Chapter One : Virus

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Naeun's POV

Man, it's such a hot day today. I wonder what's for lunch. Cafeteria lunches aren't really that mouth-watering. But since I'm starving right now and my stomach can't stop growling, I'll eat whatever available food I see.

I was walking along the corridor while looking out the window and admiring the blue sky. Since I didn't pay much attention to where I was going, I accidentally bumped into someone. I stumbled a little but managed to regain my balanced. The person however, fell on her butt. Her long bangs made it hard for me to look at her in the eye.

"Hey, are you okay?" I slightly bent my knees to helped her up but she pushed my hand away and got up on her own. It startled me for a second.

She walked past me and started making her way down the corridor. But the way she walked was...different. She almost dropped several times.

Is she okay?

I shoke my head and walked away ignoring the girl who was in the opposite direction. Just as I walked 10 steps away from that spot, I heard heavy footsteps running towards me. My heart pounded as I heard a growl. I turned around and something so quick pinned me down the floor.

"Ahh!!" I shouted as I tried to hold off the human who was trying to bite me. I looked at her carefully and it was the same girl who I bumped into earlier. But what the heck happened to her?!

"Oh shit!" I struggled to survive as she kept on pushing onto me. Her saliva was all over her mouth that it seriously grossed me out!

"Eww! Gross! Get off me!"

Just as the girl was about to bite my neck, someone came out of nowhere and hit her in the head causing her to drop on the floor beside me. That probably knocked her out or WORST killed her.

I turned my head to the person who was standing just beside me. He pulled me up and stared at me,"You okay?".

I didn't bother to reply him since I couldn't get the scene out of my head. She could either be dead or passed out.

"Holy shit! Did you just killed her!?" -Me

"She could have killed you instead" -Him

"B-but....that's crime! You could go to jail!" -Me

"Oh really? Did you take a close look at her?" He crossed his arms and raised one of his brow.

I looked at the girl once more and her ugly face really left a huge impact on me. I shivered then looked back at him.

"Okay...she looks like a dead zombie but so what? She's still human"

"You don't seem to get it. If she bit you, you would have turned into one of them"

"One of them? What do you mean, ONE OF THEM?"

"Oh come on woman! Are you stupid or what?"

"Hey! It's not my fault I have a slow brain and couldn't function it well!"

He sighed and grabbed my hand,"follow me"


He dragged me into the storage room which was located on the third floor of the school. No humans ever go there at times like this.

Perfect. I'm left alone with this creep and nobody will ever know that I was here. Great. Just my luck.

"Hey moron! Would you mind explaning to me what is going on!?" I slapped his hand away from mine. Damn, he really is a dude. His gripped left a mark on my beautiful wrist. Idiot.

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