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Loki's POV

She promised not to drop me, she's not going to drop me.

"Ok so I think the best way to take off is going to be jumping off. We will free fall for a moment but I'll even us out after a moment," Raven says walking me to the edge "I'm going to be holding you around your stomach area but I'm probably going to adjust mid flight so as to not knock your air out. Don't  freak out if that happens. Any questions?" I swallow thickly shaking my head. I look over to Thor who is watching in excitement.

"Have fun brother. I'll meet you up there!" He laughs flinging himself into the air.

"You don't have to do this," Raven says stepping away from me slightly "I know you don't trust me that much, if at all."

"Let's just get it over with," I say turning away slightly "he won't leave me alone about it if I don't. Plus aren't you getting a meal out of this?"

"I'm not doing this to get a meal," she scuffs grabbing me by my middle spreading her wings slightly "I just think everyone should get the opportunity to fly." I have a moment to panic about her being so close before she tosses us off the helipad.

Free falling is just as bad as I thought it would be. And I have to try to not think about my fall off the rainbow bridge all that time ago. I close my eyes bracing for the jerk upwards. Her hands shift slightly and I feel the change of direction but not as bad as I thought I would.

"You can open your eyes now if you'd like," she says and I do as her hands shift once more I look around we are climbing higher and higher above the ground and for a moment i picture her letting me go to drop to my death.

"This is high enough I think," I say voice blocked by the wind. I panic when I realize she may not be able to hear me if I need her to.

"Calm down Loki," she says calmly coming to a stop mid air "Relax and you might enjoy this a bit more." I look around for Thor who is now aimed towards us not looking as if he's slowing down anytime soon.

"Uh, shouldn't you move?" I see Thor's eyes widen as he notices we aren't moving.

"Patience," she chuckles before I'm shifted suddenly as she twirls out of the way "no need to worry about him." Our new position allows me to see Thor recover and turn to us before dropping for a moment and tossing himself back up.

"Look at you brother! I thought for sure you'd back out of it," he laughs his voice not as loud because of the wind and distance. I roll my eyes and look around for something to focus on that isn't my brother.

"Where would you like to fly?" Raven asks her voice still coming off surprisingly clear.

"I don't really care," I grumble still not entirely ok with the whole situation.

"Hmm, the park is nice," she says seemingly to herself before we dip and turn headed in the direction of the large group of trees that is Central Park. Not having much else to look at I look down at all the city life and try not to think about how high up we are.

Once we hit the tree line Raven slows down quite a lot and starts to circle the perimeter of the park. It's almost peaceful.

She has a grace to how she flies. It's a steady rhythm, that paired with the scenery is dream like.

I find myself almost enjoying the experience. A lazy smile finding my lips as I see children flying kites and feeding the ducks in the lake. I can even spot a few joggers running along in small groups.

A small seed of sorrow blooms in my stomach as I think back to my actions not too long ago. Yes, I may not have been fully in control but how many lives did I destroy? How many of these people did I hurt?

"Would you like to go back?" Raven's voice is soft almost as if afraid to say anything at all.

"Yes, I'd very much like to get down now," I say trying to sound irritated. She doesn't reply verbally, just turns us towards the tower and at a slow pace takes us back.

Thor is already on the launch pad when we get there a large smile plastered on his face.

"Did you enjoy your flight brother?" He booms clapping me on the shoulder as soon as I step away from Raven.

"It was much more enjoyable then flying with you," I huff shaking him off then heading to the elevator.

"It's about time we start getting ready for the party don't you think lady Raven?" Thor asks ignoring my jab.

"Party?" She parrots as they both begin to fallow me to the elevator "what party?"

"Did the man of iron not mention the party tonight?" She seems to not seem super surprised that she wasn't invited.

"They probably didn't think I would be good company," she says shrugging as we enter the awaiting elevator.

"Well that's not very kind of them," Thor says sounding offended for her.

"It's fine," she says chuckling softly "it's probably for the best. I've heard horror stories of Tony's infamous parties. I'll find myself a nice book and get to bed early."

"You should come," Thor says "I'd be happy to keep you company if you'd like?"

"I'll think on it," she says smirking slightly "but don't be surprised if you don't see me there. I'd much rather enjoy some tea and a good book. Maybe a nice older movie."

Thor doesn't say anymore, but I can tell that he is upset that she wasn't even given an invitation to a party that is happening in the same area that she lives in. Oh what I'd give to be a fly on the wall when he talks to the Man of iron about this later.

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