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Loki's POV

Everyone stays on edge after Raven leaves the room. Slowly rise from my spot on the floor.

"What was that?" Thor asks looking at me like I should know.

"See she is dangerous! I knew it! I have to tell Bruce!" Tony yells then goes pale "she was around the kid."

"Ok let's just all take a breath here. We all get to know Raven a bit over her time here she's not evil, just hungry," Steve says trying to defuse the situation. I just watch trying to process what just happened to me. I must have zoned out completely because the next thing I hear is "Right Loki? Surely she would have hurt you after you stabbed her right? But she didn't she just growled."

"Perhaps," I reply half heartedly, anxious with everyone's eyes on me now.

"I need to go talk with Bruce, he's not safe around her and deserves to know the dangers she poses to him and the team," Tony says suddenly before walking to the elevator "JARVIS send down the elevator as soon as Fury and Raven get off."

"Right away sir," the walls respond in an overly polite manner.

"Tony, I don't think you should be the one to tell Bruce anything," Steve says "look what happened was intense but you've been against her the whole time. Maybe someone who hasn't been so cruel to her should tell him."

"I'm telling Bruce, I need to prove I was right about her and how he should stay away," Tony growls back "they've been hanging out in the lab together almost everyday since she got here! That's not safe!"

"Sir, if I may cut in. Raven has never shown any sort of threatening behavior around the tower," the walls cut in "I have made sure to monitor her closely to try to determine if she was a threat."

"JARVIS she could just be good at hiding or manipulative. I mean the girl murdered her mother how do we know she didn't murdered her father as well?" Tony yells.

"Tony I really think your looking too far into this," Steve says "we are all scared. We get this is all crazy but let's all try not to throw her under the bus yet. Fury trusts her in a strange way so let's all try to at least pretend we are accepting."

"Steve, you know we aren't going to be able to pretend none of this happened," Natasha says "I hate to agree with Tony but I had a bad feeling off her from the beginning. You didn't see her in that interrogation room."

"Lady Raven was kind from what I observed, and the duel was my idea. Perhaps we should have not pushed her," Thor says turning to look at me again "what do you think brother?" I scowl at the word 'brother'. I hate when he tries to get me on his side with the word like it will make me feel empathy to his cause.

"I wish not to discuss such matters," I say crossing my arms "my opinions matter little in this situation." Everyone looks around at one another seeming to come to a silent agreement before the elevator opens and we all climb in wanting out of the training room.

Raven's POV
I stay motionless on my bed slowly coming back into myself from my emotional high. Fury left me here about an hour ago. He knows not to stay in the room while I'm this out of it from a forced shift from me to Phobia. I'd explained to him what happens if I don't eat for too long. I'm just disappointed he let me get to this point.

"They were bound to find out about us eventually," Phobia's voice calls from the mirror. A fun quirk she likes to take advantage of.

"Yes but it would have been nice if it hadn't been like this," I sigh looking over at the mirror she's currently in she's got herself positioned on the bed head in hand as she watches me "they already had a hard time trusting me before but any ground I'd covered is lost now. Plus I'm sure the new guys are terrified of me now."

"The gods? Shame I quite like the tall thin one. He's quite scrumptious," Phobia says then looks a bit ashamed of herself "I'm sorry for ruining it all for you. You know my emotions aren't as stable as yours. I didn't mean any harm really." I just nod at her. We both know she's not really aggressive in nature she's just more emotionally driven, more animalistic then I am.

"Hopefully tomorrow morning won't be too big of a disaster," I huff "how much would you bet that Tony has blown it all out of proportion and is already working on a way to contain me?" Phobia smirks and I feel her playfulness across our bond.

"I'd like to see him be successful," she snickers then gets very serious "what about the scientist? The nice one who you go to talk with in the labs?"

"Bruce," I supply then tilt my own head at her "what about him?"

"Will he still be friendly to you? Did I mess up your only friendship here?" She asks looking horrified at herself "he's the only one who I was sure would have accepted us but with how I acted and how I'm sure Tony will describe me I'm not so sure." I take a moment to think on this. Bruce has defended me from Tony on multiple occasions and has never been to worried about how dangerous I could be. But if Tony romanticizes the whole experience with Phobia he might be a bit hesitant to be anywhere near me.

"I'm sure it will all work out between me and Bruce eventually," I say smiling softly at her trying to be optimistic for the both of us "we can go visit home tomorrow to clear our heads."

"I'd like that, I miss home," phobia says rolling over to look at the ceiling "this place isn't as welcoming." I silently agree with her exhaustion catching up to me from the day. I need to sleep it all off, tomorrow will be better hopefully.     

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