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I'm alive!! Sorry guys, I've been so busy here recently! I can't promise I'll be on a schedule to update but I'll do my best to update as soon as possible.

Raven's Pov

Me and Bruce watch as Loki storms off in silence. I sigh rolling my eyes as I turn to walk away as well.

"Hey, wait," Bruce grabs for my wrist and I turn to look at him in frustration "l have been so worried about you."

"So we shove people off buildings when we are worried?" I huff out a short laugh pulling my hand away to run it through my hair "I'm fine see? Nothing to worry about!"

"Raven, you've been gone for days," Bruce sighs "I've been looking everywhere. Look, I probably should have figured out a better plan. That's on me, I know that. I've just been worried about you. I thought you had gone to Graces but she swore you weren't there. With everything going on right now I didn't want you to be alone."

"Bruce, I have been hiding because I'm angry. I just needed time to regroup and calm down. I can't do that if I'm constantly pressured into talking to the press," I start to pace a short distance "we are so angry, phobia wants to kill Tony still. Hell I wasn't even going to stop her! He's lucky we aren't monsters, or maybe we are. I don't know anymore!"

"Your not a monster, neither of you are. You have every right to feel the way you do. He hurt you, maybe not physically but mentally. Just because you got upset as a result doesn't make you a monster," Bruce intersects my pacing and grabs my shoulders "if you need time, you just have to say so, no one is going to force you into anything."

I look into his eyes for a moment trying to collect myself. He gives me a look and I feel the first few tears start to fall. He pulls me into a hug and I just break down.

"We didn't want any of this!" I hiccup my wings falling limp behind me "why do they keep acting like I wanted to be such a monster?"

"I don't know, but you don't deserve any of it," he sighs rubbing my back softly "and you're not a monster. Just because you could be doesn't mean you are."

We stay like that for a bit. Bruce rocks me side to side gently as my tears continue to fall. I didn't realize how much I needed the hug until now.

"Let's get back downstairs. We can talk to the group figure something out. You don't have to talk to the media yet if your not ready," Bruce says pulling back slightly "sound good?" I nod wiping my face off. We head to the elevator the doors already open for us.

"I'm glad you finally decided to come down," Jarvis says sounding pleased. I smile at the top corner of the elevator that I've decided is where the camera is.

The ride down is pleasantly quiet, Bruce keeps an arm around my shoulders for support. It's a bit uncomfortable because of my wings but I appreciate the gesture.

When the doors open everyone in the room turns to look. Not everyone is in the living room just Steve, Natasha and Clint. Steve who was in a phone call politely ends the conversation before hanging up.

"Where have you been?!" Steve exclaims in a very dad-like manner, hands on his hips and everything.

"Back off Rogers," Bruce says in a warning tone "she doesn't have to justify herself to you. She did what was best for her at the time. She's back and she's safe that's all that should matter."

"We need to get a press conference going as soon as possible. People are starting to think we are avoiding the media because of some big scandal," Steve huffs rubbing his face.

"He's stressed because Fury put him on damage control," Natasha scuffs rolling her eyes "he's been complaining all week about the phone calls. Even after I told him to just mute the phone and stop answering."

"Not answering a call is rude! What if it is something important," Steve says crossing his arms defiantly. Clint smirks watching the two start to go back and forth for what I can only imagine is not the first time.

"Director Fury has been notified of Ravens resurfacing and requests a meeting in the conference room," Jarvis announces cutting off the argument at hand "I recommend getting there soon. He seems in a sour mood." I scuff rolling my eyes before going back towards the elevator.

"When is he not in a sour mood?" I ask no one in particular mentally preparing myself for the reprimand I'm about to get.

"If it helps you feel less worried about anything, he seems to be more mad at Mr Stark then you," Jarvis says sounding optimistic. I chuckle dryly as everyone also enters the elevator.

"I hope this doesn't turn to another scream fest," Clint mumbles sounding like a five year old child.

"I'm sure it'll be fine," Bruce says shrugging.

It was not fine.

As soon as we enter the room Fury starts yelling at me about how it was against our agreement for me to just disappear randomly.

When Tony walked in Fury just about lunged at him because he made a smart ass comment about how it's good to finally see me come out of whatever cave I was hiding in.

"I should make you both do grunt work for a month straight!" Fury yells slamming a hand on the table.

"You can't do that! You don't own us!" Tony yells back stomping a foot "you're not allowed to punish us like we are your agents!"

They go back and forth for a while, no one seems to care and just watch from the sidelines.

All the yelling starts to become annoying after a while so I decide I'm going to put an end to it because no one else will.

"Enough," I try it at a decent tone not wanting to yell but neither of the boys seems to pay me any attention.

Fine, I can play this game.

"Enough!" I yell putting out a fear pheromone as I do to startle them, I flare my wings out looking between the two before growling out "you're both acting like children! Sit down! Now!"

They both drop into a chair in stunned silence.

"Now that we are all done yelling, how about we actually get into why you've called us together for yes?" Everyone nods silently in response still looking a bit frightened from my display.

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