Chapter Four

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Hey guys! It's me again, Channie :D It's my turn to write the new chapter so please bare with me :P Anyways, sorry for the late wishes but Happy New Year everyone!! May you all have a wonderful 2015

Jungkook's Pov

While making our way to the baseball storage room, fighting for our very lives, I heard a girl scream and it came from the girl's locker room so without thinking, I rushed to that person leaving Suzy and my new co-survivors behind.

I didn't know what was I thinking but something just took control of my body. It lead me directly to that girl who shouted for help.

As soon as I got there, I saw her pinned down on the floor by one of the bloody zombie. When it made it's move to bite her, I quickly reacted by using the samurai sword and chopped off the zombie's head.

I took a moment to breathe before turning my gaze back to the girl where I found her passed out. I quickly went to her side and placed her head gently on my arm. The others came later on.

"Hey! Why did you suddenly run off like that?!" Eunji shouted at me.

"Babe..." I heard Suzy called.

I know what I did was completely irrasional. I shouldn't have left my girlfriend with two complete strangers for a girl I don't know.

I looked at the girl's face, amazed by her flawless skin and pink lips that looked really soft. I wasn't aware of my surroundings until I heard Suzy called my name for the second time.

I shaked my head then looked up at Suzy who was standing beside me, "Oh, sorry. I spaced out a little".

"Geez, you made us all worried for nothing" -Eunji

"Let him be, Eunji" -Kai

"Whatever" -Eunji

"Diva..." -Kai

"Fuck you" -Eunji

Hearing them argue made me shaked my head and sighed. I slowly lifted the girl from the ground and carried her bridal style.

"We should bring her along. We can't leave her here" -Me

"Great. More companions. Yipee..!" Eunji throwed her hands in the air before she started walking to the baseball storage room. Kai followed soon after.

"Let's go" I said to Suzy before following the other two. I didn't bother to look behind. All I could think about just getting this girl to safety.

Chanyeol's POV

"This freaking zombie movie isn't fucking entertaining at all! Seriously! Who is the director for this stupid movie?! Damn it!"

"Dude...chill the fuck down. You're scaring my balls off" Baekhyun who was standing against the wall told me to chill.

"How could I possibly calm down!? People are getting eaten out there by those fucking brainless zombies and we're here, doing nothing but standing around and chilling our butts off!" I messed my hair. Boy, I should seriously control my anger management.

"I know how you feel. In fact, all of us here does. And we're all so scared that we could even die because of it. As much as we want to help those people out there, we can't. We'd be risking our lives and I don't want that. YOU don't want that" Lay stared at me without blinking.

If this was a staring contest, this guy would definitely get first place.

I sighed and took a deep breathe, forcing myself to calm down. I'm probably scaring everyone.

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