Chapter Ten

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Suho's POV

I wake up early to prepare breakfast for our guest. I quickly went to the kitchen and to my surprise i saw Hayoung already chopping some vegetables.

" Oh, good morning Suho. " She greeted.

" Good morning. Your early. " I smiled.

" Ah, it's because we have guest so i need to prepare a breakfast for them. " She answered checking the food she's cooking. " And you? Your early to wake up too. " She said.

" Well, it's the sane with your reasons. " I said and help her to prepare the table.

" Mommy." We turned our heads and saw Daljun walking towards us while rubbing his eyes. He's so Cute!

" Oh.. Good morning Baby. " Hayoung said and kissed her son on the cheeks.

" Hey, What about me? " Kris suddenly popped out and came towards us.

" Haha Good morning Nampyeon " Hayoung greeted and they kissed on the lips. I rolled my eyes. Unbelievable! They did it in front of a child.

" Oh please, there's a little boy here you know. " I said. They break the kissed and looked at their son who is now covering his eyes.  This little boy is really cute!

" Good morning everyone! " Chanyeol greeted coming in to the dining room. The others are following him.

" Good morning. Did all of you have a great sleep? " Kris asked alreading sitting,so the others.

" Yeah, I think this is the most peaceful sleep i had after this Apocalypse happened. " Jimin said. We are now eating.

" Me too. " Lay said.

" I'm glad to hear that. " I smiled.

After we ate we all cleaned the kitchen and shared a little stories.

We are all having fun talking to each other when Eunji suddenly stand and she grab her weapon.

" Where are you going? " Kai asked.

" I'll just take a little walk. " She said coldly.

" You need company? " I asked. She looked at me and raised her brow.

" Do i look like needing it? I will asked for it if i needed. " She said and walk out.

" What an attitude. " Kris said when Eunji completely out of the house.

" Sorry about that. " Jimin apologized.

" It's alright. " I said.

" So what is our next plan? " Naeun asked.

" Nothing, for now. We looked safe here. " Jimin said. " Is it okay if we stayed here a little longer? " He looked at me and Kris.

" It's fine with me. This house is pretty spacious for us. " -Kris

" Thanks. " - Jimin

" I'm still wondering what happened to make this kind of apocalypse. " Baekhyun suddenly spoke and we all become quite thinking what he just said.

" Me too. It happened so fast, How come a virus just spread that we didn't even noticed right? " Lay broke the silence.

" Yeah, This happening is too mysterious. " I nodded.

" What do you think the reason why is it start? " Hayoung asked who is now holding Daljun.

" There's no such an epedemic thing happened before it starts right? So it's still a puzzle on how on earth happened this. " -Chanyeol

" I'm wondering, do you think all countries are affected too? " Naeun.asked.

" We can't answer that, we all know that the moment the virus spreaded the communications and electricity shut down right? " I said.

" I hope they are not like this. So we have a chance to called a rescue from the other countries. " Naeun said.

" Even if they are not suffering like us, we still have problems on how we can contact them. As Suho said awhile ago, the communications and electricity are all shut down. " Kris said.

As the conversation keep on going, there's one person who keep his mouth shut and suddenly looked strange.










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