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(A/N; Annyeong! 😁😁 We are back! Lol. This chapter will be written by eunjiofapink. She wrote it so fast that I was a bit impressed 😂 Anyway, I hope you like this chap xD)

Luhan's POV

After i saw how they throw Eunji's body inside the van i can't stop my self from making out where i was hiding not minding the other's warning.

My hold on the revolver that Jimin gave awhile ago tighten.

" Woah, look. What can i do for you Asian boy? " The beard man asked smirking, he looks like he is the leader of this crap.

" Let them go. " i said.

" Woah woah, easy.. so Your with these two huh? What a good timing. " i saw how he signal his men to take me down. They pointed their gun at me and so was i.

That until the other's make they're way towards my side and pointed they're weapons at the men infront of us.

" Oh. So you have company too. This is so exciting. " The man smirked.

" Let our friends go you fucking bastard. " Kai hissed.

" Oh Oh. Not so easy boy. So is this the group you're talking about Chorong? " Our eyes widened after he said Chorong's name. I look at her and she avoided our eyes not making contact.

What the fuck? Is she one this group?

" What the hell? You're with them Chorong? " Jimin

" Oh yes she is, haha, Come here sweetheart " The man said. Chorong started walking towards the other group which make all of us dumbfounded.

" What the actual fvck. I didn't saw this coming " Jude whispered.

" Chorong why? " Jungkook asked looking at her upset.

" Im so sorry. " Chorong said and bowed her head.

" Now now, Let's make a deal everyone, why don't you come and join our group? " The man Grinned.

" No way. " Kai hissed.

" Oh? So you want me to do the hard way? Okay. " The man whispered something to Chorong and we didn't expect what she did, She grips Eunji's hair and place a knife in her neck.

" WHAT THE HELL CHORONG! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? " Naeun shouted but chorong just ignored her and continue what she was doing. My heart sank when i saw Eunji's neck already bleeding , probably because if the knife. She flinched a little and slowly open her eyes. My eye met hers.

" So?  Come with us without making a fuss or else i make sure that Chorong will cut the head of that girl. " The mab said and we didn't make even a single move when his men walk towards us and tackled everyone in our group. I held Eunji's watery eyes while they are tying my hand.

" W..What doing. Let the..them g..go!  " Eunji tried to fight Chorong's grip but didn't succeed. She must be injected by some drugs that make her weak. " Wha..what you do..doing Chorong. I tho..thought you..youre one of us. " The looked in her eyes shows betrayal.

" I'm sorry. " That's the last thing i heard then everything blackout after they knock my head.


Kai's POV

I slowly open my eyes when i felt someone watching me. When i finally open it i saw Chanyeol looking at me. He looks like a mess, beated up and hand tied in his back. I looked around and saw everyone of us tied up in a room . I quickly search a certain and saw her tied on the other side of the room.

" I can't believe that we were betrayed. " I look at Taehyung who have a grim face looking at the ground.

" Awww. I will rip that bitch hair for putting me in this kind of state! " Naeun said angrily refferring to Chorong. " Its all your Fault Luhan! You should have think twice before you go! We should have planned properly and we are not supposed to be in this kind of situation! " Naeun continued and glared at Luhan.

" Will you stop? Blaming each other will never help us to get out this place " Eunji said making Naeun shut her mouth.

The room filled in silent not until the door of the room where in opened revealing the traitor of our group.

" Ha! So you have the guts to show your ugly face here!? " Naeun shouted. We all have a black expression while looking at Chorong.

" Im sorry " Chorong said.

" Why ? " Jungkook finally spoke.

" I don't have a choice. They have my younger sister, i should follow everything they ask me to do or else they will kill her. " Chorong cried. That makes all of us stayed in silence. So she have a reason.

" Help us.  " I said pleading, she looked at me and the others but didn't say anything. She make her way towards Eunji and hug her.

" Im sorry for hurting you. " She said to her and make her way to the door. She smiled at us and left.

" I knew it. She's just going to let us rott in here. " Naeun muttered.

" I dont think so. " All of us looked at Chanyeol and saw him looking at Eunji who is now standing untied holding a knife.

" Whoa! So that's what the hug means. " Taehyung exclaimed. Eunji started to untie everyone and when she finished mine i quickly stand up and made my way to the door.

" Its not locked. She leave it open " I informed them. I picke outside and saw no one in the hallway. I looked back at them and smirked. " Ready for a fun excersice? " I said.

" Stop smirking you look like an idiot " Eunji pointed out and i pouted.

" What the hell dude you have the guts to pout in this kind of situation? " Jimin shooked his head.

" Stop this nonsense. Let go outside and find our weapons we have a bastard that we need to take care of. " Kris said.


Hello ^_^ eunjiofapink here. Sorry for the lame update haha. I'll make it better next time. Continue to support our story guys. Luv yah!

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