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Raven's POV

The walk to the kitchen was different this morning. Jarvis has yet to speak to me once. I think he feels bad for sending Tony to me this morning. He still opens the elevator for me and there's a cup with my name on it in the fridge.

"No good morning from you today?" I ask looking around. I'm alone in the kitchen. I'm sure everyone is scared I'll be in a foul mood. Obi did his job cheering me up after Tony left. It's not like I'd ever actually hurt any of them regardless.

"Are you not mad at me?" Jarvis asks sounding concerned "I though you might not want to talk with me for a while." I chuckle shaking my head.

"Oh, I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at who thought it was a good idea to send Tony in there. I'm sure you didn't vote him to wake me up did you?" I ask downing my orange juice.

"That would be correct. I was just worried for you truly. You never stay asleep that long," Jarvis says calmly "I wanted them to send Natasha. You have at least had her in your room before. They all wanted to send Tony as a punishment for hurting you." I rolled my eyes heading for the elevator.

"Of course they did," I grumble "take me to the lab please." The doors slam shut quicker then normal and the elevator does a weird jerk.

"As you wish dear," he says sounding happy with himself. I chuckle at his silliness.

"What was that?"

"I'm just glad your not mad with me," he says quickly.

"Ok, and the jerking of the elevator?" I ask

"Nothing to worry about," he says sounding suspicious. I hum waiting for the elevator to stop. When it finally does I step out to see Tony talking with Bruce who looks annoyed.

"I was not informed you'd be here this morning Tony," I say taken back slightly. Both of the two males jump at my voice.

"Sorry dear, I didn't want to discourage you from going. Dr Banner needs a bit of saving it seemed," Jarvis says in his most posh fashion I feel a boost for confidence in knowing his game.

"Oh darling, I'm not mad. Just surprised that's all," I say shrugging at the looks the two scientists give me.

"Did you just call Jarvis Darling?" Tony asks sounding a bit annoyed.

"What? It's just a nickname," I say smiling widely "he calls me Dear so I'm just returning the sentiment."

"Raven! Just in time! I need your help," Bruce says walking over to me "you said that you don't need to breathe right?" I nod allowing him to lead me over to a tank.

And so then started the tests. I don't think he realizes it yet but Bruce has gone full scientist mode in me. Sending in a few pennies to see if I could see well enough to find them or if I could see better in the water or what not. After the tank he inspected my wings to see if they were waterproof or not.

Tony sat back and watched the whole thing. But I could here the comments he'd through out every once and a while. For once we were all in the same room and not arguing. It was almost nice. Had I not been wet and feeling the need to shower I'd have let it go on for a while.

I excuse myself after about three hours of Bruce's tests and questions and head straight for my room. My first good day in a while was mostly me being a guinea pig, who would have thought.

"Why are you wet?" A smooth voice cuts in as I pass a certain room.

"Ah Loki!" I say turning to him probably a bit too abruptly based on how he jumps at the action "just the man I wanted to talk to at one point today." This gains me a weird look but I'm in too good of a mood to care.

"Why did you want to talk with me for?" Loki asks sounding defensive and confused. He looks as if he had not been the one to start the interaction.

"Well, last night was a shocker to both of us I'd think," I say "I was hoping we could try to figure out why I dream walked." This seems to spark something in Loki's mind and he starts to look at me in a horrified manner.

"That was really you last night," He says stepping back as if I'm about to attack "that was all you."

"Not all of it. I jumped in at the very middle I think," I say softly worried now for his mental health.

"You let me hold you as if-" he stops himself from admitting anything more becoming a bit distressed "everything that was said was-"

"Loki, please know anything I said was not completely me. Your mother can speak through me if she feels," I say trying to help stop his panic. I reach out when he turns away looking one wrong word away from a panic attack.

"What did you get out of that? Some sort of sick satisfaction? Did it make you happy to see me so hurt and afraid?" Loki asks in quick choppy breaths.

"No, Loki why would you think that?" I say softly placing my hand on his bicep calmingly, he jumps at the contact curling into himself slightly and moving away "Loki I had no intention of being in your dream last night. The only reason I became your mother was to try and calm you down."

"How can you not mean to insert yourself into my dream? Why would you not just leave?" He asks voice becoming louder with each word "why would you continue to mess with my mind? Why do you keep doing this to me?" I flinch back shocked.

"Loki," I sigh after a long pause "I can't come and go from dreams as I so please. It takes preparation for me to be in your dream. I had no intention of being there but I couldn't leave until you woke up. I'm truly sorry if I have made you feel that I have something against you. I promise once we figure out how I dream walked i will make sure it doesn't happen again. I'm going to need you to trust that I'm not trying to hurt you."

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