Chapter Thirty-One (1)

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(A/N; Hey guys! We're back with a new chapter 😁 This chapter is written by charlottesCookie and guess what? She will write 2 parts for Chapter Thirty One. This will be the first part so enjoy~!)

Eunji's POV

As soon as I stepped into the hut, I was attacked by a crying girl.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She cried, tightening her hold around my waist. "I didn't have much choice," she sobbed, "th-they had my sister... I didn't mean to put you guys in the situation. I'm sorry."

I looked around the small room serving as the living room, scanning the faces of my friends and the new girl I have yet to know. They obviously pitied her, and I'm not going to lie that I wasn't too. She did saved us, but something wasn't right.

I awkwardly pat her back in a way which I hope was comforting.

"It's okay, you helped us in the end."

Her hard sobbing resulting her to hiccup. "B-but it's still horrible. You were hurt."

"I was." I said, pulling her off gently. "But now you are. You have to sit, I can practically feel you shaking."

I sat her down on one of the small chair and the new girl quickly went to her side, tending her bruises and wounds. I raised my eyes on a question and she get the sign.

"I'm Seulgi." She smiled. "Im a student, if you're wondering what a Korean doing here."

I nodded in acknowledge. "I'm Eunji, and those idiots are Kai, Jungkook and Luhan." I rolled my eyes when the boys glared at me. But to be honest, I was only trying to make things less awkward between us. Keyword, trying.

"But what happened to you? How can you meet?" I asked, switching my gaze to Suho, Jimin, Chorong and the new girl, Seulgi.

Seulgi opened her mouth but Jimin beat her to it. "Well, we sorta found each other." He motioned to himself, Suho and to Seulgi. Suho automatically gave him the dagger eyes, but Jimin didn't notice, I did though.

"But I don't know what happen to Chorong. We found her fighting a zombie by herself." He added and all of our gazes fell on the badly wounded girl.

She was the epitome of a victimised person; her hair was all over the place, and her red-rimmed eyes were puffy because of crying, yet I knew the black circle near her temple wasn't because of it. She had cuts on her lips and her cheeks, also her clothes were torn. I had a bad feeling over this, a really bad one.

And when I get this uncomfortable feeling, it is always bad.

Chorong bit her bottom lip to calm herself, and when she did, she raised her eyes. I could see the determination in them, they were burning like hot coals - but I also sensed some deep sadness within them, something that will haunt her forever.

"My sister - she's... she is dead." My eyes widened and the others mimicked my reaction. Seulgi slapped a hand over her mouth in surprise.

Chorong then added, "- murdered by the very person who wounded you, and now he's coming to finish off his job."

Taehyung's POV

"You fucking bastard!" Naeun screamed, tears were running down her cheeks in fast pace. "You fucking sick bastard!"

I tightened my grip on her as she struggled under my grip. Damn this girl was strong!

"Fucking let me go, Taehyung! I'm gonna rip these assholes to pieces!" She yelled.

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