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Ravens pov
Waking up the next day in a panic because of my dead parents trying to toss me off a building isn't the best way to start a day but we'll, there isn't much I can do about that. I don't bother hiding my wings or tail this morning now that everyone knows about them. I do make myself look human not brave enough to walk around in my fearling skin.

"We can do this," I tell myself standing in front of my door "just be normal, what's the worst that can happen?" I open the door and look around for anyone who might be in the area. I sigh realizing it's clear and head for the elevator.

"Good morning Raven," JARVIS says calmly as I step into the elevator that seems to be waiting for me with how fast the doors open.

"Good morning JARVIS," I say smiling softly "who all's in the kitchen area?"

"Just Steve and Tony like usual. Though Thor, Natasha and Clint are also on the main floor this morning," JARVIS responds "Loki seems to be making his way to the main living area as well but he may not be there for very long I presume." I nod feeling self conscious about myself already. My wings tuck in on themselves as the doors open for me to exit. I hesitate trying to hype myself back up for this experience.

Walking out of the elevator and walking into the kitchen was one of the slowest walks I've ever done. As I enter the kitchen like I've done every other day seems so different then normal as everyone immediately turns to look at me. I flinch back at the attention hating my life with each second I stand there.

"Good morning," I say softly looking away from them trying to block out the feeling of all of their eyes on me.

"So your planning on keeping those out all the time now?" Tony asks rather sharply. I try to pull my wings in closer and curl my tail around my legs regretting the choice to keep them out.

"Not all of the time," I say looking back at him and the rest of the room half tempted to turn invisible at the moment. I take a step towards the fridge freezing at the amount of fear comes off of the room at my movement.

"I went ahead and prepared a glass of orange juice for you this morning Raven," Jarvis says calmly "we seem to be running low do you have a preference on brands before I order more for you?" I look at the ceiling for a moment shocked.

"Oh, uh no. Whatever is available will be fine, thank you Jarvis," I smile softly realizing that's he's trying to help defuse the situation in his own way. I speed over to the fridge trying to ignore the fear coming off of everyone in the room.

"It is my pleasure dear," I flinch at the name as does everyone else shocked. No one comments on it thankfully and I try to ignore the looks I get after I grab my glass of orange juice.

"I'll just take this to go today," I mumble and make my retreat wanting out.

"I talked with Bruce," Tony says stopping me in my tracks.

"Tony, let it go," Steve whisper yells at him "fury told you to hold your tongue."

"No I think she deserves to know that he knows about her," Tony says with false calmness, he's afraid but wants to hurt me still mad I outed him about his sleeping issues "he's informed me that he's going to be avoiding you for his safety." I had hoped he wouldn't do that to me.

"Oh," I say looking down at my glass feeling sick, I set it down on the counter knowing I won't be able to drink it today.

"Oh? What you finally speechless? Nothing to fire back?" Tony growls. I feel everyone in the room begin to panic at Tony's poking at me, afraid I'll turn and kill them all. I turn slightly to face them all.

"What would you like for me to say?" I ask letting my wings drop slightly "would you like for me to scream at you? Or maybe you'd prefer I'd cry. Congratulations you've managed to make me feel unwelcome. Hope your proud of yourself Anthony." I feel phobia beg to be released wanting to stand up for ourselves. I turn to head back to the elevators slamming into a chest tasting fear come off of the person I've run into.

"I-I didn't realize you'd be here," Loki's voice reaches me as I look up backing away from him and covering my nose trying to block out his fear that's almost overwhelmingly sweet "or that everyone would be here." I rush around him trying to get out of here. I need to go home. I need to get away from this tower and these people.

The elevator opens for me like it had this morning, as if waiting for me once again.

"Are you alright dear?" Jarvis asks sounding concerned.

"I'm fine, I need to get out. Could you take me to ground floor," I ask tucking my wings and tail in quickly.

"Yes, I'll take you there now," Jarvis says calmly. But we stop moments later. And the doors open to a very flustered Peter.

"Raven!" He gasps rushing in and hugging me as the doors close again "Mr. Stark told me what went down yesterday. I just want you to know I don't think your an evil monster or whatever. I'm sure you didn't plan on hurting Mr Loki. Plus my spidey senses don't go off around you and they always go off if I'm in danger so you can't be that dangerous right?" I stand there too stunned to respond right away looking down at him for a good long moment before hugging him back.

"I'm glad you think so," I say smiling "I'm about to head out though so I can't talk much today."

"Oh no that's fine! I just wanted you to know in case Mr. Stark tells you something about how you should stay away and stuff," Peter says "plus I can walk you out! Unless you wanted to be alone of course, then I'd just get off at the next floor or something." I find myself holding back a laugh at the teens rambling.

"I'd be happy to have you walk me out," I say ruffling his hair "thank you Peter, for not thinking of me as a monster."

"Of course! We're friends, and friends trust friends right?" Peter chirps sounding pleased with himself. The elevator doors open up to the lobby and we step out.

"You don't have to-" the loud bang of the doors being thrown open cuts me off.

"Peter get away from her!" Tony growls in his Iron man suit looking ready for battle.

"But Mr. Stark-" Peter starts stopping at the look he gets in return and walks over. Tony pulls Peter behind him protectively.

"How dare you go anywhere near him!" Tony growls.

"I was just leaving Tony. He came to me," I say calmly "how about you speak with him about it. I have never done anything to make you believe I'd hurt Peter nor would I even think about hurting the boy."

"Leaving? Who said you could just leave without telling anyone?" Tony asks sounding annoyed.

"I'm not your prisoner," I say starting to get angry now "and you can't keep me here against my will. I'm not a criminal and your not my boss."

"This is my tower and I control who lives here," Tony fired back.

"I never asked to live here, I was perfectly happy living in the shadows away from all of you judgmental hero's," I growl "I'm sorry I'm no pretty fairy who goes around spreading joy and happiness to the world! I didn't ask for any of this so you will not treat me as if I wanted any of this!" I don't wait for his rebuttal and decide to go around him. Tony doesn't seem to like this and grabs my arm.

"Your not allowed to leave," he growls. I look down at his hand holding my arm and snarl dropping my glamour getting in his face.

"Do not touch me!" I hiss causing him to jump back from me as if I burned him.

"Raven," Peter says softly getting my attention he gives me a look, as if to apologize for Tony's behavior. I sigh looking back at Tony before turning and rushing out, putting back on my human appearance.

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