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Ravens Pov

After me and Fury hashed it out over the press conference, things went back to normal. Well, as normal as the avengers can be.

Everyone actually seems to be being a bit nicer recently. The rooms don't wreak of fear every time I walk into a room anymore. Well whenever Visero walks in after me it does but it's no longer fear of me at least.

Visero refuses to make himself less frightening and snaps his jaws at Tony any chance he gets. It's funny but I always tell him to cut it out as to not encourage bad behavior. He's barely allowed to stay in the tower as it is.

I've noticed Loki has stopped avoiding me like I'm a disease. Thank the gods. It gets frustrating, especially because I feel that we could become good friends if he let me try.

Steve and Natasha have really surprised me by becoming very friendly. Steve asked me to join him in a spar one day and Natasha joined in. They've taken to talking with me when they see me and I really enjoy sparing with them.

I still find time to annoy Bruce when I can and Grace has been authorized to come visit every once and a while. Her and Bruce seem to be quick friends. I've had Obi spy on them for me every once and a while when I leave the room. I'm pretty sure Bruce has a crush on Grace, but I haven't asked him about it.

Thor and Clint seem to think it's funny to try to scare me. Well, Clint tried it first and Thor's joined in because he thinks it's hilarious when I don't react and Clint gets upset about it. He's actually scared Visero on accident and almost ended up eaten if I hadn't stepped in. We all had a laugh about it afterwards, well Visero didn't but that's because he was embarrassed.

All in all I'd say I'm starting to enjoy my new living situation. I get to interrogate criminals every once and a while to feed and everyone is starting to become nicer to me at the tower. Plus I've got a lot of new fans. It's a bit overwhelming sometimes seeing how many people love the black swan.

"Lady Raven, do you have a moment," Thor practically yells from down the hall, I turn to look at him in interest he looks a bit ruffled "Lady Raven, something has come up on Asgard. I will be leaving shortly, My brother is not allowed to come with me."

"I'm not a jailer," I understand where he's going with this, he wants me to watch his brother for him.

"Yes, well I'd rather not put him in a cell while I am away," Thor says sounding miffed.

"They plan on putting him in a cell," I frown at the nod Thor gives with a heavy sigh.

"Please lady Raven, no one else will do it," He says looking frustrated "and you would be best fit to handle my brother if he decides to try anything." I pinch the bridge of my nose, he's not my biggest fan but this could be the in I needed to try to become friends.

"Fine," I almost have to shy away from how bright Thor smiles at my acceptance. He grabs me up in a very aggressive hug earning him a grumble from Visero.

"I will let Fury know of the arrangement immediately! Thank you, Lady Raven, I am in you debt," Thor says dropping me to run to find Fury I presume.

"He is much too loud," Visero snarks "and he grabbed you without permission."

"You're just jealous that you didn't get a hug," I roll my eyes with a playful grin at his scuff.

"I do not want a hug from such a person," Visero grumbles as we continue on our way to my room.

"Fury has asked for a word with you," Jarvis says sounding a bit annoyed.

"Are they all arguing?" I ask giving Visero a look.

"Yes, and Dear, if you could please do a dramatic entrance I will make sure my cameras are recording," Jarvis says sweetly enough that I can almost see the look of hope.

"Anything for you darling," I coo back phasing into a shadow so that I literally just walk out of a corner into the very loud conference room Visero not far behind me.  No one's noticed us yet, not with all the yelling going on.

"She can't watch him we barely trust her!" Tony growls

"No you don't trust her, we trust her just fine!" Bruce yells back looking slightly green before turning on Thor "but you are in charge of your brother he is not her responsibility."

"Lady Raven agreed to the arrangement!" Thor all but whines clearly this isn't the first time he's said the exact same thing.

"He hasn't even done anything why does he need a babysitter?" Steve asks gaining everyone's attention briefly before he's ignored.

"They fight like roosters," Visero says softly enough to not gain attention. I nod, getting an idea on how to get everyone's attention. I send my thoughts to Visero to play out.

He nods silently melting into the shadows to emerge under the table. He circles the base to look for a gap big enough. He finds it in between Clint and Tony. Reaching up to grab the tables lip he pulls himself up hissing loud enough to gain everyone's attention as he emerges from the table.

"Would you all stop being children," he growls as they all back away from him in shocked fear reaching for their weapons, I quietly sneak behind them all as Visero continues "your arguments are grating my nerves."

"Visero?" Bruce sighs before looking pleased "what's your opinion then."

"My opinion?" Visero hisses with a deep chuckle "my opinion doesn't matter. I don't make decisions for my queen."

"Ya, it's a bit rude to make a decision for someone else without asking them their opinion," I huff gaining a startled jump from everyone as they all turn to me.

"Lady Raven!" Thor runs up and grabs me by the shoulders looking pleased to see me "please inform everyone of how you agreed to watch Loki for me."

"I already agreed to watch him," I say rolling my eyes "why is this an argument? What's so bad about having to watch him?"

"You have to keep an almost constant eye on him," Fury says crossing his

"Ok, like the constant checking on him that Thor does?" I ask thinking back on how often Thor would come to "annoy" Loki.

"Exactly," Fury huffs.

"Ok?" So keep close doesn't sound too bad.

"You seriously don't have any complaints about this at all?" Bruce asks looking shocked.

"I don't understand why it's such a big deal?" Everyone looks at me with varying emotions, some look hesitant, others look annoyed.

"I'm going to authorize this," Fury finally says "but he messes up one time and he's in a cage."

I still don't understand what the big deal is.

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