Chapter Twenty-Seven

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(A/N; Hello you awesome readers! xD Its me Channie! Its my turn to write the new chapter so here it is xD Enjoyyy eventhough its boring 😂😂😂)

Jimin's Pov

That night, after hours of searching for Kris who got separated from us, Suho and I decided to have a little break. He is currently sleeping in the room. If you're wondering where we aren we're in a hut. Seulgi somehow manage to survive alone in this old dump. There is a fireplace in the living room so we gathered some woods when we were on the search for kris and place them in the fireplace before lighting them on fire.

Seulgi and I are sitting on the floor next to it, keeping ourselves warm. Thankfully she has enough to feed all 3 of us. Though I kind of feel bad for suddenly showing up and infiltrating her area, or space. Whatever you want to call it. I glance over at her direction and think whether to start a conversation or not. In the end I couldnt stand the silence.

"So um.... what are you doing in America? You're a korean, arent you? I mean you look like one and you speak our language too."

She take a quick glance at me before staring back at the fire, "I am a korean. I just study here."

"Figures..." -Me

".....Actually I was forced to." -Seulgi

"You were forced to?" -Me

"My mom and dad wanted me to become an independant woman. Someone who others can look up to, someone who everyone wishes to become. Someone who can make others envy of them for having such a smart daughter. At first I thought  it was okay because I was doing it to make them happy but as I get older, I realized... they're using me for their own good. What parents uses their child for their own benefit?" -Seulgi

I can see little tears in her eyes. She must have gone through a lot. No parents should treat their child like this. Even if its for their own happiness.

I suddenly remember I have something in my pocket. I quickly take it out and hold it out to her.

"Hey look..." -Me

"Really? You're going to use a lollipop to cheer me up?" She let out a small chuckle. Which was cute.

"If it can put a smile on your smile," -Me

She bit her bottom lip and think for a bit before crawling towards me and take the lollipop from my hand then going back to her original position.

"Havent had one since I was a kid so might as well try one now." -Seulgi

She unwrap the lollipop and put it in her mouth. Her expression shows how satisfy she is with the taste. As much as I want her to forget her problems, I couldnt help but to ask.

"Your parents, are they...." -Jimin

Seulgi looks down at the floor with the lollipop still in her mouth.

"Dead? Yup. Mom got bitten one day so we had to lock her up in the bedroom. And dad lost control of his emotions. He couldnt bear looking at his wife like that so he..... decided to become like her." -Seulgi

"Wait wait... are you saying your dad voluntarily become a zombie?" -Me

"Yup. And I had to kill them with my own hands. Been on my own ever since." -Seulgi

Even though she is smiling right now, I know that deep down she is hurting as much as we all do. But I got to admit... I'm impressed at how strong this girl is. Makes me want to know more about her.

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