Chapter Twenty-Four

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(A/N; Hello again everyone! :D This is ExoChanchan98 here. Sorry for the late update. I was busy with college and all. Hope you understand. Anyway, do tell us what you think of the story so far. We will very much appeciate it. You know how we enjoy reading you comments 😁)

Naeun's Pov

Trapped inside this room isn't doing us any good. We cut ourselves free but we're still trap inside here. There are 4 guys outside, guarding our room. Don't they have lunchbreak or something? Go and eat already!

"Now what? There's no way to walk past them without getting caught." -Kai

"We have another problem. Chanyeol is badly wounded. He can't even stand properly." -Luhan

"Then let us do the rest and you guys get him to safety." -Jungkook

"Where? The place is pack with armed guys." -Luhan

"You don't know that. Yet." -Jungkook

Luhan rolled his eyes at Jungkook and tried to lift Chanyeol up on his feet. I could use a joke from him right now. Man it sucks to see him like this.

"Jungkook, Eunji, Jude, Suho and Kris, we'll take out those guys outside. The rest of you, stay here until we say the coast is clear." -Jimin

The rest nodded their heads. Except for me that is. Those guys outside have guns and we have what? A katana, a baseball bat, a 5 inch blade and a rusty old knife. How are they going to help us? We'd be dead by the time you know it.

"Naeun? Naeun!"

I snapped back to reality when I heard someone calling my name. I turned my head towards the door and saw Jimin staring at me.

I want to hold him back. I want to stop him from going out there but I know how stubborn this guy is. There's no stopping him from doing what he wants to do. Can you stop being the hero for once?

"Did you hear what I said?" -Jimin

"Huh?" -Me

"Stay here and take care of the rest for me. I'll be back as soon as I can." -Jimin

He smiled and turned his head but I grabbed a hold of his hand which he immediately looked my way.

"Promise me.... promise me that you will come back. Promise me!" -Me

I tightened my grip onto his hand without breaking our gazes. He was shocked at first but he went back to normal after that.

He smiled once again and gently pulled my body against him and rested my head on his chest, caressing my back like a mother would when her child is in pain.

"I promise I'll come back to you. You can count on it." -Jimin

Hearing him say that assured me a bit. I know Jimin will keep his promise. I believe him in. I broke our hugs and give him a peck on the lips. I know the others are staring but who give a fuck?

"Be careful out there." -Me

"I will." -Jimin

Once we were done with our little drama, Jimin and the others carefully slipped out of the room but before they did, the two guys who were guarding outside were easily slit on their throats by Jimin and Jungkook (Jikook moment here! *throws confetties* okay ignore me 😒)

As the guys were busy killing the rest outside, the rest of us in here were getting ready to move. Luhan and Taehyung both had Chanyeol's arms on each sides as they lift him from the ground.

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