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Raven's POV

Oh god that was awkward. Of course it would have to be a feather. I was hoping that maybe my hair got stuck to him or something and it accumulated in a weird way to make it possible for me to sleep walk.

Ugh and he looked so panicked when I mentioned that I don't molt, like I'd assume he took the feather on purpose.

Luckily after my brief explanation we both kinda just nodded and walked away. Or I guess that was pretty awkward too.

Walking out of the bathroom after my shower I'm still cringing over me and Loki's earlier interaction. I flip down onto my bed face first with a long groan.

"What happened thisss time?" Obi asks slinking out from under the bed.

"Just a very awkward moment with Loki," I sigh turning my face towards him "me and him have a pretty bad track record when it comes to conversations anyway. Today was just extra bad."

"That soundsss fun," he snickers "let me join next time." I growl at him playfully, swatting at him dramatically before rolling onto my back.

"I just wish me and him could get along," I say "he's terrified of me. Not that he doesn't have any reason to be scared. Phobia likes to terrorize the poor god."

"That's not true!" Phobia pipes up from the mirror "I just want to be friends with Scrumptious. He tastes delicious and his looks are too good to pass up. He's got the tall and dark thing going for him that we both like. You know I can't help myself sometimes."

I look over at her with my best 'are you serious' face before groaning again.

"It could have been worsssse. Phobia could have taken over," Obi chuckles pouncing onto my chest. Phobia growls from the mirror.

"Watch it bug," she hisses "next time I'm in control I'll catch you and toss you into the hall. See how long you survive out there with all of those Avengers." Obi rolls his eyes.

"Oh pleassse," he scuffs "I'd be able to get all of them to love me. You forget I can change shape into a house cat if I pleassse,"

"And why you continue with the hissing 's'" sounds is a mystery," Phobia bites back "you sound ridiculous. Talk properly pet."

"I am not pet!" Obi growls "and I hold out the 's' because I think it sounds more intimidating."

"When your rolling sound like a house cat there isn't much to be intimidating about," Phobia scuffs crossing her arms "I'd like to see you attempt to bond with the humans in this tower. Oh how entertaining that would be to watch."

"Fine, tomorrow then," Obi says calmly head held high "Raven called me adorable once, and Grace says I'm cute. How hard can it be to get a few other humans to think the same?"

.-.-.-.-(the next morning).-.-.-.-.-

"Whatcha got there?" Clint asks falling from the near by air vent as I grab my morning cup of orange juice.

"Juice?" I say confused with the question.

"I meant the cat," he says rolling his eyes and looking down at Obi who's made himself look like a black cat. Obi sits by my right foot and curls his tail around his feet looking up at Clint with a impressive innocent look that is one hundred percent fake.

"Oh, Obi. He wanted to come with me today," I say shrugging and downing my drink "he got bored in my room so I've let him come out under the condition that he doesn't get into any trouble."

"You've been hiding a cat in your room?!" Clint yells running over and grabbing Obi up into his arms with a horrified look on his face "poor baby! What have you been feeding him? Why would you just leave him in there all by himself?" Obi is giving me a sly look, very much happy with himself.

"Obi isn't a real cat," I say shrugging "but he's very pleased he has you fooled. Aren't you Obi?"

"Very much so," Obi says chuckling as Clint holds him out at arms distance.

"You can talk?" Clint gasps then let's put a very girl like screech "can I keep him?" I look over at him wide eyed then make eye contact with a very alarmed Obi before smiling evilly at him.

"Sure why not," I say laughing at the look on Obi's face.

"Wait!" Obi says as he's pulled into another hug "you can't be serious!"

"I'm so going to show the guys!" Clint says already walking away "Bar's going to be so jealous!" I wave at Obi as the disappear around a corner before bursting into a giggle fit.

"I'll make sure to save the video feed for you," Jarvis says chuckling "I'm sure you would enjoy watching what goes down."

"Oh my god he's going to be so mad at me later!" I say in between fits of laughter.

"What has you laughing so joyously Lady Raven?" Thor booms walking in with a very unhappy Loki.

"Oh you just missed them!" I say composing myself slightly "Clint's watching my, um well at the moment he's a cat. Oh you should have seen the look of horror on Obi's face when he was taken away! He's going to act all upset later but secretly he's going to love the attention."

"Clint has your cat?" Thor asks "I was not aware you owned a cat?"

"He's not technically a cat," I say shrugging "he just looks like one for right now."

Thor nods still looking confused but decides to move on with his morning going to the pantry for some pop tarts. I look over at Loki as I make my way around Thor deciding to head up to the lab to talk with Bruce.

He's moved himself across the room nose in a book. Looks like he hasn't yet finished The Giver. He'll probably be done with it by the time I get to the elevator. I'll have to ask how he liked it later. I don't feel like approaching him today would be the wisest idea.

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