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Raven's POV

Was I upset that I wasn't invited to Tony's stupid party?


No I was not.

I was upset however when I started noticing everyone actively try to hide the party from me.

For example. I'm sitting on a stool in the kitchen watching a grown ass man try to sneak past me with decorations.

"Shit," Tony hisses dropping a roll of streamers. I sip my orange juice and turn a page in my book pretending to not notice. He proceeds to bend down the grab the fallen decorative paper resulting in him dropping more of the junk in his hands.

"Would you like help?" I sigh looking at him fully now. He flinches slightly before looking up at me. I prop my chin up on my fist raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, uh ya that would be great actually. You see I am just... moving all of this into storage, ya and it's a lot," He says a fake smile plastered on his face fear coming off him in waves. I give him an an unamused look standing from my place to grab some of the decorations.

"What's the party for this time?" I ask looking the almost child like decorations over.

"Party? What party?" Tony blurts out looking nervous now.

"Tony, I think you forget that Thor has a rather loud mouth. I know about the party," I say rolling my eyes.

"But-" he starts then huffs looking annoyed "if you knew then why didn't you say anything?"

"Because clearly I wasn't meant to attend," I say shrugging "or I would have been invited. Like everyone else in the tower."

"Well what if it was a surprise party?!" Tony says shoulders falling "then what?"

"A surprise party? Really Tony? And why on earth would you throw me a surprise party?" I scuff "plus do you really believe that throwing a surprise party for any of us here is a good idea?" Tony opens and closes his mouth a few times trying to find something to say.

"It's for Pepper," Tony sighs "it's the anniversary of us dating."

"That's sweet," I say smiling softly at him "but these decorations are a bit juvenile don't you think?"

"Ya, it was all a bit last minute," he says scratching behind his neck. I frown realizing that that probably means he forgot.

"What's her favorite color?" I ask softly "and what flowers does she like?"

"Uh, she likes roses. Her favorite color? Blue?" He says shrugging "why?" I nod before slipping into a shadow ending up right next to a small flower shop.

"Roses please," I say to the very shocked shop owner "as many as I can get."

~~~~time skip~~~~

"Ok!" I pop back up next to Tony causing him and everyone around him to jump "I've got you some roses and more dignified decorations."

I hold up the bag of decorations also pulling out the roses.

"Sadly the flower shop only had 2 dozen roses left. So those are going to need to be spread out. I was thinking that I'd you do one or two in some small glasses it could look nice. It might take a minute to take down everything you've set up but I don't mind helping put things up high so we can skip the ladder," I ramble setting things out on the table "also I hope it's no big deal but I got cloth instead of streamers. I thought it might look nicer."

I look over to see how that went over noticing everyone's shocked faces. I huff rolling my eyes at the reaction.

"Wait, she knows?" Clint asks from his spot on top of a ladder setting up a streamer.

"Ya, Thor told her," Tony sighs "she asked what it was about and I told her."

"Hold on," Bruce says looking a bit mad "I thought you said you told her this morning and she said she didn't want to go."

"If this is going to turn into an argument I'm leaving," I say crossing my arms.

"Wait, if you knew he was hiding a party from you why would you get decorations?!" Bruce says turning to me now "Raven that's not fair to you at all."

"He's trying to make this up to Pepper," I say shrugging "I thought that I'd it looked half ass and like it was put together last minute it would probably make things worse." Everyone nods mumbling that I have a point, except Bruce who still looks disappointed.

"Tony, your an ass," Bruce says not looking away from me "Raven you shouldn't have done that." I smirk shanking my head softly.

"It was the nice thing to do," I say then turn to Tony "even if he doesn't deserve it. A women deserves to feel loved, and Tony isn't very much into romance."

"Hey I can be romantic," he huffs stomping his foot like a toddler.

"Sure, maybe for the first few weeks," I say raising an eyebrow at him "they call you playboy for a reason."

Everyone chuckles and starts the takedown of the old decorations. I help with things that have to go up high. And after a few hours everything is set up nicely.

"You should go get ready," Natasha says after everyone starts heading out.

"Ready?" I scuff looking at her weird "I'm not invited. Nor do I want to attend a Stark party. I'm going to try to find a good movie to watch in my room."

"But you helped get everything," she scuffs crossing her arms "you kind of have to show up for a short while."

"Until Tony Stark himself says he wants me there I'll have to pass," I say smirking at the determined look on her face I head to the elevator "I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast."

"You really should attend," Jarvis says as the doors close "you could end up having a good time."

"Convince Tony to tell me he wants me there," I say shrugging "if you can do that I'll go." Jarvis hums before going quite.

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