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Raven's POV

He's going to tell everyone. They are all going to freak out and Tony is going to blow it out of proportion. Great! Just great.

"Are you going to talk with Dr. Banner? He seemed eager to talk with you after yesterday," Jarvis always the voice of reason pipes up. I come to a stop trying to calm myself enough so I can make a wise decision about this.

"If you were me," I start looking up at the ceiling "what would you do?"

"I have been programmed by a very petty man," Jarvis says then pauses as if that was a valid answer "but I feel it would be best for you to talk with Dr. Banner. You both got along so well, and he helped keep your stress levels down."

I nod walking in the direction of the elevator. It's time I try to talk with Bruce about everything that's happened.

Like normal the elevator opens for me. The doors close and I'm taken to the correct floor without having to ask. Jarvis has me, he's not going to let me do anything stupid. As the doors open I hesitate to step out.

"Raven?" Bruce come zipping around a corner and skirts to a stop when he sees me "oh thank god! You came!" I flinch back when he steps towards me causing him to stop his advance.

"You wanted to talk," I say trying to be straight to the point "so go ahead ask away. I know you've been wanting to experiment with my powers ever since I got here."

"Raven, I didn't want to talk because I wanted to question you. Well I mean I have a few questions but those can wait," ah the word vomit he's prone to when nervous "look the fact is I want to apologize. I don't know what Tony told you, but I never wanted you to stop visiting me. Your one of the only people here who aren't afraid to be normal around me. Plus I understand the split personality thing heck the other guy is probably worse then- well I don't know what she- it?- is, but I get it." I smile softly at him.

"Jarvis told me earlier that what Tony said was a lie," I say looking him over "but I still don't understand why your so calm around me. And do not say it's because you have the other guy. Phobia has a tendency to push boundaries."

"Phobia seemed in control of herself for the most part. Granted she looked very pissed off at everyone," Bruce says chuckling softly "she doesn't seem all that bad."

"Not that bad?" I mimic screwing up my face "Phobia is animalistic and emotion driven, on top of that she's also intelligent. Most people find that incredibly intimidating."

"Just as I'm sure people find the other guy frightening I suppose," Bruce says calmly "look all I'm saying is that if you can look past the rage monster I become when I get mad I can look past your other side. I'd like my lab buddy back. It's too quite without you asking a thousand and one questions." I laugh at that one. I would make it my mission to know everything about what he was doing.

"Oh so you only miss me for the background noise I provide?" I joke pretending to be offended.

"Of course not, but you are good for conversation," he says looking a tad relieved "now I've been wanting to see your real face closer up." I roll my eyes dropping my glamour.

"I'm more then a face you know," I huff as he walks over to inspect me.

"Your markings are very interesting," Bruce says calmly ignoring my jab "they look like ink blots. Which is a tad ironic with your powers. Are your markings unique or did your parents have the same markings as you?"

"My markings are unique to me," I say then add "like a zebra!" He rolls his eyes this time smiling in good humor.

"So your eyes, they where red last time. Do they change?" He asks moving on to look at my wings.

"The only time my eyes are red is when Phobia is present," I say shrugging "it's the only physical indicator that she is in control and not me."

"That's actually very interesting," Bruce says then steps back looking me over "Tony was impressed by your flying. I don't know much about animals but your wings do not look like what I'd think a raven or crow's wing would look like."

"I've never really gone too deep into them. I just know I can go fast when I want or need to," I say shrugging "now what were you working on before I came in?"

"I'm trying to find a way to make a on the go med kit that's got enough things to help with a bullet wound but small enough to fit in the limited space I have been provided to use for a med kit," He says sighing "it's difficult choosing what is ok to leave out and what is absolutely necessary. It might be easier if every time I try to get help the only other person who's ever up here would provide real advice."

"Tony's being difficult?" I say chuckling softly.

"Yes! More so yesterday and today," Bruce says "I'm not normally against conversation but honestly he needs to slow down."

"He tried to corner me this morning," I huff rolling my eyes "I really don't think ambushing me in the kitchen is a good way to apologize. Especially when I'm kinda on edge after hearing about everything he'd been saying about me."

"Tony doesn't really do apologies," Bruce says with a sigh "so whenever he feels like he should it's usually very stiff and awkward. Try not to take it to heart too much if it's borderline and insult to you. I'm pretty convinced he had very rarely ever been forced to apologize going up."

I chuckle at that deciding to change the subject back to his project. I try to offer as much help as I can be even if I know very little about how to actually treat a wound that would need stitches. We go until he needs food and with how late it has gotten I decide to head to my room to get some sleep. Even if I know sleep isn't going to be great.

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