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Loki's POV~
Thor has been talking non stop about how great it will be for me to work with the pathetic mortals he calls friends. The only reason I even agreed was because I am growing bored of sitting in a cell all day. Plus it's freedom from this retched place.

"Oh brother! I can not wait to show you all the good on Midgard! You never did get to have any good experiences there," Thor rambles as we reach the end of the rainbow bridge. I took him out as he speaks with the golden eyed gate keeper looking back at my home.

"To Midgard!" Thor yells as we are swept away in a flashy light display. We land on the roof of a tower I recognize from my attack many years back. I look around in false boredom. Thor grabs my arm half dragging me into an elevator.

"Brother should we have not waited for the man of iron to recognize our presence before barging in like mad men?" I ask in a exasperated manner.

"The Man of iron already knows of our arrival," Thor says "loosen up brother and you might just enjoy yourself." I roll my eyes at him crossing my arms. I most definitely will not enjoy this unusual punishment. As the elevator opens Thor yells out practically running to join his friends.

Ravens POV~
I had just set down my morning glass of OJ and checking my phone for a response from Fury when a fairly large blond man runs in yelling in a booming voice much like thunder.

"My friends! I have arrived!" He yells I hold back a snicker as everyone flinches before welcoming our guest.

"Nice to see you man," Steve says along with many other greetings from the others. I seem to be the only one who notices the tall dark haired man who glides out of the elevator arms crossed as he watches the blond.

"Who is this?!" The blond booms and I realize a moment too late that he has spotted me and has begun his approach "I do not believe we have met my lady!"

"You would be correct. I just got here. My name is Raven," I say and hold out my had for a handshake. Not that I get one instead the bloke grabs me in a very awkward side hug.

"Oh what a strong name! I am Thor son of Oden god of thunder," he says holding me at arms length he puffs his chest and looks me over "you are quite beautiful my lady." I look over at the others who seem to be enjoying the show before smiling awkwardly back at Thor.

"Well, thank you but I don't-" Thor cuts me off by spinning me towards the others.

"Brother don't you think Lady Raven is lovely?!" I flinch at his loudness looking over at the dark haired man who looks bored but I can catch a hint of nerves coming off of him. Everyone seems to be laughing behind their hands at my predicament.

"For a Midgardian she could be considered above average looks wise maybe," the dark haired man says looking me over.

"Oh come now Loki! She is just your type!" Thor says walking me over to him "you haven't even properly met her yet!" I want to add in a 'neither do you!' but hold myself back as Loki sighs taking my right hand in his in a slight bow before kissing the back of it.

"It is nice to be in your acquaintance Lady Raven," he says this in a very bored way and this seems to displease my captor who huffs at his brother before turning back to me.

"He's shy do not mind him. What are your abilities Lady Raven? You look like a fine worrier," Thor asks and I go to respond when Tony cuts in rudely.

"She won't tell anyone. She'd rather us get to know her first," he says bitterly. I hold back a growl feeling my hold on myself slip. I need to see if Fury has responded to my messages I need to feed and soon.

"I see," Thor says looking me over again "what if we have a friendly competition if I can defeat you in a duel you must tell us your secret!"

"Look not that your deal isn't tempting but I'm not really well as of late-"

"I call bull! You don't seem sick and you've been acting fine," Tony says "just say your too scared to lose and get over with it." I do growl this time but softly enough that only Thor hears.

"I will duel you if your not willing to fight my brother," Loki speaks up sounding smug. I look over at him. I don't like this idea especially with how hungry I am.

"Come on tuff girls show us what you've got," Tony says crossing his arms. I sigh already regretting this.

"Fine," I say pulling away from Thor "but if I win you all leave me alone about the matter."

And now we are here. In the training room. And I'm looking over at a very smug looking Loki. He thinks I believe him to be the weaker fighter of the two brothers. I honestly could care less which brother I fight as long as it ends quickly. God I'm hungry.

"Would you mind if I remove some layers?" I ask and gain a weird look "hey I don't feel like shocking you when I pull my shirt off alright." With that I slip out of the shirt I'd been wearing exposing my gray sports bra. I flex my wings outwards rolling my shoulders.

"You have fucking wings!" Tony yells and I look over at him dismissively.

"And a tail, you gunna scream about that too or should I keep it hidden?" I snap and he has the right mind to shut up after that while I pull my tail out.

"Ok, well on my call first one pinned for longer then ten seconds loses," Steve says then pauses dramatically "fight!"

Loki does a false sprint at me. I chose to stand still and let him make the first move. He catches on and actually runs at me. But it's not him, an illusion cleaver. He is calmly walking around the circle towards me. I wait a second before darting towards him. He lets out a burst of fear dodging me. I growl tasting how good his fear is. I've got to hold it together. Just for a bit longer.

"How?!" He growls going for a punch to my head. I dodge landing a blow to his gut.

"Your illusion was sloppy," I say stepping back as he doubles over "plus I could smell you." He lunges at me but I dove grabbing his angle with my tail and flipping him. I tense at the smell of fresh fear as he falls. This gives him the opening he needs to stand and land a blow to my side. I growl swinging at his head landing a pretty good hit. He stumbles back before running at me. I use my wing to gut punch him. I go to grab onto his arm to toss him away and freeze seeing my claws out.

"Now who's sloppy?!" Loki growls throwing me into a wall. I hiss in pain sliding into my feet and look over at him smelling his fear as I do. My control slips quickly and I feel myself being taken over.

"What? Isn't this what you wanted?" A voice not my own asks giggling "what's wrong Scrumptious? Cat got your going?"

"What are you?" Loki breaths taking a step back fear dripping off of him.

"Oh Scrumptious silly silly snack we haven't even finished our fight yet and your asking questions?"

"Raven I think that's enough," Steve says shakily.

"Raven?!" Laughing loudly she corrects him "oh poor poor confused human I'm not Raven."

"Then who are you?" Tony asks and she turns to him smiling a twisted smile dropping the rest of my glamour red eyes burning into him.

"I'm Phobia."

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