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Ok, so this is going to be a bit of a longer chapter. Be warned that there will be some potentially triggering events at the end of the chapter. I understand that I probably should have added a similar warning to previous chapters as well but from here on out I'll try to give warnings at the beginning of chapters if there is going to be any sensitive topics or events.

Phobia's POV

Once we had gotten back to the group with all of the drinks everyone seemed to kind of fall back into there smaller groups.

Thor seems to talk with Steve and Peter the most. Obviously Clint and Natasha converse but they also bring in Bruce at times. Tony is talking with Pepper, but like Clint and Natasha they also bring in Bruce every now and then.

Me and Loki are the only ones not talking to anybody. I look over at him and notice that much like I was he seems to be watching the others interact.

"They're an odd group," I muse looking over at Loki.

"They are," he doesn't give much more then that. I bite my lip trying to think of something to talk with him about. We talked about books. He seemed to enjoy that talk but going back into that conversation might be weird.

"What was Asgard like?" I ask internally high giving myself for the great idea. Loki looks at me this time but with an odd expression.

"Didn't you say you've been there?" He asks and I deflate slightly. I have been to Asgard, but it wasn't for fun or anything I never got to see much more then the market.

"I mean, I guess, but I'm sure it's different to live there then to just pop in for a while," I say looking around to see if anyone heard. No one seems to be paying us any attention.

"Asgard is much nicer then Midgard. Less filth," he scuffs looking away from me once more. I frown slightly looking back at the group of hero's.

"We should dance," Tony suddenly announces to the group "any song requests I'm heading to chat with the DJ?" No one responds but Pepper chuckles at him softly and he walks away.

"This will be interesting," Natasha sighs standing as the current song changes to Lady Gaga's just dance "come on Clint."

Tony comes running back and grabs Pepper dragging her onto the dance floor moments later.

"Classy," Steve sighs watching Tony make a fool of himself. I chuckle softly knowing he's probably drunk and multiple videos will be taken of him tonight.

"You should ask Phoebe to dance brother," Thor says lightly shoving his brothers shoulder. I pretend I don't here him content with watching everyone else have fun.

Thor then walks onto the dance floor as the song changes again. Peter follows shortly after disappearing into the crowd. Bruce and Steve start a conversation off to the side both of them don't seem to be the dancing type.

"Do you dance?" Loki asks after the song is half done.

"I dance," I say turning to look at him "but not in the way your referring to." Loki nods looking over at his brother who's got a girl who's grinding on him. I smirk when he looks back down at me.

"What do you mean?" He asks eyes narrowed. I look him up and down shrugging.

"Wanna find out?" I ask raising an eyebrow. Just as the next song comes on. Loki regards me for one more moment before standing. I follow his lead and we head to the dance floor.

I grab one of his hands and place it on my waist. Rocking side to side to the beat of the music. I look at the other girls trying to see how to dance to this particular song. Most girls are just grinding on guys so I just keep doing what I'm doing and focus back on Loki. He seems lost, and isn't really moving much.

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