from the race gone.

"Raven we aren't mad," Steve says then sees the look on most people's faces "ok some of us are a bit annoyed that you didn't tell us about your police involvement. Raven that would have proven you a good person. Why didn't you tell us?"

"Would it really have made a difference?" I ask looking around at everyone "you all had predetermined opinions of me from the moment you heard I didn't want to share what my abilities were. Would you have even heard me had I explained the situation? Or would you assume the worst from me?" Everyone looks at Tony, who promptly looks away avoiding eye contact.

"I think we already proved your point," Natasha says crossing her arms. I look at her confused, sure Tony likes to verbally attacked any way he can but he's never twisted a situation or me.

"After you showed us what you were," Thor starts hesitating to continue "he made a claim about information on your file." I look over at Tony then at the others a bit worried now.

"He claimed that you probably murdered both of your parents," Loki speaks up after a heavy pause "that the whole sob story was all an act to try to make us feel sorry for you." I look back at Tony horrified that he would even think that that was true. He's still avoiding looking at anyone but has the decency to look up at me briefly and appear remorseful. I look around at everyone feeling tears start to form.

"You all believed it to," I choke out "you all believed that I'd kill my parents just because."

"I didn't mean it," Tony says finally actually looking at me "I was just-I was being stupid and a coward." I chuckle humorlessly and shake my head.

"You know, I came home from work that day to a bloody home. The neighbors were worried offered to call the police because of the yelling she had heard," I say looking them all in the eye in turn "I held my father as he died, watched as the life left his eyes. Right before my own mother attacked me from behind. We ended up in the kitchen at one point. She had the upper hand. She was older and stronger then me. Luckily there was a cake cutter on the counter when she dove for me. It was sharp enough to kill her." Everyone looks shocked then a bit confused. Well everyone but Fury, I'm sure he's already heard this story from the recordings of my questionings from the investigation.

"A cake cutter?" Tony asks in a soft voice. I smile sarcastically.

"Oh did you not read the date in the file?" I ask bitterly everyone looks amongst themselves still a bit confused "dad was going to surprise me, he had everything set out and ready for when I got home. Because well isn't your 18th birthday supposed to be special?"

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