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Loki's POV

Why did I agree to that? There is no way I can twist this in my advantage.


"So what questions do you have? Nothings off limits. I'll tell you anything you want to know about Raven and Phobia. Wanna know her biggest secrets, or her fears, or maybe you want to know what gets on her nerves?" Obi has not stopped talking about wanting to answer my questions. Dirt might just be the best way to win this. If I can convince her to not want to be around me I can win this.

"How about you just tell me all of that," I say a plan forming as he spills all of the secrets out on the floor in front of me.

~~~The next morning~~~

I stand in front of Raven's door ready to start my plan. I go to knock but stop when I hear what sounds like struggling from the other side of the door.

"I wouldn't go in there," the towers automated voice says and I jump slightly in alarm.

"And why not?" I ask reaching for the handle.

"She's asleep," is the non helpful response I get in return. I roll my eyes before remembering one of the things Obi blurted to me yesterday. She hates when people invade her personal places. A twisted smile comes to my face as I open the door.

I flinch at what I see inside. Raven's on the bed choking herself in her sleep and covered in sweat. She's not in human form and her wings are spread out around her. She looks to be having a nightmare.

My first instinct is to run. Something about her in this situation seems dangerous, but I'm here to get her to not like me. To leave now would be against the point of being here in the first place.

So I walk over and grab her shoulders shaking her. This doesn't work at first but after a moment her eyes fly open and with a horrifying growl she flips us off the bed and pins me to the ground.

Her wings fan out behind her in a terrifying display the snarl on her face doesn't waver for a moment before she realizes who I am.

"Loki?" Confusion covers her features as she looks around as if not realizing where she was before looking back down at me "what are you doing here?"

"I figured it would be better to get our three hours over with," I say my voice a lot less dignified then I had hoped it would come out. She nods slowly, her movements still a bit unsure as if she's still trying to catch up to the situation around her.

"Wait, so you came in here to wake me up to start your three hours early?" She says her face screwing up slightly, her wings dropping beside us caging me in further. I clear my throat trying to signal her to get off. She doesn't seem to get the hint because she starts mumbling to herself looking off to the side.

"Can you get off of me now?" I had intended to growl out but it came out more like a plea then I'd have liked to admit. It does however get her attention because she looks back down at me her eyes widening as she realizes the position we are in.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" She says jumping off of me wings tucking into her back. She reaches out halfway as if to help me up before retracting her hand as if unsure whether I want her help or not. I stand brushing off the invisible dust that had collected during our tumble.

"So our three hours. I'd like to start them now," I say crossing my arms to try for a more confident look. This is definitely not how I had hoped for this to go so far but maybe I can regain some of my dignity.

"If you had wanted to start early you probably should have told me yesterday," Raven huffs rolling her eyes "as you can probably notice I'm not really ready for the day yet. I'm still a women I need a minute to be ready in the morning. I can't just roll out of bed and into trousers like you can."

"Well that's too bad then. I guess the first part of our three hours will be you getting ready then," I say shrugging. I watch her reaction hoping for some sort of anger or discomfort to show. What I get however is a smirk that chills me to the core.

"I know what your trying to do trickster," she says chuckling as she turns away to head into the bathroom "if you want to watch me get ready then by all means stay and watch. I did say you had choice over what we do in our three hours." I have to stop myself from sighing in frustration. This plan isn't working at all.

"I find it unlikely you know what I'm doing," I say sitting on her bed and crossing my arms trying to keep an air of confidence "best hurry if you don't want to waist your time."

"Ha! My time? It's the first day. I will adjust to you as needed you get to pick the time. That's a part of our-" she stops suddenly when she turns to look at me. I shift slightly shocked at her hard stair, especially because she's still got her glamour down.

"Is there a problem?" I ask voice failing to sound as confident as I wish it to be.

"Your on my bed," she says looking me over. Then I notice the discomfort in her face. Perfect just the situation I've been needing.

"So? It's just a bed," I say shrugging, I then proceed to shift higher up and lay myself down "though I will say you got one of the softer mattresses I believe." Looking back at Raven I can see the grimace she tries hard to hold back seeing me on her bed.

"Yes, I'm quite lucky," she says her wings shaking slightly before she heads towards the closet "I'm going to change. Make yourself at home." I hear her mumbling something to herself as she closes the door to the closet behind her.

I sigh rubbing my face. I'll have to keep trying to find out what all gets her annoyed if I want this to work. Then once she hates me she will want to pull out of the deal and I will have won. I'll never have to see her again.

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