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Raven's POV

How did no one know about all of this trauma going on inside of his head?!

I mean, I could see his fear. I knew something had happened, but this? This is insane. All I knew was he was hurt by someone before he attacked New York. I knew he was scared that man would come back for him, but because he tried to forget about it I could never get a good reading on how deep this fear went.

Now as I hold his crying form, listening to him talk about how he feels so alone. I can't help but feel so confused. Dream walking is incredibly difficult. It takes a lot of preparation just to be able to be in a dream let alone act as an active character.

Dad used to always tell me dream walking was a safe way to feed and to never interfere with the dream because you could hurt the dreamer in real life if you do something wrong. Mother used to always tell me how good of a tool it was to feed and that if possible, always make the dream more terrifying.

I feel like mother would be furious if she saw this. Dad might be a bit more understanding. He was always more of a kind hearted man.

"Mother?" Loki asks suddenly and I hum back to show that I'm listening "do you think I'm a monster?"

"Oh, Loki. Why would I ever think that?" I sigh taking on his mother's grace. The grand thing about taking on a dead persons form is I get their memories and kind of connect to their spirit. It helps make the act more believable. I can take on the form of living people too, but it's always a bit more believable when the person I'm mimicking is dead.

"I have done horrible things," Loki says softly pulling away "and everyone else things I'll on me for it. Why wouldn't you?"

"Loki, everyone makes mistakes sometimes. You were hurting and not in control of yourself or actions," I say smiling softly at him "a monster never questions if he is evil or not, he does not care. In asking if you are a monster you are proving that you are not." He nods and the world around us begins to fade.

"Am I waking up?" He asks looking around then back at me quickly.

"Yes Loki," I say smiling as I feel myself get pulled back to my own body "but don't worry. I'll be right here."

Suddenly I'm in my own body and shaken awake by Tony.

"Oh wow!" He yells as I shove him off me with a hiss.

"What are you doing in my room?" I growl flaring my wings.

"Well when you didn't wake up at your normal time Jarvis got worried and asked one of us to check on you," Tony say crossing his arms "I was voted to come get you." I lower my wings still not pleased with his presence in my room.

"I could grab him," Phobia says from the mirror "spook him enough to leave at least." I look over at her about to tell her to be quiet but Tony notices her and speaks before me.

"What the hell?" He gasps as he sees what I'm sure he assumes is my reflection glare at him.

"Phobia does not sleep just because she is not in control," I say standing and putting on my glamour feeling exposed "she can freely move while I'm in view of a mirror. I'm surprised Loki didn't inform all of you of this yesterday."

"Loki doesn't exactly enjoy telling us things," Tony says shrugging "can she interact at all?" I look over at Phobia as she growls flaring her wings at him.

"Now can I grab him?" She looks over at me asking for permission knowing dam well he can't hear her. I shrug turning away.

"Neither of us like you in here," I say hearing him gasp as I assume she grabs him. I grab some cloths for the day before turning back to see him leaned back as if he's got a knife to his neck "leave him be, he already thinks your a monster. Don't give him another reason to think so." He flinches back as if my words were physical blows.

"Look Raven, I tried to explain yesterday-" he starts but I growl flaring my wings.

"In this room you are in my domain," I growl circling him getting in between him and the door. He flinches back looking and smelling absolutely terrified. "Do you feel like talking with me still?" He slowly shakes his head.

"Not necessarily," he says shakily.

"This is how it feels to be cornered Tony," I say lowering my wings "remember it next time you plan on doing it to get your point across. I may be uncomfortable in your domain, but this is mine."

"Your uncomfortable here?" He says clearing his throat. I scuff rolling my eyes motioning around my room.

"This is the only place in this whole tower that I can be away from all of the looks you all send me when you think I'm not looking. Your all terrified of me!" I yell motioning around my room "I live on a whole different floor then all of you and I don't have access to the floor that you do live on. You all act as if I'll attack you for not reason. On top of that you taunt me every morning, hoping that one day I'll snap so you can show everyone my true colors. Then because your now made to be the bad guy you want to apologize? It doesn't work like that."

"If you'd just hear me out," Tony sighs rubbing his forehead "I'd explain that I never actually meant to hurt you." I laugh loudly at that.

"Oh, that's gold. Really," I say shaking my head then begin to approach him "let me tell you something Stark-" I cut off with a yelp looking down at Obi who's got his fangs in my ankle curled around me like a playful cat.

"What, is that?" Tony asks sounding shocked.

"You've made your point Obi let go," I sigh bending down to scruff him "see I'm calmed down. You successfully distracted me. Let go." I wrestle with him for a moment before getting him off.

"Your welcome human," Obi say looking way too pleased with himself "you were about to get your wish for her to attack you." I roll my eyes at him tossing him to the bed. He bounces and flips over onto his feet racing back over to attack my arm.

"Thank you?" Tony says sounding confused.

"Funny hearing that from you," I scuff grabbing him back off of me and tossing him away again "didn't you want to give them all nightmares the other night?" Tony looks at me shocked.

"That was after you came back a mess. You are not a mess and he doesn't seem to have any form of self defense," Obi rushes back at my arm before continuing between bites "no claws, no sharp teeth, no armor." I chuckle softly looking back at Tony.

"This is Obi," I say grabbingObi to wave him at Tony "you should thank him for putting me in a good mood. I'm not a morning person, and I still don't appreciate you coming into my room. I'm not going to hassle you more about it. I think I've got my point across."

"Yes," Tony says "you did, and I am sorry. I know I can be a real pain sometimes. I will admit I was trying to make you feel pressured to tell us your secret but I did not mean to make you feel unwelcome. Ok well that's not necessarily true I didn't trust you or like you and I wanted you to show us what type of threat you were. Your really not a bad person, and I can see that your just a bit more animalistic then we are. And I don't mean that as an insult."

"I don't forgive you," I say tossing Obi aside "but I don't hate you. I will keep peace with you as long as you treat me with more respect here on out."

"Deal," Tony says smiling with a clap "can I call you Spookers?"

"Get out," I growl.

"Got it!" He says leaving hurriedly. I roll my eyes looking down at Obi who's grinning.

"What, Spookers?" He asks "wings in a twist?" I growl diving for him with a laugh.

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