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Raven's POV-
I walk around the common area floor for a bit dipping into random rooms to see what's inside. Most of them are empty or extra storage. I quickly get bored of this floor and decide to check out another.

"JARVIS? What floor are all of the team on?" I ask hoping into the elevator.

"Clint and Natasha are both in the training area, Dr. Banner is in the lab. Steve, Tony and Peter are all still on this floor," JARVIS says and I think this over "Would you like me to take you to the Lab floor? You and Dr. Banner seemed to get along yesterday."

"Oh, sure that sounds good. Might as well. He is probably the only one here that isn't hostile," I say shrugging. JARVIS doesn't respond but the button for the basement lights up. I ride down in silence looking around in interest I didn't get to look into the craftsmanship of the elevator yesterday because of how into my conversation I was.

"Oh! Raven, uh. I wasn't expecting you to come down here," Bruce says sounding a bit confused "I thought you were Tony."

"Sorry if I'm intruding," I say suddenly unsure if I should be here "I was just exploring and well..."

"No! I get it big tower all new sights. Uh, feel free to look around if you'd like," Bruce says smiling awkwardly. I step out of the elevator and take in my surroundings.

"Wow, this place is high tech. But I guess I shouldn't expect anything less from Tony. His thing is technical engineering isn't it?" I mumble to myself then turn to Bruce "what were you working on? Oh, wait is it classified info? Should I not ask?"

"It's not classified at all. I'm just doing some chemical experiments on metal alloys. Trying to find better stuff to use for ammunition," he says shrugging "nothing too exciting." I nod understanding the basics of what he's talking about.

"Cool, I wish I was good with science. I'm more into reading about it then doing anything with it. I can tell you the chemical make up of acetone but couldn't tell you much about what it can and can't be mixed with.," I say shaking my head. Bruce huffs a laugh walking over to a bench.

"Well, sadly I'm not working with acetone, but feel free to watch if you'd like," He says starting on a complicated looking formula.

Life goes on like this for a week. I try to get to know the team, only to be turned down for whatever excuse they can come up with and just end up going to hang out with Bruce. He is like the fun older brother anyone could want, once he has opened up at least. Bruce is extremely shy, well maybe not shy but doesn't like to open up, reserved. He's always been kind to me though. I'd like to say because of our friendship the others have started to tolerate me. At least now they don't immediately leave the room when I walk in.

Peter has also taken a liking to me. Says his spider sense can tell him if something is a danger and I don't set him off so he trusts me. He often will come looking for me and just tell me about what he did that day. It's nice, but mother hen Tony doesn't like Peter anywhere near me. Steve tries to calm Tony down after they find us and Bruce always helps defend me. Peter always one to look for praise rather then disappointment, doesn't like to get involved in the arguments. They are always tiering, especially with my growing need to feed. I've been trying to contact Fury about the issue but he hasn't been responding to my messages.

"I don't know if I can handle her and Reindeer games," Tony bursts out after yet another argument after I check my phone again for a message from Fury, no luck.

"Tony, your being unreasonable, Raven has never given you any reason to suspect her of being evil," Bruce says crossing his arms.

"I'd say keeping a secret from the whole group is pretty suspicious!" Tony growls then turns to me "Well? Miss I-wanna-become-friends-first, what are you hiding that's so dangerous?"

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