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Merry Christmas! Hope all Of y'all are staying safe and with loved ones!

Loki's POV

I sigh as Thor walks me over to the bar. Starks party is much to crowded for my taste. I order a random drink just to pass the time.

"Ok brother all I ask is you don't cause too much trouble and don't leave too early," he says "see if you can make some new friends. It might be enjoyable to have some people you get along with." I roll my eyes at his speech. As if anyone would want to befriend me if I wasn't in a disguise.

I put on an illusion to make myself appear slightly different. I've made myself have shorter light brown hair and my eyes are more of a dull green. I felt no need to change much else about myself.

About ten minutes after Thor walks away to go play with his friends at a large table a women walks up sitting in the seat directly besides me. I look her over before going back to my drink. After a moment She turns to face me, placing her elbow on the bar.

"Well, aren't you going to offer me a drink?" Her voice is in an odd octave almost sounding fake I look back over at her. She's got almost white hair clearly chemically done and an almost round face with a nose that's a bit too small for her face. She's wearing a white dress that seems at hug her too tight and doesn't come past her mid thigh.

"No," I say plainly going back to my drink planning on ignoring her so she goes away. She laughs loudly slapping my shoulder lightly. I look down at her as if she's gone insane, which is not unlikely.

"Your funny! What's your name? I'm Monica," she says holding out her hand.

"Leo," I provide her with a fake name dryly not taking her hand. Her smile faulted a slightly.

"Well, Leo. What do you like to do for fun? I love to go shopping with my girls. We go every weekend to go see if the stores have any new stuff that catches our eyes," she says leaning into my arm "do you have a job? You look like you mush make a lot of money. My daddy owns a dealership. So I know a man with money when I see one." Ah, so she wants me for my suppose money.

"If you could back up I'd appreciate that," I say trying to convey my disinterest in my voice but she seems to be unable to understand when she is not wanted.

"Oh? Why? Is it sore? I can massage it for you if you'd like?" She goes to grab my arm and I pull back about to tell her off when a handful of red liquid is seemingly thrown at her. She screeches standing up and looking down at her no longer white dress in horror.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry he bumped my arm when he pulled his elbow back!" A blur of red and black cuts between me and Monica.

"Ugh! You-" Monica stops her screech mid sentence and makes a crying gesture over the womens shoulder "look what she did to me!"

I shrug going back to my drink no longer interested. She screeches once more before running off.

"Wow," the women says turning to me she's got dark almost black hair with a white streak in the front she's asking got dark brown eyes that scream mischief "she was interesting." I shrug finishing off my drink and ordering something different.

"May I sit here?" She asks then adds in a teasing tone "or are you going to leave it open for her?"

"You can sit wherever you'd like," I sigh taking my drink.

"You don't like party's either I gather," she says ordering herself a drink. I look over at her with a mutual expression.

"Why does everyone think I want to talk?" I ask rather rudely. I only feel slightly bad when she looks caught off guard.

"That bad huh," she says then leans her face on her fist "it's ok. I guess I get it. I just thought being god of mischief you'd like a good party, but if the lore is right then you probably only like to cause fights at parties." I choke on my drink in surprise.

"Are you ok?!" She yelps hands stretched towards me as if not knowing if she should touch me or not in order to help.

"God of mischief?" I force out after I'm done coughing up my lungs.

"Yes Loki, god of mischief. There's no way that's a surprise to you," she scuffs rolling her eyes "I mean come on. Your not that daft, I thought being a clueless dog was Thor's thing."

"What makes you think I'm Loki?" I ask the lie falling from my lips easily.

"Wait," she pauses looking over my face then bursts out laughing "oh this is gold!" I stiffen suddenly offended.

"What seems to be so funny?" I grumble annoyed.

"Oh, you have no idea who I am do you?" She says smirking as she looks at the mirror. I follow her line of sight and have to stop myself from gasping. It's Raven in her true form.

"Raven?" I breath "but why-"

"Why do I look different? Easy, I'm not Raven. I'm Phobia, but I go by Phoebe in this form. It's more human I think," she says smiling widely at me "aren't I pretty? I don't come out like this very often. I'm actually really bad at interacting with people but Raven didn't want to come and I thought it would be a good opportunity to practice. I don't think I'm doing very well." She loses her smile at the end tucking a stand of hair behind her ear with a sigh.

I look around suddenly feeling less safe here. Phobia is less predictable then Raven and even then I'm not overly comfortable around her yet.

"Your scared now," she sighs downing the rest of her drink I flinch as she slams it back down "of course you are."


Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while! Good news tho next chapter will have Phobia's point of view. I feel like poor Phobia is being kept in the shadows a lot. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Below is a picture of what I think she'd look like in human form. She looks maybe like she and Raven could be related sort of in my opinion but I wanted her to be her own person.

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