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Loki's Pov

Everyone is a bit on edge as we all prepare for the press conference. Raven actually practiced her speech in the library for hours. I was the unlucky audience member for the whole thing.

I was a bit surprised when she bursted into the library speech in hand begging that I listen to her for a while.

I was even more surprised when I agreed.

Now she is standing by the man of iron as people rush around them getting the last minute adjustments to their appearance.

The man of iron looks annoyed by the whole situation and keeps sending looks to Raven. Raven has a blank look on her face as if she's not really paying anything attention.

"Ok we are just about ready to go on. Remember Tony once I'm done with my speech I'll motion for you to come forward, Raven stay seated until tony gives you the queue to go on," Rogers says gaining nods from both of them before he walks away.

"Might as well get this show on the road," tony holds out his arm for Raven who looks down at it in confusion "I have to walk you out there might as well make it seem like I'm comforting you." Ravens shoulders drop slightly before she links their arms.

"Brother, let us get to our spots on the stage," Thor says pulling me to the stage. There is a sea of people waiting taking pictures of us as we walk out.

"This is a bit extravagant," I scuff looking over the crowd and reading over some of the signs people are holding up. There are mostly signs that are in support of Raven, though there are some that are very rude towards Stark and Raven.

"Yes, well when the avengers have something to say the world listens," The archer says smirking. We are all sat down in a row off to the side to overwatch the whole conference.

When rogers, Tony and Raven walk out everyone jumps up and flashes go off from everywhere. Raven visibly shrinks away from the attention Tony looks down at her seemingly a bit surprised at first before pulling her in closer.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, as you all know we have come out to shed some light on some of the controversy going on about our new member," Rodgers says and most of the crowd sits down flashes slowing down as he talks he starts on a long speech about how both parties will be going up and talking before answering questions at the end.

I look over at Tony and Raven, Tony has an air of confidence as he looks over the crowd. Raven looks over the crowd and has a contemplative look on her face.

When Rogers finally finishes his speech and motions for Stark, Raven cuts him off going to the protium. Stark looks shocked and a bit confused as she does so. Rogers looks as if he's about to tell her to go back when she gives him a look before turning to the microphone.

"Hello, firstly I'd like to thank captain America for the lovely intro and apologize to everyone who's set this whole ordeal up," she says smiling softly "there were some wonderful speeches written for us today but I just can't let lies be said about such a subject that has caused such public anger. They wanted Stark to come up here and apologize for his behavior, when I should be apologizing." Stark looks shocked as does Rogers.

"I see so many of you out there willing to give me support and I appreciate all of you but that being said. There's also so many of you hating on Stark and that's not very fair," as she addresses this some of the signs slowly lower "I've watched the video and I understand how harsh of a light that shines down on Tony. With such a small glimpse into our lives you'd think he was probably coming from a place of malice. Well, that couldn't be further from the truth. You see Tony's protective. So when he saw me at that party, a party I wasn't supposed to be at for my own protection he was rightfully upset. I am new to the group, they wanted to wait to introduce me to the world for the fear of backlash. They also were trying to let me adjust to going from back ally vigilante to a super hero. Now, that being said Tony was a bit harsh in the video, he'd had a few drinks and didn't mean to be so harsh with me. He's apologized numerous times for it. I'm sure you've all seen my reaction to the whole ordeal in the video too. I panicked because of all the cameras mostly. I felt corned, the fact that everyone was taking pictures freaked me out."

When she pauses there's a heavy silence over the crowd. She looks back at Tony and smiles softly before sighing looking down at the podium.

"I also wanted to address some of the other rumors that have been going on about who and what I am," she looks back over the crowd "my name varies. I have what is known as DID, or dissociative identity disorder. There are two of us. Because of how my powers work this allows us to have separate human appearances. I am Raven and the one you saw in the video was my other half, Phobia. We also share our true form."

She drops her human appearance and shows the crowd her true face. The cameras flash at the reveal.

"There has also been people coming forward to say that I have saved them in the past. Calling me the Black Swan," she smiles with a small chuckle "I would like to thank you if you were one of them. It takes a lot of bravery to admit that something so horrible had almost happened or did happen to you. I will bare this name with honor. Now, I'd like to turn the mic over to Mr. Stark to allow him a few words as well. Mr. Stark."

Tony stands waving at the crowd who is cheering and clapping loudly cameras flash as they meet halfway from the chairs and the podium and share a brief hug. I watch as Raven walks the rest of the way her back to the crowd a rundown look on her face. She puts her human disguise back on as she turns around a smile plastered on.

I question shortly why she did that. Then looking at Stark at the podium looking care free as ever now that he's not made to be the bad guy here, I realize.

He wouldn't have been able to apologize and make it look like he meant it.

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