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Phobia's POV

I look at the group of hero's in front of me with murderous eyes as I take over.

"Phobia," Steve says voice full of warning.

"Move," everyone flinches at the calm harshness in my voice.

"Jarvis," Stark calls out gaining no response.

"Phobia stand down," Natasha says guns pointed at me "you don't want to do this."

"Move or be moved," I growl patients dwindling down quickly.

No one moves, no one speaks.

I stop breathing. My focus solely on stark.

"Phobia," like a switch I launch into movement.

Bullets fly, an arrow is sent my direction. I don't let them slow me down.

I'm moving too quickly for much else to happen and as I force my way through the group Stark has no time to dodge me.

I throw him across the room with a snarl. He lands with a roll and I let him start to stand before going after him again.

"Phobia stop!" Steve being the closest one to stark gets in my way again.

"Get out of my way,"I growl using my wing to slap him out of my way. Tony tries to run seeing he's got no other options. I easily catch up to him tackling him onto his back.

"Get off of me!" Stark yells trying fruitlessly to push me away as I snarl down at him.

The others try to pull me off but are fought off my my wings and tail. I lift stark and shove him down forcefully knocking the air out of him.

"You said you wanted to study my flight pattern didn't you? Well, no time like the present!" I hiss down at him shoving away everyone who's still trying to separate me from Tony.

I grab stark under his arms like a child and launch us both through the window. Glass shatters around us and I can feel a few shards cut into my exposed flesh on my cheeks, arms and wings as I let us drop into a free fall for a moment.

I snap my wings open jerking us upwards suddenly. I do a few dips and dives as I climb higher purposefully making the ride ruff.

"Phobia!" Stark's voice is swallowed by the mid as he grasps onto me in panic. His mind finally processing his predicament.

"Silence," I growl climbing higher until we are above the clouds "you've said enough!"

"Don't you dare drop me!" His voice cracks pathetically as he continues to cling to me.

"You are in no position to tell me what I dare not do," I hiss holding him out and away from me. He continues to grasp for me and I can taste his horror.

"Please, don't drop me," he looks down and swallows thickly. I scuff looking him over in disgust.

"I should drop you," I growl seeing the panic in his eyes as he looks at me in the eye I add "you've been horrible to us from the start."

"Look, I don't know what you want from me?! I'm sorry ok! I'm sorry!" He all but screams at me.

"You don't even know what to be sorry for," I scuff "do you?" He doesn't reply for a moment hands gripping my arms desperately. I shake him when he's been quiet too long.

"Hey look! I'm sorry I yelled at you ok!" He says looking around as if the air would give him the answers "I'm sorry I lied about Bruce! I'm sorry I assumed you killed your parents!"

"You threatened Grace," I snap cutting his babbling off and he flinches back in shock "you insulted the only place We can call home!"

"I'm sorry about that too!" He quickly adds looking a tad more panicked now "I'm really sorry ok! Let's go back down and talk about this!"

"No," I shake him causing him to panic further grasping at me more "No! Your not! Your not sorry! You don't know what to be sorry for! You don't get it!"

"What?" He looks shocked now as I feel tears come on.

"Don't you get it! You keep hurting us! What did we do to you!" My voice cracks with my emotions "we didn't ask for this!"

"Hey, let's talk this out when we are on solid ground?" Stark says smiling forcefully.

"No! Your going to take this!" I feel tears fall now "feel how terrifying it is to be out of your element and have someone yell at you!" He stops moving momentarily looking at me fully now.

"What?" He says it softly as if not meaning to.

"This feeling! This is how you made me feel!" I squeeze my eyes shut to try and stop the tears from falling hating that I'm crying in front of him I open my eyes to look him directly in the eyes before adding "except you dropped me! You tossed me down to the wolves! How does it feel?!"

He looks shocked as if seeing me for the first time.

"We never wanted this," I lower him slightly and he gasps tightening his hold on my arms "we didn't want the world knowing about us. We were still trying to figure this whole thing out, and you took our choice away."

"Phobia please," I close my eyes in frustration at his plea.

"No, Stark because you don't get it! You don't understand what you've done to us!" I lift him back up and dig my nails in slightly earning a wince from stark "I am tired of Raven trying to play nice with you! She walks on egg shells just to try to get on your good side, but you don't even try to give her an actual shot unless she's some experiment!"

"You scare me!" Stark yells out sounding almost frustrated at the admission "you scare me, because you not only know all of my fears you feed off of them! I don't know any of your weaknesses! How would any of us be able to stop you in this situation! You just took out the whole team without breaking a sweat!"

"We know," I snap and he flinches "we know your scared, we know why your scared. We know, but that's no excuse for treating us like a monster. Your scared we'll attack you out if no where. Yet you're the one who's  attached us multiple times. How is that fair?"

He doesn't respond and looks slightly ashamed. I take in his expression feeling Raven shift in my mind. Her message is clear, we've made our point.

"I hate you," I say suddenly and Stark doesn't look shocked at the statement "Raven doesn't." Now he looks confused.

"She-she doesn't?" He looks at me with disbelief clear in his eyes.

"No, Raven is much more forgiving then I'll ever be. She doesn't hate you," I sigh before pulling Stark close to me and diving down to land back inside the tower.

Once I land I shove him away causing him to stumble into a table. I look around the room of very disappointed hero's and growl shaking my wings out dismissively before turning and walking to the elevator.

"Thank you for not killing him," Jarvis says as the doors close.

"Thank you for not sending a suit as Raven requested," I say shrugging letting the soft elevator music fill the silence.

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