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Loki's POV

"Brother! Tony has organized a party for tonight!" Thor booms as he stomps down the hall tears a me.

"And your informing me of this why?" I sigh turning to look at him. I was hoping to make it to the library in peace today. I haven't been there since the incident with Raven two weeks ago.

"Well your attending are you not?" He says laughter hidden in his voice.

"I'm assuming the reason your the one to inform me of this event indicates that I am not welcome," I say rolling my eyes as I cross my arms over my chest.

"Nonsense brother I just heard about the event. It's a great opportunity for you to meet people! Plus I heard Tony say he was going to be pulling tricks on people," Thor says a smirk playing on his lips "and I'm sure you'd hate to miss that."

"Tricks?" I scuff "at a party?" How ridiculous and childish of them.

"Do not act as if you do not do the same back home when we have a festivity," he's laughing loudly now.

"It's rude to call someone out like that," we both turn to see Raven who's looking restless her feathers are all disarrayed.

"Lady you look terrible!" Thor gasps walking up to her with care.

"Yes because that is exactly what I had hoped to hear this morning. How terrible I look," she snarks huffing at Thor's antics "I'm fine, I just need to eat. Plus I feel cooped up. I need to fly. Especially if Tony wants me to prance around tonight at his stupid party." I feel myself tense at her mention of her hunger. I think of the best way to exit the area before Thor grabs my arm.

"We could take you to the roof! I enjoy flying and fresh air could be good for Loki," the brute says "I'll just need to grab Mjölmir and I'll meet you both on the roof!"

Me and Raven don't move for a moment after he's walked off. She pulls out her phone sighing when she doesn't see what she's wanting to.

"Do I really look that bad?" She ask running a hand through her hair.

"Would you feel better if I lied?" I ask looking her over quickly. She laughs shaking her head at me her eyes closed.

"No. But thank you," she says turning to walk away "if your coming to the roof I'm headed to the elevator. If your not I'd recommend running along before Thor comes back. We could count this towards your three hours a day." I think on that for a moment. Is it worth going into an elevator with her? Maybe not but I could easily teleport myself up there.

"I'll meet you there," I say making up my mind before teleporting onto the helipad on the roof.  It's so high up I can over see the whole city. Or most of it at least. The elevator dings signaling Ravens arrival.

"You think your brother would be upset if I took off without him?" She says shaking her wings out "as much as I'd like a partner to fly with I am in need of a good warm up lap."

"He will take it as a challenge," I say shrugging as I conjure a seat for myself. She nods shrugging as she walks to the edge looking down at the city below.

"Hey Jay," she says pausing for a response.

"Yes dear?"

"Tell Tony to look out the lab window," she say turning to face me.

"Should I call for someone to come fix a window?" The AI sighs.

"Naw," she says smirking "it'll be fine." She then proceeds to fall backwards off the building. I stare shocked. She's going to cause a panic like that.

Raven's POV

I fall into a spin catching Tony's alarmed look as I pass the lab window. I open my wings swooping back up to make a face at him before moving on. I catch the annoyance on his face as I do so but just chuckle as I climb higher.

Loki is still in the same spot I left him in. Not that I'm surprised. I see the elevator open and Thor walks out. I'm too high up to hear what he says to Loki before he looks up seeing me. He swings his hammer a fire times before chasing me.

I hover watching him speed towards me. How much control does he have over the direction he goes I wonder. I wait then dive as he gets close. He takes a moment to slow before falling in my direction. I slow down trying to figure out how he's actually flying if he's actually flying.

After a moment I conclude that he's definitely not flying but more so throwing himself through the air using his hammer. I land next to Loki watching as Thor lands heavily in ground of us.

"Have you ever flown with anyone before?" I ask tilting my head in curiosity.

"Why yes! Loki has flown with me many a times," Thor says smiling widely.

"Much to my dismay," Loki huffs looking over at me suspiciously "why do you ask?"

"Your way of "flying" as you may call that is very well it's choppy. Not safe for passengers and not very comfortable to endure I'm sure," I say making air quotes around flying "is there a way for you to curve your body so that you don't have to make such sharp turns?"

"Not that I've ever tried," Thor says shrugging "plus it's not that unpleasant right Loki?" Loki looks about ready to explain just how bad of an experience flying is but I cut in.

"Would you like to feel what I'm talking about?" I ask looking down at Loki who looks a bit panicked.

"You couldn't possibly hold me up," he says shaking his head.

"I can fly with a bus on a good day," I say rolling my eyes "unless you weigh that much it'll be fine. Plus you might actually enjoy it. Flying my way isn't as bumpy or ruff." Thor looks between us with a sly smirk.

"Go ahead loki, don't tell me your scared," he chuckles.

"As if you'd jump to the opportunity to have me carry you," I say smirking when he huffs unable to counter "it's up to you but flying is one of my favorite things."

"Fine," Loki snaps "but if you drop me I'm stabbing you."

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