Chapter Thirty-One (2)

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(A/N; Here is chapter Thirty one part 2. Enjoy guys! 😁😁)

Luhan's POV

It's only been a few minutes after Mingyu dropped the bomb, yet it felt like years. The time seemed to have stopped as everyone entered a state of shock. I didn't even remember how we got into the familiar room. Although how familiar it was, it was different. Our friends were gone.

Jimin kept sobbing. I think he didn't even care about his looks anymore. Seulgi looked like she wanted to run toward him and hold him tight, but she was occupied with Chorong who seemed to have lost her mind. Silent tears poured down on her cheeks and wetting her blouse, but she didn't make any move to stop them.

I wiped away on my own tears. Kris, Chanyeol, Taehyung, Naeun... they were all friends. We watched each other's back, and fought together. Circumstances forced us to meet, and now that we meant something to each other, we have to face that they were gone? How cruel was this world?

I looked around me and saw Jungkook and Kai who sat next to each other, watching the fire in the portable pit crackling. It seemed colder tonight, and they seemed to find comfort with each others presence in silence.

Before I knew it, my eyes fell to the silhouette of a girl who sat far from us. Her beautiful face was illuminated by the fire, looking serious as ever. I didn't think she even cried. Although I know she liked to appear emotionless, there should be times when she would break down too, no?

Ever since Mingyu told us that our friends want to search for us and was attacked by the massive herd of zombies that coincidentally stood outside the gate, she was rather quiet. When Jimin cried and called Naeun's name countlessly, and Suho kept hitting walls with his bare hands, she remained stoic like a statue. And when we arrived to the room, she shut herself from everyone else, sat far from us, where the light from the fire barely touch the shadows.

"I failed her." Someone said, and I shifted my eyes to Suho.

"What do you mean?" Kai's voice was small, tired. "Who did you fail?"

"Naeun." Suho whispered the name. A tear fell and he brushed it away brusquely. "I promised her that we would return safely. But we lost them." He took a deep breath and lowered his voice until it was almost inaudible. "I lost her."

"Stop," a harsh voice said, and all of us looked to the guy whose eyes were puffy as hell. "She's still alive, I can feel it."

Kai sighed. "Jimin... you heard Mingyu, she's..."

"DON'T YOU DARE! Naeun is still alive! SHE IS ALIVE!"

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows. "Jimin I think-"

"Finish that sentence and you die." Jimin snarled and we fell back into silence.

"It's your fault isn't it?" Suho started. "You always acted like a leader. You separated the group into two, when we were supposed to move together!"

"What do you mean it's my fault?! It was for the importance of our group! Did you think I would wish this to happen?"

"You acted recklessly!" Suho shouted. He stood up and pointed to the guy. "Now look what happened? We lost them! I didn't even have the chance to say anything to her." He laughed humourlessly. "Now I don't have the chance to!"

Jimin stood too and for once I'm worried that hell might break loose. In this situation we should stay together not fight with each other.

"Say what?" Jimin said lowly. "Do you, by any chance, are harbouring any feelings for Naeun?"

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