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Loki's POV

Her reflection moves. Phobia can harass me from a mirror. Is her shadow the same? Am I the only one who knows this information? Should I tell the others? Would she hurt me if I did?

"Brother! There you are!" Thor booms from the doorway "I have been searching everywhere! You look shaken? Are you alright?" I look over at him trying to put off the appearance of calm.

"I'm fine, just had some interesting events unfurl," I say waving him off "lady Raven seems to have some other secrets hidden in her sleeves."

"You where with Lady Raven?" Thor asks sounding interested "where is she now? What has happened?"

"I do not believe I should share details," I say clearing my throat softly "but she's run off now. I do not know where to." He nods seeming to ponder on that for a moment before perking up again.

"Oh! Brother, Stark has allowed me to take you outside of the tower!" He says happily "I feel like it would be a great opportunity for you to socialize with the people of Midgard!" I roll my eyes at the idea of parading around with my brother amongst petty mortals.

"Do you really think it would be wise to allow me to socialize with the mortals?" I ask raising my eyebrow at him. I'm being rude so hopefully he'll leave me alone about it. As much as I hate being a prisoner in the tower I'd rather not be subjected to a day with him in public.

"Well, it could help prove you are no longer a threat," he says shrugging "but I can not force you to go out. We can go whenever you'd feel most comfortable." Of course he'd make it seem like I am frightened by the idea, I roll my eyes at the thought.

I turn to walk away to find somewhere else to seek peace when a loud bang fills the once quiet room. I jump turning to face Thor in shock,confusion and a hint of fear. He looks just as shocked as me.

"What on earth was that for?" I say hiding my sudden nerves. Is he really mad I don't want to go socialize? He used to do this when I said things that displeased him back home, I never thought he'd do it here.

"Brother, why do you look at me as if I was responsible? You just knocked over a book on the table," Thor says motioning over to my right. A large book that was once on the table next to me lays on the ground. I must have bumped it without realizing. I bristle slightly at my own skittishness. Raven must have shaken me more then I realize.

"I'd like to be alone," I say "so if you have nothing further to discuss I'd like to try to organize some of this mess of a library." Thor nods stiffly walking out an odd expression on his face as he goes. I chose to ignore it hoping to forget this exchange.

I catch my reflection in the mirror and huff moving to take it down only to find it's fasten to the wall rather securely. What am I doing? It's not like I'm going to allow myself to read with her in here. It was uncomfortable enough without Phobia, there's no reason to willingly put myself in that situation again.

I then move back over to the rest areas, picking up the books I left out along with the book I knocked over I get to putting them all back. It's almost therapeutic doing such a familiar task in the quite that the tower rarely provides. I finish the small task and move back over to the rest area. I rearrange the pillows how they were before I walked in and turn to look at the window seat. It's practically untouched, as if no one has sat there at all. I then notice a long black feather laying on the ground.

"Great she sheds," I huff walking over to pick it up. I look it over in interest. It's very similar to the feathers Odin's crows would drop when they preened. Now comes the interesting choice of whether I should trash it or keep it. It is a nice feather, but it would be extremely awkward if anyone found out I had kept it. But if I'm carful enough no one would even know it's hers. I decide to put it in my inner breast pocket until I can get to putting it away. It's a bit long so it has to wrap around my shoulder but it seems durable enough to handle the slight fold.

"Loki, Mr. Stark has asked me to inform you of a meeting you are to attend in two hours," the walls say causing me to jump slightly.

"Very well," I say not at all happy to have to prance around to convince the mortals I am safe. That's what these meetings are always about.

Be more approachable, more friendly, less yourself. It's exhausting really, why would I want people to like a fake me?

I'm not very approachable because I don't like to be crowded around like some sort of street show.

I'm friendly to those who deserve my attention. There isn't anything wrong with me, but the more they push to be something I'm not the more resistance I'll show, it's my nature. I refuse to just roll over and let them do with me as they please. It's undignified and repulsive.

But, I have very little choice with what I do with my time here. I'm not allowed to disobey unless I want to be locked up or to have my powers taken from me.

I head to my room to put away the feather and get myself mentally prepared for the demands they will set upon me today.

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