Chapter Nine

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Naeun's POV

The journey took about 5 to 6 hours. We took a long road that lead directly to another city. We had to stop for every hours as in to find a place where we can empty our bladders. On our to wherever-Jimin-was leading us, not one soul said a word. We were like several dummies glued to the seats and you had no idea how frustrating that was.

Jimin suddenly pulled over confusing us as to why he did that. "Why did you stop?" I asked.

"We can't go further" -Jimin

"Why not?" -Chorong

He pointed to the sight in front of us and man it almost took my breathe away! An army of zombies are lurking 20 feet away from us. It's a good thing they haven't spotted us or we would have died.

"What now?" -Me

"Well we can't fight them" -Jungkook

I turned my head around to the surprised of Jungkook speaking. He hadn't said a word since Suzy's death. Did he pull himself together already?

"We have to turn around. We have to warn the others too" -Jimin

"I'll warn them" -Me

I slowly stepped out of the car, carefully not making a single sound. I gave them a signal that we should turn around and it's a good thing they understood me.

Kai who was in the last car behind us, slowly drove backwards followed by Chanyeol and Jimin.

We successfully survived the horror back there but when we thought everything was OKAY, bunch of zombies started running our way un-stabling the cars.

"What should we do!?" Chorong  moved closer to Jungkook trying not to get close to the window. Jungkook did the same using his legs to hold off the window so it wouldn't break or fall apart.

I looked behind where there weren't any zombies covering the window. Behind our car was Chanyeol's and they too had the same problem.

"Jimin" I called.

Jimin looked at me with the pistol in his hand. Somehow, a part of me felt safe if I'm closer to him. My heart was pounding faster than its normal rate.

As if he knew exactly how I felt, Jimin quickly walked over the seats and went closer to me. I was too scared to react to that.

He wrapped his arms around me and said some comforting words like everything will be alright and nothing was going to happen to us.

His soft voice when he assured me, made me believe in him. I snuggled in his hug and burried my face in his chest.

The word "Awkward" never occured in my head when we were laying in that position.

Jungkook was making sure that Chorong was far away from the window as possible, helding her hand tightly to calm her down.

We thought our lives would end just like that but as soon as we gave up hope, the zombies were shot in the head one by one.

4 of us turned our gazes out the window and looked for the shooter. It was Chanyeol, Kai, V, Baekhyun, Luhan and Lay. Eunji was standing behind them.

How did they manage to get out? Minutes ago, their cars were being push by dozens of zombies just like us.

Then I saw 5 other un-familiar faces. They were holding different kinds of guns. Who are they? Were they the ones who helped Chanyeol and the others?

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